
  • 网络promotion;presentation
  1. 目击中国广告节优势广告资源推介会

    Witness the Promotion of Preponderant Ads Resources in China Advertising Festival

  2. 下午,我们在推介会上相逢相识,深入交流!

    This afternoon , we met each other and had a deep exchange on the product promotion !

  3. 营销经理将举行一次新产品推介会。

    The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products .

  4. 今天有一个大型的媒体推介会,非常希望您能光临。

    There 's a big press launch today and you 're most welcome to come along .

  5. 微软(Microsoft)的幸运之处在于,WindowsPhone8的推介会没有安排在飓风桑迪肆虐的纽约举行。

    Lucky for Microsoft , its Windows Phone 8 launch event was not scheduled for stormy New York .

  6. 纽约大学斯特恩商学院称,今年参加其校外MBA推介会的人员增加了30%。

    New York University Stern School of Business reports a30 % increase in attendance at off-site information sessions this year .

  7. 在位于教堂山(ChapelHill)的北卡罗来纳大学(UniversityofNorthCarolina)凯南-弗拉格勒商学院(Kenan-FlaglerBusinessSchool),公司举行的校园推介会比上年增加了10%。

    At Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , on-campus company presentations were up 10 per cent from the previous year .

  8. 当微软Office365的副总裁柯克•柯尼希斯鲍尔(KirkKoenigsbauer)出现在苹果(Apple)产品推介会的舞台上时,技术圈的很多人都感觉太阳打西边出来了。

    Many in the tech world thought the sky had fallen in when Kirk Koenigsbauer , vice-president of Microsoft 's Office 365 , appeared on stage at an Apple product launch .

  9. one57楼盘开发商extell的推介会不露声色,但显得咄咄逼人,对国际买家持乐观情绪。

    Presentations from extell , the developers of one 57 , are deadpan , bordering on aggressive , and bristling with optimism about international buyers .

  10. 知名企业一年一度的巡回招聘推介会一般都以这种方式进行:诸多企业带着点心和一箱箱解百纳(Cabernet)红葡萄酒走进大学校园。

    The annual milk round of blue chip careers presentations has traditionally involved companies rolling into university campuses with canap é s and crates of cabernet sauvignon .

  11. 新款的微软(Microsoft)Xbox和索尼(Sony)的Playstation按计划要明年才上市,它们的首次周末推介会很可能也会盛大隆重。

    New versions of the Microsoft ( MSFT ) Xbox and Sony ( SNE ) Playstation are slated to arrive next year , and their first-weekend introductions are likely to be just as eventful .

  12. 欢迎参加L50的推出仪式,欢迎参加这场推介会。

    And welcome to the launch of our new L50 , and to this presentation .

  13. 你能在4点半召开的推介会结束后过来吗?

    Can you come by after the pitch meeting at 4:30 ?

  14. 每个参加本次推介会的来宾都会自动有次抽奖机会。

    Every attendees of the product promotion conference will enter a lottery automatically .

  15. 为企业组织新闻发布和新产品推介会。

    Organizing news release and new product introduction meeting .

  16. 办好奥运经济市场推介会提升奥运会的影响力

    Undertake Olympic Economy Promotion & Introduction Conference Increase the Influence of Beijing Olympic Games

  17. 在筹备一个产品推介会的时候,考虑参加人员非常重要。

    When preparing for a product launch , it 's important to consider people involved .

  18. 我们热忱欢迎并诚挚邀请来自新加坡的企业家和工商界人士到来出席本次推介会。

    We would like to extend our warm welcome to all Singapore businesses to attend the seminar .

  19. 威尔士-重庆环保合作推介会

    Wales-Chongqing Environmental Sector Collaboration Seminar

  20. 广州企业走进非洲-埃塞俄比亚,肯尼亚,南非投资环境推介会(同声传译)

    Road to Africa-Promotion of Investment Environment in Ethiopia , Kenya , and South Africa ( simultaneous interpreting )

  21. 在周三举行的新品推介会上,谷歌把大部分时间用于展示其电影、杂志和音乐的图书馆。

    Google focused much of its presentation Wednesday showing off its library of movies , magazines and music .

  22. 推介会之后,10我们吃午饭,午饭在大会厅内。

    After this presentation , we 'll have lunch , which is served in the main conference hall .

  23. 市场变化万千,短线推介会随市场变化及不同时段作出适当对策及止损。

    Ever-changing market , short-term promotion with market changes and to make appropriate responses to different times and stop .

  24. 最后,祝本次推介会取得圆满成功,衷心祝愿各位身体健康、事业兴旺!谢谢大家!

    Finally , I wish the product promotion success and wish all the friends present here good health and prosperity .

  25. 芝加哥大学工商管理研究生院表示,其网上咨询和推介会参加人数都有显著上升。

    University of Chicago Graduate School of Business says it is seeing significant increases in inquiries online and attendance at information sessions .

  26. 邀请业内专业人士出席,并将推介会内容刊登在《展览会会刊》上和《参观请柬》上。

    Inviting industrial experts to the seminar ; publishing the content of the promotion seminar on Proceedings of the Exhibition and Invitations .

  27. 展示交易内容:各种特色文化活动,如竞赛、讲座、推介会、新闻发布会及文化交流与合作洽谈等。

    Activity scope : various cultural activities , such as competitions , lectures , promotion conferences , negotiations on cultural exchange and cooperation , etc.

  28. 组织旅游项目、旅游产品推介会,邀请业内知名专家、景点和产品厂商作项目和产品的宣传推介。

    Inviting famous experts , manufacturers and tourism site operators to the promotion seminar for tourism projects and products to promote tourism projects and products .

  29. 今天,我们怀着增进友谊、合作共赢的美好愿望,在此隆重举行中国·湖南涟源矿山机械产品推介会。

    Today , we hold the good will to enhance friendship and cooperation and participate the product promotion of Lianyuan mining and machinery , Hunan , China .

  30. 在这春花灿烂、充满生机和希望的季节里,在古老的北京迎来了南玻集团超白玻璃北京推介会。

    In this blooming season that full of vitality and life , we get together in this historical city for CSG Ultra Clear Float Glass Beijing Press Conference .