
  1. 自2011年来,Facebook一直在采用这种“地理围栏”技术。它能够让商家招揽临近的客户,这些客户实际上可能也想获得提供特别优惠和特价商品的广告信息。好处是,你可以获得更多相关的广告和推销信息。

    This kind of " geo-fencing , " which Facebook has had since 2011 , enables businesses to court nearby customers who might actually want to get ads offering special deals , in-store specials , etc. The upside : more relevant ads and promos you can actually use .

  2. 垃圾邮件是指本不想要却发到你电子邮箱中的推销信息。

    Spam is unwanted sales messages sent to your electronic mailbox .

  3. 它将包括所有和推销有关的信息.例如建议的谈话方法.外表和身体语等等。

    It will need to include all the relevant sales related info , such as suggested conversation approaches , appearance , body expressions etc.

  4. 营销包括产品开发、定价、推销和产品的信息交流;

    Marketing involves product development , pricing , distribution , and communication ;