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hàn zì
  • Chinese character;Chinese ideograph;sinogram
汉字 [hàn zì]
  • [Chinese characters] 记录汉语的文字。现用汉字是从甲骨文、金文、篆文、隶书演变而来:在形体上逐渐由图形变为笔画,象形变为象征,复杂变为简单;在造字原则上从表形、表意到形声。一个字一个音节,绝大多数是形声字。朝鲜、越南、日本曾使用汉字千余年

汉字[hàn zì]
  1. 谜语的答案可以是一个汉字、一个名人的名字或一个地名。

    The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character , a famous person 's name , or a place name .

  2. 用Turboc实现弹出式彩色汉字菜单

    Use Turbo C to Realize the Colour Chinese character Menu

  3. 我只认识有限的几个汉字。

    I only know a few Chinese characters .

  4. 相传,中国的汉字是仓颉发明的。

    It is said that Cang Jie created the Chinese writing system .

  5. 如果他们喜欢汉字,他们可以学习书法。

    If they like Chinese handing , they can learn calligraphy .

  6. 在今天的汉字中,仍然可以看到一些古老的符号。

    Some of the ancient symbols can still be seen in today 's hanzi .

  7. ●写汉字●理解同一个词语在不同句子里的意思●读中文诗歌

    ● Writing Chinese characters ● Understanding the same word in different sentences ● Reading Chinese poems

  8. 但这并不容易。中国人在每个词中使用不同的汉字。

    But it 's not easy . The Chinese use a different character ( ) for each word .

  9. 以"8"为例,汉字"发"与数字"8"的汉语发音几乎相同,意思是发财。

    Take " 8 " for example , the Chinese pronunciation of the number " 8 " has almost the same sound as that of the Chinese character " [ fa : ] " , which means making a fortune .

  10. 他说,说汉语其实并不是那么难,他们只是很难理解不同的句子中的同一个词,也很难读懂中国古诗词,但是,写汉字才是汉语学习中最难的部分。

    He said that Speaking Chinese is not so difficult , it was difficult for them to understand the same word in different sentences and read Chinese poets , but writing Chinese charactersis the most difficult part of learning the language .

  11. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  12. 中国的学者指出,“提笔忘字”的情况会发生是因为大部分中国人使用的电子设备输入法都是拼音输入法,所有汉字都通过字母来输入。

    Chinese boffins say that character amnesia happens because most Chinese people use electronic input systems based on Pinyin , which translates Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet .

  13. 用户输入拼音后,电子设备就会提供一系列与之匹配的汉字供选。所以用户只须识别这些汉字,而根本不需要把它们写出来。

    The user enters each word using Pinyin , and the device offers a menu of characters . So users must recognise the character , however they don 't need to write it any more .

  14. 长对角线法实现GIS中矢量地图面状地物汉字注记的自动配置

    Automatic Placement of GIS Vector Map Annotation in Area Feature by Long-Diagonal

  15. IBM大型机与小型机间汉字转换解决方案

    The Solution for Chinese Characters Conversion between IBM Mainframe and IBM Minicom

  16. UNIX工作站CAD软件通用汉字输入系统的研制

    Universal Chinese character input system for CAD software on UNIX workstations

  17. 利用软汉字库在X-Y寻址DC-PDP上显示汉字

    Using a software library for displaying Chinese characters by X-Y addressing on DC-PDP

  18. AutoCAD不同版本间的汉字兼容问题

    On Chinese Character Portable Problems Between Different Versions of AutoCAD

  19. 通用《汉字录入速度及准确率测试CAI》的技术特色

    Technical Feature of General CAI for Measuring the Speed & Veracity of Chinese Characters'Input

  20. 工作记忆中汉字与空间的分离及动态优势半球的ERP效应

    ERP effects of dissociation and dynamic hemispheric dominance of Chinese characters and spatial information in working memory

  21. 研究了手写体汉字识别技术,采用改进BP算法进行网络训练,提高了算法的收敛速度。

    A technological research on recognition of handwritten Chinese characters based on improved BP algorithm is summarized . This algorithm can enhance convergence speed .

  22. Unicode汉字字符拼音代码生成算法

    A Algorithm About Creating Bopomofo Code by Unicode Characters

  23. 带汉字支援的COBOL数据管理系统

    A COBOL data management system supported by Chinese characters

  24. Unicode内码转换与汉字乱码

    Unicode Internal Code Transform and Chinese Random Code

  25. 基于IMM的汉字检索技术的应用

    The application of searching technique for Chinese character on IMM

  26. 基于C-Bézier曲线的汉字轮廓字库描述及生成

    Description and Generation of Chinese Outline Based on C-B é zier Curves

  27. QRCode码除了具有其他二维条码的优点以外,还可超高速全方位识读,并有效表示汉字。

    Besides the advantages of other 2 dimension bar code , QR Code can give response at very high speed and omni bearing and express Chinese characters effectively .

  28. 其中,矩阵式二维条码QR码(QuickResponseCode)以其高效的汉字编码能力和快速识别的特性,在我国广泛使用。

    QR code ( quick response code ), a matrix two-dimensional bar code , is widely used in our country , according to its efficient encoding characteristics of Chinese characters and rapid identification .

  29. RT比较,男性和女性,图像及汉字结构刺激均长于单音刺激(P<0.05),图像与汉字结构刺激比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    The RT of characters of Chinese words and picture stimulus were longer than that of tone stimulus , but no different between characters of Chinese words and picture stimulus both in males and females .

  30. 基于N-Gram模型的高速汉字编码识别系统

    N-Gram Based High Speed Chinese Encoding Recognizing System