
  • 网络Reasoning;Inference;organum;the rationalistic method
  1. 苦修的宗教;不考虑细节的自然推理法。

    Muscular religion ; muscular reasoning that does not take the details into account .

  2. 研究方法主要运用比较法、归纳法、演绎推理法等研究传统色彩观对动画创作者的影响,分析中国传统色彩在动画创作中的应用。

    Research methods mainly use the comparative method , inductive method , deductive reasoning and so on .

  3. 针对目前模拟电路故障诊断中的技术难点,提出了基于案例库推理法(CBR)的模拟电路故障诊断方法。

    Case-based reasoning ( CBR ) was applied to the diagnosis of the analog circuit faults .

  4. 在线推理法:整个模糊推理过程在QuartusⅡ软件平台上直接编程实现。

    The whole fuzzy inference process is realized by programming directly on the Quartus ⅱ software platform .

  5. 采用Dempster-Shafer证据推理法,融合判决算法,在模拟的单站多传感器系统中,进行计算机仿真。

    This paper introduces computer simulation of simulated monostatic multi sensor system based on Dempster Shafer evidence inference and fusion decision algorithm .

  6. 研究了一种决策层信息融合方法(Dempster-Shafer证据推理法)在汽车防抱死系统故障诊断中的应用,并详细介绍了在此实例中的故障识别框架的建立、mass函数的确定、证据合成等内容。

    Application of one decision level information fusion method ( Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory ) in fault diagnosis of ABS is studied , and recounts the fault diagnosis identification framework , the establishment of mass function , evidence compose and etc in this instance .

  7. 采用文献资料法、逻辑推理法、综合分析法、Delphi法,从整体论出发,对比较联想选择题(C.A.C.Q)作为客观试题的主要成份进行了研究。结果表明,运用C。

    This paper makes a study on the major elements of comparison association multiple choice questions ( C.A.C.Q ) as objective test questions by historical documents , logical argumentation , analytic and synthetic methods and Delphi method .

  8. 逆向推理法在汽轮机进水事件故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Backward Inference for Fault Diagnosis in the Turbine Water Induction

  9. 基于证据推理法的港口竞争力评价研究

    The Research of Port 's Competitiveness Evaluation Based on Evidential Reasoning Approach

  10. 域规则表示和主线推理法

    Domain Rule Representation and the Main Thread Reasoning Algorithm

  11. 用推理法实现信息模型的重用

    Reuse of Information Models Using Analogical Reasoning

  12. 逻辑推理法:由此设计得到彼设计,寻找内在线索,不仅仅限于由自然到设计,还包括从旧有的设计到新的设计。

    Logic Inference : Basing on sample analyzing , finding inner clues and disciplines in evolution of design .

  13. 带有区间约束的产品设计参数模糊推理法及其在继电器智能设计中的应用

    Fuzzy Reasoning Method on the Undecided Parameter with Range Restraint and Its Application on Intelligent Design of Relay

  14. 专家用于求解问题的高级的但常常是不确切的经验法则和直觉推理法。

    The high-level , often imprecise rules of thumb and intuitive reasoning that experts use to solve problems .

  15. 然后运用演绎推理法,使之转变为职能性行政行为。

    Then , with the deduction rationalistic method , it can be changed into general administrative of functional responsibility .

  16. 此外,程大昌也运用了不少推理法,做出了极为精彩的考证。

    Besides these , Cheng-Da-Chang have also wielded many reasoning law , he made extremely wonderful textual criticism out .

  17. 采用三角型隶属度函数、最小值推理法和加权平均法简化了模糊推理过程。

    Adopts the triangle membership function , minimum inference method and weighted average method to simplify the fuzzy inference process .

  18. 随机融合包括经典推理法、卡尔曼滤波法和专家系统法等,用于三级融合各阶段。

    Randomizing method includes classical organon , Kalman filter and expert system , which can be used in each level .

  19. 本文分别就聚类分析法、模糊识别、似然推理法和综合评判法进行介绍。

    In this paper , clustering analysis , pattern recognition , likelihood reasoning and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation were discussed respectively .

  20. 最后,对证据推理法的评价模型和本文的不足之处进行了总结和讨论。

    Finally , the paper summarizes and discusses the evaluation model of Evidence Reasoning Approach and the lack of this paper .

  21. 第五部分:为了培养学生的创新能力,必须重视物理研究方法的教学。该部分介绍了最富有创造性的三种物理研究方法:理想化方法、类比推理法和归纳推理法。

    The 5th part presents three most creative research methods in physics : idealized method , analogy method and the inductive method .

  22. 分析了推理法计算的洪峰流量在北方干早地区偏小的原因。

    The reasons for the above results acquired by the inference method being on the small side in the northern arid region is then analyzed .

  23. 基于模糊推理法设计了步进驱动系统适应性模糊控制器,用于雷达罩天线座跟踪测量仪模拟跟踪测量目标。

    Based on the fuzzy inference method , a closed loop adaptive fuzzy controler was designed and used on a radar antenna measuring instrument to trace a target .

  24. 本文以规范研究方法为主,适当运用文献调查分析方法、归纳分析法、演绎推理法和比较研究的方法。论文着重分析了国有企业是法人并应该享有法人所有权的相关问题。

    Based on the normative research method , this paper also use the literature analysis method , inductive analysis , deductive reasoning and the method of comparative study .

  25. 理论评估部分主要采用逻辑分析推理法,通过建立的理论假设前提,在现代经济学的分析框架下,从可动员资源的角度,通过建立数理模型对动员潜力的理论评估进行了研究。

    Under the framework of modern economics , the first part establishes theoretical assumptions and mathematical models in use of logical reasoning method to assess the supporting capacity .

  26. 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑推理法、综合归纳法对我国大众健美操发展进行社会学分析。

    By the methods of literature research , investigation , survey of experts , mathematical statistics , logical deducing , we analyze the development of aerobics in China .

  27. 应用数学演绎推理法证明了这种基准使位置误差偏移值最小,又符合实际装配工作条件,比较理想。

    Mathematical derivation proves that the reference makes the offset of position error more small , and accords with the running condition of practical fixation , which is more ideal .

  28. 然后,本文选取了4家具有代表性的航运企业对证据推理法的模型进行了实证分析,为以后的实际应用提供一个借鉴。

    Then , this paper selected the four representative shipping enterprises to empirical analysis using the model of Evidential Reasoning Approach . It can provide a reference for the later practical application .

  29. 通过对应用实例的大量测试表明,面向用户投诉的不精确信息,采用贝叶斯不精确推理法和面向对象技术,可以排除少数故障投诉中的错误信息的不利影响,最终获得比较可信的故障定位结果。

    Simulation results show that the bad effects of mistaken information in a few trouble calls can be eliminated and consequently , a reliable reasoning result of fault location can be obtained .

  30. 通过文献资料法和逻辑推理法,理清近代中国军事体育演变的三个基本阶段,并深入探讨各阶段军事体育发展的特点,以供商榷。

    Based on the literature search and logic method , we clean up the three basic evolutionary phases of military sport in latter China , and thoroughly discuss about the characteristic of them .