
  • 网络thinking;ideation;Thinking ability
  1. 这一职业特点对人民警察提出了相应的素质要求:敏锐的观察力、敏捷的思维力和快速反应力。

    The vocational traits ask the people 's police for appropriate qualities : sharp insight , agile thinking and quick respose .

  2. 因此,作为一名语文教育工作者,一定要把观察力、记忆力、想像力和思维力等智力开发摆在显著的位置。

    Therefore , for a Chinese teacher dedicated to this field , it is important to lay great emphasis on the ability development of observation , memory , imagination , and thinking .

  3. 本文根据幼儿数学学习的规律,提出了缓慢对幼儿进行正规数学教育的新理念,运用多媒体计算机辅助教学(MCAI),在游戏中培养儿童数学思维力。

    In this paper , based on the laws of children 's mathematical learning , the author puts forward the new conception of slowing down the normal mathematical education on children , building children 's mathematical thinking through games .

  4. 现代英语教学与创造性思维力培养

    Modern English Language Teaching and the Development of Creative Thinking Ability

  5. 论科学思维力的培养

    On the Fostering of the Capacity for Scientific Thinking Progress in Science ON THE FORCE

  6. 事实上,你的工作是给团队的集体思维力套上缰绳,使之为公司的利益服务。

    In fact , your job is to harness the collective brainpower of your team for the good of the company .

  7. 论思维力与语文螺旋结构之形成&以多、二、一(0)的螺旋结构加以观察

    Thinking Ability and the Formation of Spiral Structure in Language & From the Perspective of the Multiple , Binary and Unitary Zero Spiral Structure

  8. 创造教育的主要目标是培养学生的创造能力,而创造能力的高低又取决于创造性思维力水平的高低,所以说,创新教育亦是思维导向的教育。

    Creative thinking ability determines creative ability , which is the main aim of creativity education , as the education of thought guiding in a sense .

  9. 在认知过程中,大学生的观察力、注意力、记忆力、思维力及想象力都有了明显提高,同时也还有明显的不足;

    In the cognitive course , college students ' observation , attention , memory , thinking and imagination all obviously have been improved , and have obvious deficiencies too at the same time ;

  10. 本文从教育产出链概念出发,揭示教育质量的生成过程,提出创新思维力是教育质量的生命力所在。

    From the conception of the educational output chain , the paper shows the formative process of educational quality , and presents the innovative thinking is a vital power for the educational quality .

  11. 就如何使用和激发右脑的智力潜能,充分发挥学生的观察力、形象思维力和想象力,以提高组织学和胚胎学教学效果和学习质量。

    The article explains how to use and explore the potential of the right cerebrum , develop students ' observation , and thinking in images and imagination , so as to improve teaching and learning of histology and embryology .

  12. 新建地方本科院校在努力开展科研的同时注重教学研究,并将教学研究成果转化为教育生产力,促进学校学习力、思维力和文化力的提升。

    They should emphasize teaching research while making efforts to carry out scientific research and change the fruits of teaching research into educational productivity to advance the study power , thought power and cultural power of the universities and colleges .

  13. 对于一个语文教师,保持持久的思维创新力是非常宝贵的。

    Keep thinking , innovation and lasting for a language teacher , is very valuable .

  14. 方法开放及其主题情境性教学能加快中上成绩学生的思维发散力发展。

    Iii. Method open-ended problem and Subject Situated Teaching can accelerate radiant thinking of students with high level .

  15. 概括:重要的思维、表达力&在应用写作教学中提高学生的思维能力

    Generalization : An Important Ability of Thinking and Expressing & To improve students'ability of thinking in applied writing course

  16. 当代经济全球化的广度、深度和强度已经远远超越我们思维的理解力和语言的表达力。

    The extensiveness , the profoundness and the intensiveness of present-day economy globalization has gone beyond our comprehension and expression .

  17. 临床表现为记忆障碍、失语、失用、失认、视空间能力损害、抽象思维和计算力损害、人格和行为改变。

    The clinical manifestations are memory disorders , aphasia , apraxia , agnosia , visuospatial disability , damaging of abstract thinking and computing ability , personality and behavioral changing .

  18. 说是思维敏捷,理解力强。

    Said to be quick thinking , understanding and strong .

  19. 当然,一定的思维能力和理解力还是有必要的。

    Some degree of ability to think and understand is , of course , essential ;

  20. 这种思维方式具有号召力和指导力,能把中国人民的思想和行动统一起来;

    It can fuse the thought and the act of the Chinese people into a whole .

  21. 提高归纳、类比能力,引导大胆猜想;发展发散思维,促进直觉力的提高;谈谈数学的直觉思维及其训练

    Develop thought , promote intuitive ability ; On Mathematical Intuitive Thought and Its Attempted Training Practice

  22. 县城中学高中学生的思维能力、观察力、注意力、记忆力、以及联想力、想象力等存在着个体差异。

    There are individual differences among their mind , observation , memory , association and imagination .

  23. 心智模式在组织内开发对后天习得的思维方式的领悟力,并且不断地质疑这些思维方式。

    Mental models-to develop awareness of the acquired patterns of thinking within organisations , and to constantly challenge them .

  24. 采取一些有启发创造性思维练习、表现力练习、增强自信心练习等教学方法,在击剑教学中对学生进行针对性的心理素质培养。

    Special training to college girl students ' psychological quality were done in fencing teaching with adoption of teaching methods such as innovative mental exercises , representation exercises and self-confidence raising exercises .

  25. 第二部分借鉴绘画艺术中的感知技巧和思维方式,提出了用艺术思维和艺术感觉力来把握感觉。详细地论述了艺术感觉力的能力结构、特性及对设计师设计水平的影响。

    The second part introduces art thinking and art sensibility from painting into product design for designer to master sense and demonstrates the structure of art sensibility .

  26. 要提高学生的应用写作思维能力,必须在教学中重视对学生思维力的培养,强化思维定势养成训练、思维品质训练和思维纠错训练,以引领、促进其它写作技能的提高。

    We must cultivate the ideation of the students to improve their ability of thinking so as to improve the ability of the application writing of the students .

  27. 本文将重点放在音乐中的发散思维研究上,着重对发散思维的音乐表现力进行调查、分析、观察、实验等方法的研究。

    The study is concerned with the divergent thinking in music ; the emphases are put on the investigation , analysis , observation and experiments on the music performance of divergent thinking .

  28. “中介论”的引入,为文艺社会学研究提供了一种全新的思维方式、理论构架模式,克服了传统直观反映论的理论缺陷,增强了理论的科学性、现代辨证思维色彩和说服力。

    Intermediary View offers sociology researching of liberal arts a completely new thought way and theory constructing model , which overcomes the defects of traditional " Direct Reflective View ", and emphasizes the theory 's scientific quality , modern dialectical ideas and persuasion .