
  • 网络quadratic equation;1-2k;a-b
  1. 介绍了系统的工作流程和数据库设计。以初中数学中的一元二次方程章节为例,演示了系统在两种模式下对学生的知识状态进行诊断测试的过程。

    Introduced the work flow and database design of the system , took the quadratic equation with one unknown in math course of middle school as an example and demonstrated the study diagnosis process under the two models .

  2. 烃源岩排烃系数的一元二次方程及其应用

    One Variable Quadratic Equation of Expulsion Coefficient from Source Rocks and Its Application

  3. 结论一元二次方程可以很好反映淋巴细胞DNA断片迁移长度与γ射线照射剂量之间的量效曲线。

    Conclusions The quadratic model is fit for the curvilinear relationship of the migration length to radiation dose .

  4. 含参数一元二次方程根的性质

    The Properties of the Real Root of Equation of One-place 2-th Order

  5. 有关一元二次方程问题的误解剖析

    Analysis on Some Common Errors in Solving Quadratic Equations

  6. 文章通过对一元二次方程的演绎,展示教学过程中教师如何引导学生研究数学问题的变化与发展过程。

    This paper demonstrates how teachers instruct students to study the change and processing of mathematics problems .

  7. 镉累积释放量与淋溶量的关系可用一元二次方程描述。

    The relation between the cumulative release amount of cadmium with the leaching amount could be described with mono basic quadratic equation .

  8. 结果表明:油层孔隙度、渗透率与净覆压的关系以一元二次方程最为密切;

    The research shows that the relationship between formation porosity , permeability and net overburden pressure is closely related to univariate quadratic equation ;

  9. 利用一元二次方程的求根公式构造二元二次方程组的迭代算法,通过图解二元二次方程组的解来说明迭代算法在实践中的应用。

    In this paper , the author gives the formula of roots of a quadric equation over a field of2 k elements and presents the problem .

  10. 据适宜施肥条件下水稻氮、磷、钾单因素一元二次肥效方程分析,氮肥最佳施用量呈逐年显著增加趋势,钾肥最佳施用量有所上升,磷肥最佳施用量缓慢增加。

    Based on single quadratic equation of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium under suitable fertilization rate , the optimum amount of N fertilizer among years had significantly increasing trend , the one for P fertilizer increased and K fertilizer with a slightly increase .

  11. 通过研究混合泥质砂岩有效介质通用HB电阻率模型的求解方法,表明模型导出的关于S(wt)的方程是一个一元二次方程,可用求根公式求解,解法非常简单。

    After deriving Swt from the model , we find out that the water saturation equation is a quadratic equation about Swt , so its solution is very simple and obtained by using the standard quadratic-root formula .

  12. 该方法不用求解非线性相对运动微分方程,只需解一个一元二次代数方程,就可给出任意偏心率和非线性条件下,两个具有明显物理意义的周期性相对运动初始条件。

    The method solves an algebraic equation instead of a set of nonlinear differential equations to find the two initial conditions for the periodic relative rotating orbits for any eccentric orbit with nonlinear relative motion .

  13. 其一是通过求解一元二次方程,推导出相邻两幅干涉图之间相移量的计算式,由相邻两幅干涉图和物光及参考光强度计算任意未知相移量。

    In the first one of them , the equation to calculate the phase shift between two adjacent frames is deduced by solving a monadic quadratic equation and then the arbitrary unknown phase shift can be calculated by using the two interferograms and the intensities of object and reference waves .

  14. 学生学习离不开方程,求一元一次方程和一元二次方程的根十分必要。

    The students need equation , It is very necessary that slover the root equation of a degree and equation of two degree .

  15. 从前求一元一次方程和一元二次方程的根,要求输入方程的系数,数据间逗号或空格分隔,输出方程的根。

    Once upon , slover the root equation of a degree and equation of two degree that need input coefficient of equation , data separate need comma or space , output the root equation .

  16. 该方法利用了透视投影中的交比不变性质,在畸变模型为一阶径向畸变的情况下,只需要空间共线的4个点的图像坐标和其交比,建立一元二次方程即可标定畸变参数。

    It overcomes the disadvantages of existing distortion calibration approaches . Assumed only with one order radial distortion , image coordinates of only 4 special collinear points are needed as well as the cross ratio of them .