
dǎng de jī běn lù xiàn
  • the Party's basic line for the entire historical period of socialism
党的基本路线[dǎng de jī běn lù xiàn]
  1. 浅谈坚持党的基本路线长期不动摇

    On Stricking to the Party 's Basic-line Forever , Unshakable

  2. 进行党的基本路线的教育;

    Education in the basic line of the Party ;

  3. 从坚持党的基本路线高度落实科学发展观

    Fully Implement Scientific Outlook on Development Adhering to the Party 's Basic Guideline

  4. 党的基本路线是党和国家的生命线

    The Party 's Basic Line & Lifeblood of the Party and the Country

  5. 确立了一条新的党的基本路线;

    A basic line of the Party was formed ;

  6. 论党的基本路线与中国的现代化道路

    Party 's route and Chinese modernized road

  7. 坚持党的基本路线不动摇

    Adhere to the Party 's Basic Line

  8. 论三个代表的基本思想与党的基本路线、基本纲领的关联性

    The Correlation between the Theory of " Three Representations " CPC 's Basic Policies Guiding Principles

  9. 贯彻党的基本路线加强高校学生工作

    Com carry out the party 's basic line and strengthen student work in Institutes of high learning

  10. 党的基本路线是建设有中国特色社会主义理论的集中体现,建设有中国特色社会主义理论是当代中国的马克思主义,因而党的基本路线具有深厚的马克思主义哲学理论基础。

    The basic route is the concentrating expression of constructing the unique character socialist theory system of China .

  11. 论群众监督与一个中心,两个基本点的党的基本路线

    On Masses ' Supervision and " One Central Task and Two Basic Points " of Party 's Basic Line

  12. 第三条审计信息工作必须坚持党的基本路线和实事求是的原则。

    Article3Audit information service must adhere to the basic line of the Party and the principle of being practical and realistic .

  13. 青年教育要突出理想信念教育、党的基本路线的教育、纪律教育和历史教育四个方面内容;

    Youth education must stress the four aspects : socialist ideology , the party 's basic policy , discipline and history .

  14. 积极投身贯彻党的基本路线的实践,增强党性,是塑造党员形象的基本方法;

    The basic way to cultivate the image of party member is actively carrying out party 's basic lines and strengthening the party spirit .

  15. 当代社会主义中国的国格在政治上集中表现为坚持党的基本路线,坚定不移地走有中国特色的社会主义道路。

    The contemporary socialist China 's national dignity is the party 's basic lines and taking a firm and unshakable road of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  16. 从三个代表思想的高度,开辟了实现党的基本路线和基本纲领的途径;

    1 / From the height of the thought of three represents , having opened the way to realizing the Party ′ s basic line and program ;

  17. 继之说明初级阶段理论是制订和坚持党的基本路线的根本依据。

    Secondly , it explains that the primary stage theory is the fundamental basis for formulating the basic line of the party and for adhering to it .

  18. 一个中心,两个基本点的思想开始形成,奠定了新时期党的基本路线的基础。

    The idea of one central task , two basic points began to take shape as the foundation for the Party 's basic line in the new period .

  19. 确保干部制度改革服从和服务于党的基本路线,服从和服务于改革、发展、稳定的大局。

    It must be kept cadre system reform obey and serve for the party 's basic policy , obey and serve for overall situation of reform development and stability .

  20. 总结以往的历史经验,贯彻执行党的基本路线,就必须坚持以经济建设为中心,把发展作为党执政兴国的第一要务。

    To generalize the historical experience , carrying out the CPC 's fundamental line , should put centering on economic construction and administrating our country on the most important position .

  21. 选拔干部应掌握其德、才标准,从其对党的基本路线的态度,理论基础,实际工作能力等方面综合考虑。

    The understanding of both ability and political integrity must be grasped in selection of cadre . Their attitude to the party s basic line , theoretical level and practical working capability should be knowed well .

  22. 用先进的标准推动社会生产力发展,要立足于社会主义初级阶段实际,坚持党的基本路线不动摇;

    In order to push the development of social productive force with advanced standard , we should be based on the reality of the preliminary stage of socialism and adhere to the Party 's basic line firmly .

  23. 坚持党的基本路线长期不动摇,是由于社会主义初级阶段的长期性和这条路线所要实现的目标的艰巨性决定的。

    Unshakable sticking to the Party 's basic-line forever is decided by the character which the socialism must go through a long-term primary stage , and the arduous character of the goal which this route must accomplish .

  24. 高等职业教育以培养拥护党的基本路线,适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的德、智、体、美等全面发展的高等技术应用性专门人才为总体目标。

    Its general goal is to train senior professionals who support our party 's basic policy , and adapt to producing , building , managing and service with all-round development of morality , intelligence , physique and aesthetics .

  25. 同时,加强群众监督则为始终坚持党的基本路线,保证基本路线一百年不动摇提供了群众基础。

    Meanwhile , strengthening masses ' supervision founds a masses ' foundation that ensures that people unswervingly adhere to the Party 's basic line and the Party 's basic line is followed for a hundred years with no vacillation .

  26. 二是必须使思想政治工作始终服务于党的基本路线和中心任务,永远成为经济工作和其它一切工作的生命线;

    Secondly , she should subject the ideological and political work to the party 's basic lines and central task from beginning to end , and make it the everlasting lifeline for economical work and all the other work ;

  27. 党的基本路线规定了我们党的奋斗目标,指明了实现奋斗目标的基本途径、领导力量和依靠力量,是一条全面建设社会主义的路线。

    The party 's basic line decides the party 's goal of struggle and points out the basic way to realize the goal , the leading force and the power to depend on ; it is the line to build socialism .

  28. 他指出反腐败的指导思想是反腐倡廉工作必须紧紧服务于党的基本路线,从而纠正了反腐败服务于阶级斗争的错误倾向;

    He put forth that instructive thinking of " the working of anti-corruption and advocating honest and clean in performing one 's duty must serve for party basic route ", and ever since corrected the wrong tendency of serving for class struggle ;

  29. 重要区别是我国公务员选拔机制坚持和体现了党的基本路线,坚持党管干部原则,而西方文官制度则标榜政治中立,对公务员的管理强调与党派脱钩。

    The main distinction is that civil servant selection system in our country insists in and embodies the basic lines and persists in principle of party ruling cadres whereas western civil servant system flaunts political neutrality and emphasizes separation from parties in civil servant administration .

  30. 在社会主义初级阶段,加强群众监督工作必须坚持一个中心,两个基本点的党的基本路线。一个中心,两个基本点分别为加强群众监督提供了政治要求、政治保证和发展动力。

    At the primary stage of socialism , the task of strengthening masses ' supervision must adhere to " one central task and two basic points " of Party 's basic line , which provides masses ' supervision with political requirement , political guarantee and developing force .