
  • 网络Anbar;Anbar Province;Al-Anbar
  1. 政府军和武装分子争夺安巴尔省控制权的激烈争斗依然在持续。

    Fighting is also continuing between government troops and militants over controls of country 's contested Anbar Province .

  2. 他说,伊拉克武装部队将对任何试图干扰安巴尔省秩序的人采取果断措施。

    He says that the Iraqi Armed Forces will act decisively against anyone trying to disrupt order in Anbar province .

  3. 军方称,在伊拉克安巴尔省三起自杀式爆炸波及了数辆载有氯气的卡车。

    The military says there were three separate suicide bombings yesterday in Iraq 's Anbar Province involving trucks carrying chlorine .

  4. 在叛乱的最初几年,安巴尔省是一块最为血腥的区域,但现在已是非常安定。

    Anbar had been the bloodiest zone in the first years of the insurgency , but is now pretty calm .

  5. 美国军方说,在曾经充满暴力的安巴尔省,2006年10月每星期发生300多起暴力事件,而目前减少到每星期不到20起。

    In once violent Anbar province , the U.S. military says there are fewer than 20 incidents a week - compared to over 300 in October 2006 .

  6. 联合国难民署表示,伊拉克中部安巴尔省又有一批民众离开,争斗双方争夺的费卢杰市和拉马迪市就位于安巴尔省内。

    The UN Refugee Agency says there is a new flood of Iraqis leaving central Iraq 's Anbar province , home to the contested cities of Fallujah and Ramadi .

  7. 该书由企鹅出版社出版,其中若干小说发生在伊拉克的安巴尔省,还有一些是讲述美国的退伍士兵们努力重新适应平民生活。

    Some of the stories , which were published by Penguin Press , take place in Anbar Province , while others are set in the United States as soldiers struggle to readjust to civilian life .

  8. 报告说,另有将近7万2千人返回伊拉克其它地方,其中大多数回到安巴尔和迪亚拉两省。

    And it says nearly 72000 more people have returned to other places in the country , mostly to the provinces of Anbar and Diyala .