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běn xìng
  • nature;natural instincts;natural character;inherent quality
本性 [běn xìng]
  • [natural instincts;natural character;nature] 即天性。固有的性质或个性

  • 本性难移

本性[běn xìng]
  1. 科学技术为帝国主义实现其本性,提供了更隐蔽和更“先进”的手段。

    Science and technology provide deeply hidden and more advantageous means for the Imperialism to realize the natural instincts .

  2. 古希腊哲学家认为,客观的物质世界的存在、运动和变化具有辩证的本性。

    The ancient Greek philosopher thinks , the existence , sport and development of the objective material world have dialectical natural instincts .

  3. 他本性中还有阴险的一面。

    There was a darker side to his nature .

  4. 弄虚作假并非他的本性。

    Dishonesty is foreign to his nature .

  5. 该公司保守的本性不利于竞争。

    The company 's conservative instincts sit ill with competition .

  6. 她坚信人的本性是善良诚实的。

    She had an unshakeable faith in human goodness and natural honesty .

  7. 担忧似乎是人的本性。

    It seems to be human nature to worry .

  8. 这恰恰说明了这个种族主义分子的本性从未改变过。

    This only goes to show how this racist leopard has in no way changed his spots .

  9. 想过安逸的生活不过是人的本性。

    It 's only human nature to want a comfortable life .

  10. 欺骗与他的本性格格不入。

    Cheating is alien to him .

  11. 妒忌别人的好运可不是他的本性。

    It is not in his nature to be jealous of other people 's good fortune .

  12. “正是它们脆弱的本性吸引了我”,《纽约客》动漫画家罗兹·查斯特说。

    " There 's something about their delicate nature that appeals to me , " says New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast .

  13. "不管你是河流还是水蒸气,你的本性永远不会改变。"

    " And whether you 're a river or vapor , your nature never changes . "

  14. 无论你是河流还是水蒸气,你的本性永远不会改变

    " And whether you are a river or vapor , your nature never changes . "

  15. 前面加上cheap则表示某人“手紧”的本性,与他后天形成的缺点无关。

    Cheap was added early on to refer to a person ’ s tight-fisted nature rather than any of his other perceived inadequacies .

  16. 她一方面总是批评人的本性朝三暮四

    While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature .

  17. 教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。

    The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature 's mobility .

  18. 人的本性是利己的,失去监督的权力必然导致腐败

    The person 's nature is hoggish , lose supervisory power to bring about corruption necessarily .

  19. 恶劣的本性从小便知。

    Evil tendencies are early shown .

  20. 如果你在一个大于15人的团队里工作,你就是在和人类本性对抗。

    If you 're working in a group bigger than 15 people , you 're fighting human nature .

  21. 外形的丑陋和本性的怪异都不能惊动他,触犯他

    Hideousness of aspect , deformity of instinct , troubled him not , and did not arouse his indignation .

  22. 公共危机管理具有紧迫性、危险性、权威性、人本性和系统性五个基本特征。

    Urgency , danger , authoritativeness , human itarianism and systematicness are the five basic characteristics of public crisis management .

  23. 然而,虽然他们的模样改变了,本性却依然未变。直到现在,他们仍然会到别人的田里采集人家的劳动成果,贮存起来留作自己的食物。

    But , though their forms were changed , their nature remained the same : and so , to this day , they go about among the cornfields and gather the fruits of others ' labour , and store them up for their own use .

  24. 在Eclipse中,构建程序是与特定的项目本性相关联的。

    In Eclipse , builders are associated with specific project natures .

  25. 关于Banach空间中线性算子的本性最小模

    On the essential minimum modulus of linear operators in Banach Spaces

  26. 由于其异步本性,SIPServlet可能看起来有些复杂。

    Because of their asynchronous nature , SIP servlets can seem complicated .

  27. 本性不可比的Banach空间

    On Essentially Incomparable Banach Spaces

  28. 完备非紧流形上的Laplacian本性谱

    Laplacian Essential Spectrum of a Complete Noncompact Riemannian Manifold

  29. 结合使用基于异步的消息传递系统和Ajax的异步本性将为用户提供更加实时、更加类似于桌面应用程序的体验。

    The asynchronous nature of Ajax combined with an asynchronous-based messaging system provides a more real-time , desktop application feel for your users .

  30. 最后,为了演示新嵌入式ApacheDerby数据库应用程序的自包含本性,您可以删除其他所有文件。

    Finally , to demonstrate the self-contained nature of your new embedded Apache Derby database application , you can remove all other files .