
jǔ shì zhèn jīng
  • Shocked by the world;strike the world with amazement
举世震惊[jǔ shì zhèn jīng]
  1. 上个月,惠普公布了一个举世震惊的消息,宣布可能会剥离或卖掉其销售PC硬件的个人系统集团。

    Last month , the company dropped a bombshell , announcing it might spin-off or sell its personal systems group , which sells PC hardware .

  2. 埃塞俄比亚的饥荒举世震惊。

    The famine in Ethiopia has shocked the world .

  3. 里德女士或许一直在固执己见,但并非只有她一个人对一些举世震惊的事件做出这样的反应。

    Ms Read may have sat tight but hers was not the only response to the world-shaking events .

  4. 挪威决心不让布雷维克举世震惊的行为影响本国与众不同的生活方式,这一点十分突出。

    One thing that stands out is Norway 's determination not to let Mr Breivik 's appalling deeds affect its unusual way of life .

  5. 1866年,海洋中多艘过往船只遭到海怪袭击,消息一传开,举世震惊。

    During the year of1866 , the world was shocked to hear stories of a sea monster attacking several ships that passed through the oceans .

  6. 一家大型老练机构的衍生品业务出现10位数损失,举世震惊,其股价暴跌。几位评论人士说我早就预言过了,部分政客则嚷嚷着要实行改革。

    A large sophisticated institution surprised everyone with a 10-figure loss on derivatives , its stock price crumbled , a few pundits said I told you so , and some politicians clamoured for reform .

  7. 阿拉伯人在英国的军事、财政援助下,怀着建立独立、统一的阿拉伯国家的梦想发动了举世震惊的阿拉伯大起义,在打败土耳其的战争中作出了重大贡献。

    The Arabs held the dream of the establishment of an independent unified Arab country and launched the shocking Arab Revolt with the British military and financial aid , which subsequently made a significant contribution in the Anti-Turkey war .

  8. 就仅在2010年前三个季度,就发生了举世震惊的墨西哥湾钻井平台爆炸、新加坡海峡溢油和我国大连湾溢油事件,它们都造成了巨大的经济损失和难以估量的生态灾难。

    Only in the first quarters of 2010 , three serious accidents including drilling platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico , strait oil spill in Singapore and oil spill in the Dalian Gulf of China happened earth-shatteringly , causing great financial losses and inestimable ecological disasters .