
  • 网络reform;institutional reform;System reform
  1. 他极力主张进行福利制度改革。

    He has urged reform of the welfare system

  2. WTO与中国行政法制度改革的几个关键问题

    WTO and Several Key Issues of China 's Administrative Law Reform

  3. 负责国民医疗服务制度改革并未使得所有人都喜欢他。

    Being in charge of the National Health Service reforms did not endear him to one and all .

  4. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  5. WTO与我国外资企业税收制度改革

    WTO and the Reform to the Foreign-invested Enterprises Tax Laws of China

  6. 加入WTO,给我国刑事诉讼法律制度改革提供了新的动力和压力。

    China 's accession to WTO presents motivation and pressure for the reform of criminal procedure in China .

  7. 社会保障制度改革和其它配套改革滞后等。

    Social welfare system reform and other auxiliary reforms are backward .

  8. 以提高效率为导向的行政审批制度改革研究

    The Research of Administrative Approval System Reform of Improving the Efficiency

  9. 我国教师教育制度改革初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Teacher 's Education System

  10. 医疗保险制度改革中的医药与卫生改革问题

    Reform of Health Services During the Reform of Medical Insurance System

  11. 医院分配制度改革的实践与启示

    The Practice and Enlightenment of the Reform of Hospital Distribution System

  12. 军队医疗保障制度改革对军队人员医疗费用的影响

    Effect of Military Health Care System Reform on Medical Treatment Expense

  13. 新时期中国医疗保障制度改革的回顾和思考

    Review and thinking on the medical security reform in new China

  14. 英国大学终身教职制度改革

    The Reform of Tenure System in Universities in the United Kingdom

  15. 人民币汇率制度改革的绩效与走向

    The Renminbi Exchange Rate Mechanism Reform : Achievement and Trend

  16. 人力资本投资、收入差距与养老金制度改革

    Human Capital Investment , Income Gap and Pension Institution Reform

  17. 医疗保险制度改革:现代医院的机遇与挑战

    Medical insurance system reform : Modern hospital opportunities and challenges

  18. 医院人事制度改革是医院生存和发展的必然需要,函待全面推进。

    Hospital human management must be reform for hospital development .

  19. 当代中国行政制度改革的评析与前瞻

    Administrative Systematical Reforms of Contemporary China : Comment and Prospect

  20. 重载快速线路修理制度改革的研究

    A study on reform of repair system for heavy haul fast line

  21. 我国法官制度改革的探索

    The Reform Exploration of the Judge System of Our Country

  22. 关于深化农村土地制度改革的思考

    A Schematic Idea at the Reform of Rural Land System

  23. 医疗机构人事与分配制度改革可行性研究

    Feasibility study on personnel system and employment system reform in medical institution

  24. 刑事附带民事诉讼制度改革刍议

    On the Reform of Criminal Action with Civil Litigation Affiliated

  25. 住房制度改革与城市规划对策探析

    An Exploration of the Housing System Reform and the Urban Planning Countermeasures

  26. 医院后勤制度改革实践及探讨

    The Practice and Discussion on the Reform of Logistic Department in Hospitals

  27. 司法鉴定制度改革论略&从程序公正与诉讼效率视角

    On the Reform of Judicial Expert Testimony System in China

  28. 建阳市集体林权制度改革的实践

    Practice of collective forest right system reform in Jianyang City

  29. 21世纪医疗保障制度改革的几种趋势

    Several Trends of the Medical Security Systems Reform at the 21st Century

  30. 佣金自由化是证券佣金制度改革的必然趋势。

    It is an inevitable trend of establishing a negotiatory commission system .