
nóng méi
  • bushy eyebrows;heavy eyebrows;thick eyebrows
浓眉 [nóng méi]
  • [bushyeyebrows] 又黑又密的眉毛

  • 一个浓眉大眼的大汉

浓眉[nóng méi]
  1. 他的头发已经白了,不过两道浓眉还是乌黑乌黑的。

    His hair was prematurely white , but his busy eyebrows were still jet-black .

  2. 消息人士与《纽约时报》记者MarcStein交流后透露,洛杉矶湖人队用英格拉姆、鲍尔和首轮四号签与鹈鹕交易得到浓眉哥。

    The Los Angeles Lakers have offered Brandon Ingram , Lonzo Ball and the No. 4 overall selection in trade talks with the New Orleans Pelicans for Anthony Davis , according to sources that spoke with Marc Stein of the New York Times .

  3. 雨点聚集在他的浓眉上,模糊了他的视线。

    Raindrops gathered his thick lashes and blurred Ross 's vision .

  4. 对于波特兰开拓者来说,浓眉就是那个阻碍他们实现梦想的人。

    For Portland Blazers , it 's the unibrow that haunts their dreams .

  5. 一天上午,忙碌的医生扬了扬灰白的浓眉,示意苏来到过道。

    One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a bushy , gray eyebrow .

  6. 他长着大大的蓝色眼睛、宽口红润嘴巴、优雅的双手和浓眉。

    He had big blue eyes and a wide red mouth and delicate hands and greasy brown hair .

  7. 一位化妆师尝试了这个技巧,用亮粉色的嘴唇搭配她的浓眉。

    A makeup artist tried out the technique and accompanied her strong brows with a bright pink lip .

  8. 湖人正试图扩大浓眉哥的交易,以便在7月6日创造一个最大化的工资槽。

    The Los Angeles Lakers are attempting to expand their trade for Anthony Davis to create a max salary slot on July 6th .

  9. 但他的笑容依旧,肥如毛虫的浓眉依旧,深邃蓝眼中的笑意依旧。

    but the smile was the same , and the bushy eyebrows fat as caterpillars , and the laughter in his deep blue eyes .

  10. 他的头发已经白了,不过两道浓眉还是乌黑乌黑的。满脸上乌黑,不知是泥还是煤烟。

    His hair was prematurely white , but his busy eyebrows were still jet-black . His face was blackened - either by mud or soot .

  11. 他只是直挺挺地站在地毯的中央,头上仍戴着帽子,卵石色眼睛上方铁灰色的浓眉微微抽动着。

    He just stood stiff in the center of the rug , in his hat , the shaggy iron-gray brows twitching slightly above the pebble-colored eyes .

  12. 痛苦,羞耻,愤怒,烦躁,嫌恶,憎恨,似乎一下子都在他那浓眉下扩大的瞳孔里战栗地冲突起来。

    Pain , shame , ire , impatience , disgust , detestation , seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his ebon eyebrow .

  13. 与哈登一样,安东尼戴维斯的“浓眉”绰号完全是因为他那独特有趣的“一字眉”,这一特征也贯穿了他至今为止整个生涯。克莱-汤普森——佛祖

    Similarly to Harden , Anthony Davis 's " The Brow " nickname is solely reliant on Davis 's singularly interesting unibrow that he 's sported for his entire career .

  14. 如果是因为欧文职业生涯前几年的球队战绩差而说他没有带队能力的话,那么同样也不能说唐斯、浓眉、杜兰特、库里、沃尔有带队能力。

    If Kyrie can 't lead a team because of his win-loss record in first few years , then neither can KAT , AD , Durant , Curry , Wall .

  15. 安东尼·戴维斯在周一对阵太阳的比赛中,砍下53分外加18篮板和5封盖,带领鹈鹕赢下比赛;对于浓眉哥来说,这注定是个不平凡的夜晚。

    It was a big night for Anthony Davis , as he finished with 53 points , 18 rebounds and 5 blocks in the Pelicans ' win over the Suns on Monday .

  16. 最近一次取得50分5盖帽的球员是大卫.罗宾逊,那是在1994年2月21日的比赛中,呃……那时我们的浓眉哥还不满一岁呢(他1993年3月11日出生)。

    The most recent player with 50 points and five blocks in a game was David Robinson on Feb. 21 , 1994 ... when Davis wasn 't yet a year old ( born March 11 , 1993 ) .

  17. 当然,最后一攻,球在詹姆斯手上,他已经花了大半个赛季竭尽所能让浓眉尽可能感到开心,为了让他能够与洛杉矶湖人队完成续约,

    And , of course , the final play , on which James , who has spent this season doing everything he can to make Davis as happy as possible to cement his re-signing with the Los Angeles Lakers ,

  18. 女人所选择的完美女人的脸,则包括芙蕾达·平托闪亮的黑发、凯拉·奈特莉精致的颧骨、卡拉·迪瓦伊出挑的浓眉、布莱克·莱弗利挺拔的鼻子,还有斯嘉丽·约翰逊的撅嘴。

    Women 's selections for the perfect female face included Freida Pinto 's glossy black mane , Keira Knightley 's refined cheekbones , Cara Delevingne 's bushy bold brows , Blake Lively 's strong nose and Scarlett Johansson 's pout .

  19. 最受男人欢迎的容貌是夏奇拉瀑布般的金发、米兰达·可儿翘翘的钮扣形鼻子、詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的额头、剑桥公爵夫人凯特王妃的浓眉和安吉丽娜·朱莉的颧骨以及她丰满的嘴唇。

    The most popular features for men were Shakira 's cascading blonde hair , Miranda Kerr 's button nose , the forehead of Jennifer Aniston , the Duchess of Cambridge 's pronounced eyebrows and Angelina Jolie 's cheekbones - as well as her famously full lips .