
  • 网络Anxi;anxi county
  1. 安溪县桥梁建筑与技术分析

    Analysis of Architectural and Technology of Bridges of Anxi County

  2. 福建省安溪县食管癌的遗传流行病学研究

    A Genetic Epidemiology Study of Esophageal Cancer in Anxi County , Fujian Province

  3. 以银染法AFLP分子标记技术用5对引物组合对来自福建武夷山市、安溪县、台湾省和广东潮安县45份乌龙茶品种资源进行遗传多样性分析。

    Genetic diversity in 45 Oolong germplasms collected from three provinces , Fujian , Guangdong and Taiwan was evaluated by AFLP fingerprinting based on silver staining technique using 5 primer combinations .

  4. 安溪县地质灾害防治工作有特色

    A good way of prevention and control of geological hazards in Anxi County

  5. 安溪县山地茶园产业化经营的研究

    A Study on the Industrialized Management of Tea Gardens in Mountainous Regions of Anxi County

  6. 第8章对安溪县茶叶安全生产的典型案例进行分析。

    In Chapter 8 , the typical case of safe production of Anxi tea was analyzed .

  7. 安溪县学业中等生成就目标倾向与心理健康状况关系的研究

    Research on the Relations Between Achievement Goals Orientation and Psychological Health Status For Average-achieving Students in Anxi

  8. 福建省安溪县矿山地质灾害防治对策浅谈

    Strategies for preventing from and controlling of geological disasters in the mines of anxi , fujian Province

  9. 安溪县实施新型农村合作医疗的运行绩效分析

    The Analysis of the Application Achievements of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Treatment Implemented in Anxi County

  10. 岩崩的成因分析与治理方法研究&以安溪县金溪公路为例

    Analysis on causes of rockfall and its harnessing method research & cased by Jin-xi highway in Anxi

  11. 第四部分归纳安溪县科教兴农推进县域经济发展的做法与经验。

    Part IV analyzes the development practices and results about science and education promoting agriculture in Anxi County .

  12. 农村留守儿童问题研究及对策&以福建省安溪县为典型调查

    Research and Countermeasures on Left-behind Children in Rural Area & A typical survey in Anxi County , Fujian Province

  13. 同时安溪县县域经济的发展仍然存在问题。

    At the same time there are still existing problems in the development of the county economy of Anxi .

  14. 在此基础上,结合安溪县综合治理实践经验,提出相应防治建议。

    On this basis , it combined with practical experience of the comprehensive management in Anxi County , proposed countermeasures .

  15. 旧城改造中人口合理容量研究&以福建安溪县老城区为例

    Research on the rational population capacity in the urban reconstruction : taking the old town area of Anxi County as a sample

  16. 福建沿海山区县地质灾害预防工作模式探讨&以安溪县为例

    On the Working Pattern of Geologic Hazard Prevention in the Coastal Area of Fujian Province & Taking the Anxi County as an Example

  17. 福建安溪县有10名涉及利用虚假信息诈骗的党员干部被查处。

    Anxi County , Fujian , 10 involved the use of false information to the fraud of party members and cadres have been punished .

  18. 茶产业是福建省安溪县的传统优势产业,也是安溪经济的支柱产业。

    The tea industry is the traditional strength industries in Anxi County , Fujian Province , but also is the Anxi economic pillar industries .

  19. 发生在福建省安溪县剑斗镇湖丘角落的岩溶地面塌陷,具有典型的多因素致塌的特点。

    Karstic ground subsidence , occurred in Huqiou-jiaoluo of Jiandou town , Anxi county , Fujian province , is a typical one caused by multi-factor .

  20. 编制主体功能区规划、推进形成主体功能区,是安溪县贯彻落实科学发展观的一项重大举措。

    To compile and promote the formation of the Main function area is a significant move in Carrying out Scientific Development View of Anxi County .

  21. 本文以安溪县为例,从强化主动防御措施入手,对较好完善地质灾害防御机制、建立监测网络、健全防灾预案体系、加强信息管理、推进年度规范运作等方面作了分析与阐述。

    This paper with an emphasis on the active prevention analyses the prevention mechanism , inspection network , information management and regular operation against geological disasters in Anxi County .

  22. 部分茶叶农残超标和重金属污染问题仍然是困扰安溪县茶业健康、稳定、持续、快速发展的一大问题。

    One of the most serious problems , hindering the healthy , stable , sustained and rapid development of tea industry , is the overproof pesticide residue and pollution of heavy metal .

  23. 以福建省安溪县茶农问卷调查数据为基础,利用双对数模型对茶农投资行为的影响因素进行计量分析。

    On basis of the survey data of farmers in Anxi County , Fujian Province , this paper establishes the double logarithmic model and analyzes the affecting factors of the tea farmers'investment behavior .

  24. 安溪县是福建省7个重点水土流失县之一,水土流失面积大,流失程度剧烈。

    Anxi county is one of the seven main county with serious soil and water loss in Fujian province . The area of soil and water loss is wide and the degree is acute .

  25. 主要是第八章。(7)根据以上研究结论,提出安溪县茶叶产业链的整合管理与优化升级的政策建议,主要是文章的第九章。

    It is mainly the eighth chapter . ( 8 ) According to the above research conclusion , it put forward Anxi county tea industry chain integration management and optimization and upgrading of the policy proposal .

  26. 本文对我省安溪县地方性氟中毒流行区12名氟骨症患者及8名饮低氟水对照者进行血、尿生化分析比较有显著性差异。

    This study was performed in 8 controls who received drinking water with low fluoride and 12 patients of skeletal fluorosis in An-Xi County of Fujian Province where large segments of population are afflicted with fluorosis .

  27. 本研究以福建茶产业为对象,从农业微观投入主体&茶农的角度出发,于2008年对福建安溪县153户茶农的茶叶生产加工投入产出进行了调查。

    Based on the analyse of Fujian tea industry from the perspective of tea farmer , a case study was conducted to investigate of 153 tea farmers ' production and procession in anxi county , Fujian Province .

  28. 茶叶是安溪县国民经济的命脉,茶叶质量能否达标,关系到安溪县茶业是否能实现健康、稳定、持续、快速发展的全局。

    Tea industry was the lifeline of the national economy of Anxi County , and tea quality was good or not mattered if the tea industry in Anxi County could achieve healthy , stable , sustained and rapid development .

  29. 从安溪县水土流失的历史和现状分析入手,对水土流失的成因及其发展趋势进行系统地分析,提出安溪县水土流失的综合防治对策。

    Based on analysis of the history and present situation of soil and water loss in Anxi county , the formation and developing trend of soil and water loss is analyzed by the numbers and several integrative countermeasures of prevention and cure are put forward .

  30. 分析安溪县茶叶产业发展现状及存在的问题、安溪茶叶产业发展与安溪县经济发展的关联度以及安溪县茶叶产业链整合管理优化与延长拓宽的重要意义。

    It analyses the present situation and the existing problems of tea industry in Anxi county , the association between the development of tea industry and the economic development of Anxi , the significance of the integration management optimization and lengthening and widening of tea industry chain .