
zhì zào chǎng
  • manufacturer;plant;manufacturing plant;manufactory;mill;maker
制造厂 [zhì zào chǎng]
  • [plant] 制造专门产品的工厂

  • 汽车制造厂

制造厂[zhì zào chǎng]
  1. 本文以此作为论文的切入点,在企业信息化背景下结合天津汽车制造厂的情况,研究基于ERP的企业制造成本管理问题。

    Based on this point , combining the status of Tianjin Motor Manufactory , this thesis mainly studies the ERP-based enterprise manufacturing cost management in the enterprise information environment .

  2. 第一汽车制造厂第二铸造厂工艺设计中的若干问题

    Problems in Technology Design in Changchun First Automobile Manufactory Second Foundry

  3. 机械化的惊人潜力使制造厂和商人们激动不已。

    The breathtaking potentialities of mechanization set the minds of manufacturers and merchants on fire

  4. 在自动化汽车制造厂看不到一个工人。

    In an automated car plant there is not a human operative to be seen .

  5. 这所大学有一个大型制造厂。

    This college has a large manufacturing plant .

  6. 汽车制造厂三百工人已称病不上班。

    Three hundred men have booked off sick at the car factory .

  7. 看看在马来西亚的某间典型的违法CD制造厂。

    Look at a typical illegal CD plant based in Malaysia .

  8. 对生产物流系统建模和仿真的方法进行研究,利用仿真软件eMPlant分别建立该汽车制造厂的总装配车间在改造前和改造后的仿真模型。

    The before and after adjustment simulation models are built base on eM_Plant for the assembly shop of automobile factory .

  9. 其在中国上海设立有制造厂(以下简称SH公司),以生产运动鞋为主。

    Its sport shoes factory locates in Shanghai , which named SH.

  10. 开放性数控是数控技术发展的必然趋势,开放性的体系结构给CNC生产厂家、机床制造厂和用户都带来了许多益处。

    Open architecture controllers are inexorable trend for numeric control and it can benefit CNC manufacturers , machining tool manufacturers and users .

  11. 本公司是一家专业生产PVA系列产品及其它相关之清洁用品制造厂。

    This is a company specializing in the production of PVA and other products related to cleaning supplies factory .

  12. 曾经有一个制造厂叫做Hawthorne工厂。

    See , there was a manufacturing facility called the Hawthorne plant .

  13. 在我们的示例中,工作流通过像FTP或MQ这样的协议调用远程制造厂服务。

    In our case , the workflow invokes the remote manufacturing plant service through the protocols , such as FTP or MQ .

  14. 英特尔(Intel)在中国兴建一家制造厂的计划,预计将考验美国政界对高科技出口的反对程度。

    Intel is expected to test political opposition in the US to high-tech exports , with its plans to build a manufacturing plant in China .

  15. 福特汽车(FordMotor)正考虑以其汽车制造厂作抵押,向银行借贷。这是这家境况不佳的底特律汽车制造商在遭遇巨额亏损的情况下,充实现金储备的举措之一。

    Ford Motor is considering offering its car plants as security to lenders as part of a drive by the troubled Detroit-based carmaker to bolster cash reserves in the face of massive losses .

  16. 这位CEO不打算守在中国这条沉船上,而正计划将他的机床搬到在佛罗里达州南部新买的一家制造厂里。

    Instead of continuing down the Chinese rabbit hole , the CEO is working on a plan to transport his machine tools to a newly purchased manufacturing plant in South Florida .

  17. 以上海飞机制造厂需求为背景,探讨了利用产品数据管理(PDM)技术构成的制造业集成框架的体系结构,解析了该框架的特点。

    Under the background of requirement of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory , the essential architecture of integrated frame of manufacturing based on product data management ( PDM ) technology is described .

  18. 另外,像图波列夫(Tupolev)和伊留申(Ilyushin)等前苏联飞机制造厂一度曾是波音(Boeing)和空客(Airbus)的劲敌。

    Russian aircraft makers like Tupolev and Ilyushin were at one time true competitors to Boeing ( BA ) and Airbus .

