
ān lè
  • comfort;well-being;ease;joy;peace and happiness;peaceful and happy;safe and pleasant;easement
安乐 [ān lè]
  • [comfort;ease;joy;safe and pleasant] 安宁快乐

  • 回归故里,度过老年的安乐生活

安乐[ān lè]
  1. 一个人总要经历过忧患,才能知道安乐的价值。

    One would always have experienced hardship can he know the value of peace and happiness .

  2. 我夫人像是要把奥斯本庄园变成自己的安乐窝。

    My wife seems to be building a nest of her own at Osborne House

  3. 忙碌了一整天后,这真是一个安乐窝。

    It 's a real haven at the end of a busy working day .

  4. 弗雷德优哉游哉地躺在安乐椅上。

    Fred lazed in an easy chair

  5. 这个工作室是艺术家和嬉皮士的安乐窝。

    This studio is a haven for artists and hippies .

  6. 那个国家现在成了人们向往的安乐乡。

    The country is now the fancied land of milk and honey .

  7. 这个孩子在又大又软的安乐椅中蜷着身子,手里拿着一本书。

    The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book .

  8. 我松了一口气,坐在安乐椅上睡着了。

    Relieved , I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep .

  9. 我们要谢谢上苍,赐我们的安乐、健康和饱暖。

    What thanks do we not owe to Heaven for thus bestowing tranquillity , health and competence !

  10. 小范围人群,Y世代中的一小部分,生于安乐,受精英教育长大,坚信不但要追求梦想,还要靠梦想赚钱。

    In a nutshell , a slice of Generation Y , borne of suburban comfort , indoctrinated with the transcendent power of education , and infected by the conviction that not only do we deserve to pursue our dreams ; we should profit from them .

  11. 如果生活本身非常容易,没有什么好担心的,也没有什么问题,你就是走在“EasyStreet”,安乐富足。每个人都想生活在这种想像的街道上。

    When life itself is easy , when you have no cares or problems , you are on " Easy Street . " Everyone wants to live on that imaginary street .

  12. 讲解.安乐死在很多国家都是不合法的。确实,安乐si目前只在少数国家是合法的,比如瑞士。今天我们讲的是一部有关安乐sieuthanasia的电影。

    Today 's key word is euthanasia Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain . Here is an example : Euthanasia is illegal in most countries .

  13. 是一个穿紫袍,享受安乐的王子吗?

    A prince in royal purple upon a couch of ease ?

  14. 而这被“冷落”的金合欢正是蚂蚁们的安乐窝。

    And that the untouched acacia was a favorite ant habitat .

  15. 她在切尔西有个小安乐窝。

    She 's got a nice little des res in chelsea .

  16. ,.通过赎罪的方式洗清他的罪行后,他的心变得再次安乐。.

    Cleansed of guilt by atonement he felt light of heart again

  17. 地震5天后,安乐发现了第一具尸体。

    An discovered the first body five days after the quake .

  18. 大家都知道查尔斯是个只可同安乐不能共患难的朋友。

    Everyone knows Charles is merely a fair - weather friend .

  19. 不满者找不到安乐椅。&富兰克林

    The discontented man finds no easy chair . & Benjamin Franklin

  20. 没地方放安乐椅了。

    Jacob : There 's no room for the rocking chair .

  21. 夫妇俩为自己筑了个安乐窝。

    The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest .

  22. 安乐死的本质:致死还是安乐?

    The Essence of Euthanasia : To Death or Relief ?

  23. 我生活在爱和温暖的安乐窝里。

    I lived in a cocoon of love and warmth .

  24. 他已为自己弄到了一把大的安乐椅。

    He had managed to get himself a large armchair .

  25. 祖母坐在她最喜欢的安乐椅里。

    Grandmother installed herself in her favorite easy - chair .

  26. 夫妇俩一直梦想着为自己建立一个安乐窝。

    The couple always dreamed of building a cosy nest for themselves .

  27. 人人皆知他是只能同安乐不能共患难的朋友。

    Everyone knows that he is only a fair-weather friend .

  28. 我现在累了,我的爱人,我要和你道晚安乐。

    I am tired now my darling and will say good night .

  29. 走出你的安乐窝,尝试一下扮演不同的角色。

    Step outside your comfort zone and try on a different role .

  30. 她抛弃了自己丈夫庇护下的安乐窝。

    She had abandoned the safe shelter of her husband 's protection .