
hàn zú
  • the Han nationality, China's main nationality, distributed all over the country;the Han nationality;Han
汉族 [hàn zú]
  • [the Han nationality] 中国人数最多的民族,分布在全国各地

汉族[hàn zú]
  1. 司马在汉族姓氏里是复姓。

    S ī m ǎ is a compound surname among Chinese surnames .

  2. 中国成都汉族群体线粒体DNA控制区序列多态性研究

    Sequence polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 100 Chengdu Hans in China

  3. 长沙地区汉族人群载脂蛋白H基因多态性的研究

    Apolipoprotein H gene polymorphisms in changsha hans

  4. 结果:蒙古族样本各分测验的g因素负荷在0.45至0.71之间,两因子结构和三因子结构都与汉族样本和常模样本基本相似。

    Results : The ten subtests had 0.41 to 0.71 factor loading in the Mongolia sample .

  5. HLA多态性在广东汉族人群分布的特殊性

    Characterization and distribution of HLA polymorphism in the Guangdong Han population

  6. 用多重PCR检测上海地区汉族人群9个STR基因座的多态性

    The Polymorphism Distributions of Nine STR Loci in Shanghai Han Population

  7. 北方汉族Grave病与HLA相关性研究

    The Study of Grave Disease Associated with HLA in Northern Han Chinese

  8. 江苏汉族人群FⅧ基因内微卫星DNA多态性研究及其在基因诊断中的应用

    Polymorphism of microsatellite DNA within F ⅷ gene of Chinese hans in Jiangsu Province and its application in gene diagnosis

  9. 大连地区汉族人BβFg基因启动子区-455G/A多态性分析

    The Study on the Promoter Region of β - fibrinogen Gene Polymorphisms in Dalian Chinese

  10. 上海、无锡地区汉族人群HLADR4基因14种亚型分析

    Studies on Fourteen HLA DR_4 Subtypes in a Chinese Papulation from Shanghai and Wuxi

  11. 海南地区汉族人群HLA及其单倍型频率分析

    Analysis of HLA and its haplotype gene frequency in Han nationality in Hainan Province

  12. 中国北方汉族人群自身免疫性甲状腺疾病与X染色体2个多态位点的连锁分析

    Linkage analysis of two susceptibility loci on chromosome X for autoimmune thyroid disease among the Hans in the north of China

  13. 中国汉族人ATM基因的单核苷酸多态与点突变

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms and point mutations of ataxia telangiectasia mutated gene in Chinese of Han ethnicity

  14. 结果:郑州市汉族健康人群与DMCAD患者血清ArE/PON1活性频数均呈单峰正态分布;

    Results : Serum ArE / PON1 activity distributions in healthy group and DM-CAD group were all normal distribution .

  15. 用等电聚焦免疫固定技术调查成都地区汉族群体Bf的遗传多态性。遗传算法及其在排班问题中的应用

    Genetic algorithms and its application in shifts arrangement

  16. 湖南汉族系统性红斑狼疮患者FcγRⅢa&158V/F多态性研究

    Polymorphism of Fc Gamma Receptor Ty pe ⅲ in Han Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus from Hunan Province

  17. 怀化地区汉族ABO血型的分布

    Distribution of the ABO Blood Groups of Han Nationality in Huaihua

  18. 北方汉族泛发型白癜风与HLAⅠ、Ⅱ类等位基因相关性研究

    Association of HLA class ⅰ and ⅱ alleles with generalized vitiligo in Chinese Hans in north China

  19. 中国3个地区汉族人群补体C6的遗传多态性研究

    Studies on Polymorphism of C6 in Han Nationality of China

  20. 结论中国汉族人ATM基因的单核苷酸多态与白人存在较大差异。

    Conclusion There are great differences in the SNPs of ATM gene between Chinese of Han ethnicity and Caucasian .

  21. 浙江汉族DEL表型基因分型方法的建立

    Establishment of Genotyping Method for DEL Phenotype in Zhejiang Han Population

  22. 目的调查中国南方汉族人群MICA基因穿膜区(TM)基因座多态性分布。

    Objective To investigate the genetic polymorphism of transmembrane of MICA locus in southern Han population .

  23. 中国汉族人群中与特发性肺动脉高压相关的VIP和KCNA5基因变异

    VIP Gene Variants Related to Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Han Nationality of Chinese Population

  24. 结论mtDNA(CA)n重复子多态性在河南汉族人群具有一定的法医学应用价值,尤其对于腐败肌肉及角化组织。

    Conclusion : The polymorphism of mtDNA CA dinucleotide repeats is useful in forensic genetics , especially for decomposed and keratinized samples .

  25. HPV高危亚型感染频率在维吾尔族、汉族宫颈癌中不同。

    The infection frequency of HPV high-risk subtypes was different between the Uigur and Han cervical cancer .

  26. 方法:用PCR技术检测102例中国汉族Ⅱ型糖尿病患者ACE基因I/D多态基因型。

    Methods : PCR technique was used to determine the ACE gene genotypes in 102 cases of Chinese type ⅱ diabetics .

  27. 汉族人群Toll样受体5、9基因单核苷酸多态性与风湿性心脏病的相关性研究

    Association Analysis of Single-nucleotide Polymorphisms in Toll-like Receptor 5 and 9 Genes with Rheumatic Heart Disease in Chinese Han Population

  28. 结论微粒体环氧化物水解酶基因与中国北方汉族人COPD易感性无关。

    Conclusion Genetic polymorphism in mEH is not associated with development of COPD in Han nationality of North China .

  29. 目的:调查河南汉族人群中DNA遗传标记-6个短串联重复序列的基因多态性。

    AIM : To investigate the genetic polymorphism of 6 short tandem repeat ( STR ) loci of the DNA genetic markers in people of Han nationality in Henan Province .

  30. 海南汉族和黎族冠心病人群ACE基因多态性的对比分析

    Distribution of ACE gene polymorphisms in coronary heart disease patients of nationalities of Li and Han in Hainan