
  • 网络Tangut;Tanguts
  1. 不久就被党项族占据。

    Will soon be occupied by the party of the people .

  2. 党项族原来主要从事畜牧业和狩猎,通过学习汉族先进的农业生产技术,农业经济得到迅速的发展。

    The Dangxiang had originally lived by livestock husbandry and hunting , but later learnt more advance agricultural techniques .

  3. 在西夏统治者的倡导下,党项族是同时期接受汉文化较多的一个民族。

    With the promotion of its rulers , the Dangxiang received more of the Han culture than any other nationality at the time .

  4. 前言:阐述了中国古代酿酒发展的三个阶段,对历史上仍存争议的“烧酒”起源问题进行了探讨。从化学的角度研究了西夏党项族的酿酒工艺过程。

    This paper deals with the three stages of Chinese brewing in the ancient times and analyses the technique of brewing of the Dangxiang nationality in the light of chemistry .

  5. 党项族原属于羌族的一支,居住在今青海东南部黄河曲一带。

    By origin , Dangxiang was a branch of the Qiang nationality and they formerly lived in the vicinity of the Yellow River valley located in the southeastern area of present-day Qinghai .

  6. 西夏是中国历史上以党项族为主体建立的王朝,建都兴庆府(今宁夏银川),开国皇帝为夏景宗李元昊。

    Founded by Li Yuanhao , known as Emperor Jingzong , the Western Xia was a dynasty of the Dangxiang people , with its capital in the Xingqing Prefecture ( now Yinchuan in Ningxia ) .