
zhì hǎi quán
  • Sea power;naval supremacy;command of the sea;sea supremacy;mastery of the seas
制海权 [zhì hǎi quán]
  • [sea supremacy;command of the sea] 海军兵力在某一海区掌握的主动权

制海权[zhì hǎi quán]
  1. 大家都知道,没有制海权或制空权,便不可能把德国军队运过海峡。

    Without the command of the sea or the air , it had been deemed impossible to move German armies across the Channel .

  2. 一个很可能的战略就是强调传统的制海权,以是否能保护国家海洋利益作为评估海军能力的标准。

    A likely strategy will emphasize classic command of the sea , defined as the naval ability to defend vital national maritime interests .

  3. 战争中两国都争取获得制空权和制海权。

    During the war both countries struggled for air and sea dominance .

  4. 德国计划向英国的制海权挑战。

    Germany planned to challenge Britain 's naval supremacy .

  5. 在夺取制海权的作战中,海上战斗兵力群是最重要的。

    The battle group is the most important in the operation of capturing naval power .

  6. 英国的海军力量不再象以前战争中那样天下无敌了,它的制海权只是暂时的局限于某些地区。

    British naval power was temporary and regional and not , as in previous wars , overwhelming .

  7. 人类为了探测和开发海洋资源或在军事上取得制海权,已经研制出了多种小型潜器。

    People have developed many Underwater Unmanned Vehicle in order to detect and empolder resources in ocean or get the thalassocracy .

  8. 事实上,千百年来,木质船一直奋力掌控着制海权。

    For centuries , for thousands of years , in truth , wooden vessels had been struggling for control of the seas .

  9. 战略方面,采取避战保船的消极防御方针,放弃了制海权;

    In strategy , a passive policy of de-fending the ships by avoiding battles was carried out so that the dominating power was given up ;

  10. 第一,俄国太平洋舰队相对日本舰队为弱,不可能轻易夺取黄海的制海权。

    Firstly , the Russian Pacific Fleet was small and weak to Japanese fleet , and could not take con-tro of the Huanghai Sea easily .

  11. 随着雅典海上势力的不断发展,雅典逐步控制爱琴海地区的制海权,这对于海洋意识的增强具有不可忽视的影响。

    With the development of the marine forces , Athens controlled the Sea Power of the Aegean area step by step , which enhanced maritime consciousness .

  12. 它背后有一个幅员广大的帝国,还可以同掌握制海权正在继续奋斗的大英帝国联合起来。

    Behind her is a vast empire , and she can make common cause with the British Empire , which commands the seas and is continuing the struggle .

  13. 最后将全文所述的观点做一个总结,即制海权与海洋意识从古至今对文明和国家的发展都是不可忽略的。

    Then it summarizes the whole text and gets a conclusion-the Sea Power and the maritime consciousness are significant for development of both civilization and countries in all ages .

  14. 随着海洋争夺战向立体化,多层化发展,各国迫切需要掌握海上制空权,制海权,维护海洋权益,保障领土安全。

    With the stereoscopic and multipolar development of modern sea battle , every country need master aeroamphibious right urgently to protect sea rights and interests , guarantee territory safety .

  15. 共分为两点:1、雅典海上势力崛起对希腊和雅典的影响;2、制海权与海洋意识。

    This part contents two chapters : 1 . The influence of the development of Athenian marine forces on Greek and Athens ; 2 . The Sea Power and the maritime consciousness .

  16. 一直到20世纪初,海军振兴论、海上利益线理论、制海权思想等理论相继确立,明治时代的海洋战略基本形成。

    Until the beginning of the 20th century , with the theories of Navy revitalization , line of benefit and sea power were put forward , the maritime strategy in Meiji Period established gradually .

  17. 通过飞机轰炸,取得了制空权和制海权。前伊拉克政权没有合格的空军,战争一开始它就失去了制空权。

    Through the air bombardment , they gained the control of air and sea . The former Iraqi government had no qualified air forces so that it had no control in the air when the war broke out .

  18. 随着现代航天技术的飞速发展和战争的需要,继争夺制海权、制空权、制电磁权之后,争夺制天权又成为现代战争的一个新焦点。

    With the rapid development of modern space technology and the need of war , the struggle to control the sky , after the struggles to control the sea , the sky and electromagnetism , becomes a new focus in modern war .