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  • Marketing plan;sales program
  1. 集中讨论计划,而不是推销计划的政治。

    Focus on the plan , not the politics of selling it .

  2. 我想先了解一下你们的推销计划。

    I 'd like to know your plan for pushing the sale first .

  3. 告诉我他们喜欢那个推销计划吗?

    Tell me , did they like the promotion plan sponsoring the cow tipping contest ?

  4. 等你们听到我的推销计划时,你们都会大吃一惊的。

    Wait until you hear my new marketing plan & it 'll knock you socks off !

  5. 要做一个成功的推销计划,必须先了解消费者的消费过程。

    The development of successful marketing communication programs begins with understanding why consumers behave as they do .

  6. 我们必须请老板给公司总部一些压力,要他们批准这推销计划。

    We must get the boss to put some pressure on HQ to give us the go-ahead .

  7. 例如,可口可乐公司要求所有的海外推销计划都要预先提交给公司总部。

    Coca-cola , for instance , requires that all overseas marketing plans be submitted to the central office well in advance .

  8. 我们在派出推销员之前,把我们为加利福尼亚州制定的新的推销计划进行了一次演习。

    We 're certainly glad we did a dry run on our new marketing plan for California before we sent our salesmen out .

  9. 这个经销店正在启动一个推销计划,试图向其老客户推销两年延保。

    The dealership is starting a promotional campaign , whereby it is trying to push a two-year extended warranty to its past customers .

  10. 发明者可能过于着迷于自己的课题,忘记了总有成千上万个项目在寻求投资。而且,推销自己计划的人常常使用罗嗦冗长的官样文章来掩饰一个根本不怎么样的坏主意。

    Inventors can get too wrapped up in their subject – they forget that there are always thousands of projects seeking money . And promoters often use long-winded gobbledegook to disguise a fundamentally bad idea .

  11. 我们已做好在我方市场推销贵方纺织品的计划。

    We have planned to push the sale of your textile in our market .

  12. 这位实业家向尼日利亚的银行界推销其炼油厂计划,讲了一年多的时间。

    The industrialist nudged Nigerian bankers for more than a year about his refinery plans .

  13. 同时,我们很想了解你方推销我们产品的计划。

    Meanwhile , we should like to know your plan to push the sale of our products .

  14. 演示业务计划使用完善的联机演示文稿,向潜在的投资者推销您的业务计划。

    Business plan as presentation pitch your business plan to prospective investors with a slick online presentation .

  15. 既然你方想要担当我们的独家代理,我们想知道你方推销我们产品的计划。

    We would like to know your plan to push our products since you would like to act as our sole agent .

  16. 你们想独家代理的请求我们正在仔细考虑当中,如可能的话,我们很想了解你方推销我们产品的计划。

    Your application for sole agency is now under our careful consideration , if possible we should like to know your plan to push the sale of your products .