  19. 上节课中,我们见到了LaFarge车制造厂人力资源部门的首席行政助理Christina。

    In the last episode we met Christina , the Head Administrative Assistant in the Human Resources department at LaFarge Automotive .

  20. 可能是出现在圣塔玛莉亚诺维拉香水制造厂(OfficinaProfumo-FarmaceuticadiSantaMariaNovella)里,在这里选购甜美的玫瑰水和古老的中药制剂,是种近乎于宗教性质的体验。

    It could happen at the Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella , where shopping for sweet rosewater and ancient herbal elixirs is a near-religious experience .

  21. 简要介绍了某机电产品制造厂ISO9001质量管理体系认证、转版及监审情况。通过列出监审过程中发现的问题,提出改进措施,启发管理者正确应对监审,进而完善体系。

    A brief introduction of the authentication , changing edition , supervision and checkup of ISO 9001 quality control system of an electronic products manufactory is given .

  22. 武汉拥有大约600万城市人口,是传统的钢铁工业基地,但如今,它拥有了汽车制造厂和生产惠普(Hewlett-Packard)电脑的工厂。

    With an urban population of about 6m , its traditional base is iron and steel but it now boasts car plants and factories making Hewlett-Packard computers .

  23. 阐述了某机械制造厂的管件缩径机床缩径过程的工艺要求,介绍了PLC在用于该工序加工的机床控制系统改造中的应用,给出了I/O分配图、外部接线图和梯形图。

    Explains a technological demand for the process of pipe fittings reducer in a machine-building plant , introduces a application of PLC in the center control system of the machine tool , and distribution diagram . The outer circuit diagram and ladder diagram are given .

  24. 这意味着关注本田(Honda)分布广泛的业务,其中包括在美国、日本、中国、欧洲和巴西的制造厂。福井威夫经常视察这些地方。

    That means keeping an eye on Honda 's far-flung operations , which include manufacturing facilities in the US , Japan , China , Europe and Brazil , where Mr Fukui regularly makes the rounds .

  25. 首席运营官鲍勃麦克唐纳(bobmcdonald)向华尔街分析师表示,宝洁在未来4年投产的20家新制造厂中,“几乎全部”将在既有市场以外。

    Bob McDonald , chief operating officer , told Wall Street analysts that " almost all " the 20 new manufacturing facilities that P & G will open during the next four years will be outside its established markets .

  26. 焊接生产工艺一览表(WPL)是锅炉制造厂常用的直接用于焊接生产的综合性工艺文件。

    Welding Procedure List ( WPL ) is a comprehensive procedure document commonly used in welding directly by bolier manufacturer .

  27. 据最近消息透露,iPhone7的生产目前正在进行,这一消息比较靠谱——苹果从来没能成功地守住秘密,一旦与其合作的制造厂的工人们染指新iPhone的零件,消息就会泄露。

    It makes sense in light of the recent news that iPhone 7 production is now underway - Apple has never been able to keep a lid on things once workers at its manufacturing partners ' plants get their hands on new iPhone parts .

  28. 中国另一个直升飞机制造厂哈尔滨飞机制造公司(HAMC),也可能参与在发展计划中。

    Another PRC helicopter manufacturer , Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company ( HAMC ), may have also involved in the development programme .

  29. 中国第五大汽车制造商北汽集团(简称BAIC)正在南非伊丽莎白港库哈经济特区建设汽车制造厂。

    Beijing Automobile International Corporation or BAIC , China 's fifth largest car maker , is building a vehicle manufacturing plant in the Coega Special Economic Zone in Port Elizabeth .

  30. 本文讨论硅霍尔传感器制造厂的可靠性目标管理方法的一般理论、提出了PDCA循环在传感器制造厂可靠性管理中的应用及硅霍尔传感器生产过程中的可靠性保证体系的建议。

    In this paper the method and theory of reliability goal management in manufacture factory of silicon Hall Sensor are discussed . The PDCA Cycle using for reliability growth , and management of SMS . the reliability ensuring system in SHS manufacture factory are introduced .