
shēnɡ wù tǒnɡ jì xué
  • biometrics;biostatistics
  1. 利用计算机多媒体技术研制了生物统计学MCAI网络教学平台。

    " Biostatistics Network teaching platform " was developed .

  2. 生物统计学MCAI网络教学平台的研制

    On Network Teaching Platform of Biostatistics MCAI

  3. 在人类干扰对大熊猫生境选择的影响上,则采用生物统计学中的独立性检验(independencetesting)对大熊猫栖息地内的人类干扰进行了定量分析,确定主要影响因子。

    As for the human disturbance on the selection of giant pandas ' habitat , the independence testing was used to quantitatively analyze the human disturbance on gaint panda habitat and identify the key influencing factors .

  4. 目前,ROC分析被公认为衡量诊断信息和诊断决策质量的最佳方法,其方法和应用的研究在生物统计学、临床流行病学、放射学、决策学、实验室医学等领域十分活跃。

    ROC analysis is now widely recognized as the best approach for measuring the quality of diagnostic information and diagnostic decisions .

  5. 经生物统计学分析发现,No.2和No.12号染色体脆性位点表达频率在个体中有明显差异,而且前者与大熊猫个体的子代存活率呈负相关(r=-0.772)。

    After statistic analysis , we found that the frequency of fragile sites on No. 2 and No. 12 chromosomes are notably different among pandas .

  6. 通过流式计数法计算3个缺失突变体诱发细胞凋亡比率,用生物统计学方法说明不同的比率与HAP诱发细胞凋亡的比率相比都有显著差异。

    The apoptosis ratios of three mutants counted by flow cytometry showed significant difference from the apoptosis ratio of hap with biostatistical method .

  7. 在室内,以0柴油WAF为诱导物,开展了褐菖鲉肝EROD的剂量效应实验和时间效应实验,采用生物统计学的方法,确定了这种诱导物对酶的最低诱导剂量和最短诱导时间。

    After dose-response experiment and time-course experiment of hepatic EROD , the minimal dose and time for significant induction of the enzyme were determined in scorpionfish .

  8. 采用随机区组设计,重复三次,利用生物统计学方法,探讨不同苔葱抑制剂剂量、不同洋葱品种L1代的生物学表现。

    The experiment was designed with random grouping and repeated three times . With biological statistics , we studied biological effects of different dosages of onion stem inhibitor upon different L1 generation onion varieties .

  9. 生物统计学课程教学中对学生的综合能力培养

    Cultivating Students ' Comprehensive Ability during the Process of Biometrics Teaching

  10. 21世纪生物统计学教材建设初探

    On the Construction of Biostatistical Textbook in the 21st Century

  11. 生物统计学:应用统计学来分析生物现象的科学。

    Biometry The application of statistics to the analysis of biological phenomena .

  12. 在所有的生物统计学系统中,语音识别最复杂,而且精确度最低。

    Speech recognition system is the most complex among all the biological statistic systems .

  13. 《生物统计学》教学改革与实践

    Teaching reform and practice of the course Biostatistics

  14. 提高《生物统计学》教学效果的探讨

    Exploration on Improving Teaching Effect of Biostatistics

  15. 《生物统计学》教学改革的几点思考

    Several Considerations on Teaching Reformation of Biostatistics

  16. 生物统计学进展概论

    An introduction of recent developments in biometrics

  17. 用生物统计学方法,对春小麦早熟性的遗传规律进行了研究。

    We studied the genetic law of prematurity in spring wheat by using biostatistics method .

  18. 数据分析使用了多变量的聚类分析,生物统计学中的方差分析、t-检验、回归等方法。

    The data were analyzed by cluster analyses and one-way ANOVA , Mest and regression analyses .

  19. 在某种程度上,生物统计学方法能够检验顾客是否愿意放弃部分隐私以获得便利。

    In some ways , biometric access tests consumers'willingness to give up some privacy to gain convenience .

  20. 在过去几年内,各种不同的生物统计学系统已经被发展克服这些缺点。

    Over the past few years , various biometric systems have been developed to overcome these disadvantages .

  21. 利用生物统计学的方法和原理,借助统计分析软件分析上述指标与体重之间的相关性,以期寻找可用于早期选种的遗传标记。

    The relationship was analyzed by the principles and methods in biological statistics through the SPSS software .

  22. 在分子生物学和生物统计学领域中具有很强背景的一个生物信息学专家被雇用。

    A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired .

  23. 公共卫生有许多子领域,一般分为流行病学、生物统计学和健康服务。

    Public health has many sub-fields , but is typically divided into the categories of epidemiology , biostatistics and health services .

  24. 这一技术成为生物统计学识别技术,即根据独一无二的生理学特征自动识别个人身份的技术。

    This technique is called biological statistic recognition , which automatically recognize the personal identity based on the unique physiological character .

  25. 指纹成像是一种名为“生物统计学”的相对较新的技术的组成部分,该技术通过个人的生物学特征识别身份。

    Finger imaging is part of a relatively new technology called " biometrics ", which identifies people by using their individual biological traits .

  26. 应用生物统计学的方法,对7个供试平菇菌株的菌丝体生长速度与子实体产量进行了相关性分析。

    The correlation between the mycelium growth rate and the fruiting body yield of 7 strains tested of Pleurotus was analyzed by the method of biological statistics .

  27. 生物特征识别技术就是在这种情况下应运而生的。生物特征识别技术是基于生物统计学的身份自动鉴别技术,利用人的生理特征或行为特征通过计算机来鉴别一个人的身份。

    Under the case , biometrics , which refers to automatic identification of a person based on his / her distinct physiological or behavioral characteristics , was emerged .

  28. 实验通过对实验鱼的体重、体高、体长和性腺重进行测定,然后应用生物统计学原理进行相关性的分析,最后得出结论。

    This research reach to a conclusion from measuring the weight , height , and length of fish 's body and analyzing the correlation of result in Biometry .

  29. 近年来,高密度分子标记连锁图的构建和有效的生物统计学方法的发展使人们对数量性状遗传基础的研究出现了革命性的变化。

    In recent years , the construction of highly dense molecular linkage map and the development of effective biostatistical methods have revolutionized the genetic studies of quantitative traits .

  30. 人们对生物统计学接口技术越来越感兴趣是因为巨额诈骗案件的增多以及此项技术成本的下降。

    The increase in interest in biometric access stems from an increase in fraud involving more money , as well as a decline in the cost of the technology .