
zhì zào zhě
  • manufacturer;maker
  1. 它为电路设计者和制造者提供了设计规则检查(DesignRuleCheck,DRC)之外的另一种沟通途径。

    It provides another communication method between IC designer and manufacturer besides Design Rule Check ( DRC ) .

  2. MH贸易的&经营业务公司被限制是农产品一个主导的制造者和出口商在青岛,中国。

    MH Trading & Business Service Company Limited is a leading manufacturer and exporter of agricultural product in Qingdao , China .

  3. 这个警方认定为精神错乱的男子被认为是8起袭击事件的制造者。

    The man , who police believe is psychotic , is thought to be responsible for eight attacks .

  4. 制造者正生产一种新型的肥皂。

    The makers are bringing out a new kind of soap .

  5. 每年新车是否可用,取决于汽车制造者是否成功地完成排放物鉴定程序。

    The availability of new passenger cars each year depends on whether car makers successfully complete an emission certification process .

  6. 当你注册一个域名,使用了隐藏域名所有者信息功能的话,google或许会把你看成一个潜在的垃圾邮件制造者;

    Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain , Google might see you as a potential spammer .

  7. XHTML就是W3C的一次尝试,重新划定由浏览器制造者弄模糊的界限。

    XHTML is the W3C 's attempt to redraw lines blurred by browser makers .

  8. 首先,增加了处理速度和功能密度的需求,推动IC制造者进一步缩减MOS装置的最小尺寸。

    First , increasing demands for processing speed and functional density have pushed IC fabricators to shrink further the minimum dimensions of MOS devices .

  9. 瑞辉公司的部分问题是一个关于著名心脏专家、人造心脏制造者罗伯特·贾维客(RobertJarvik)的广告宣传。

    Part of Pfizer 's problem was an ad campaign featuring noted heart specialist Robert Jarvik ( maker of artificial hearts ) .

  10. 我认为手工艺品交易网站Etsy已经为手工产品制造者做到了这一点,对此我很欣赏。

    I think Etsy has done this for the crafts industry , and that is something I admire .

  11. 即使垃圾邮件制造者利用植入木马(trojans)的僵尸(zombies)的技术,需要使用具体的hashcash戳记至少也会减少那些僵尸进程的发出量。

    Even if spammers utilize zombie machines they have infected with trojans , requiring individualized hashcash stamps at least slows down the traffic out of those zombies .

  12. 一旦被感染,WireLurker的制造者就能窃取受害人的通讯簿、读取iMessage中的短信并定期从攻击者的指挥控制服务器发出更新请求。

    Once infected , WireLurker 's creators can steal a victim 's address book , read iMessage text messages and regularly request updates from attackers " command-and-control server .

  13. 尽管OLPC的XO-1电脑常常被称作“100美元笔记本电脑”,它的成本是175美元&然而制造者确信量产后这个成本可以降低。

    Although often called the ' $ 100 laptop ' , OLPC 's XO-1 computer currently costs US $ 175 & though its makers are sure this can be reduced with mass production .

  14. 在11月的迪拜航展上,mc-21的制造者俄罗斯伊尔库特公司(irkut)自称拥有235份订单,其中大部分来自前苏联国家。

    At the Dubai air show in November , irkut , the Russian company making the mc-21 , said it had 235 orders , mostly from former Soviet countries .

  15. 今天的传媒大亨控制世界的舆论制造者。

    Today 's media barons control the world as opinion makers .

  16. 我们每一个人都是全球变暖的制造者。

    Each one of us is a cause of global warming .

  17. 考试作为“焦虑症制造者”是无人能及的。

    As anxiety makers , examinations are second to none ① .

  18. 科学家是好奇心驱动的工具制造者以及好奇心驱动的工具使用者。

    Scientists are curiosity-driven tool makers as well as curiosity-driven tool users .

  19. 企业成了环境污染的主要制造者。

    Enterprise is becoming the main maker of environmental pollution .

  20. 有机农产品加工食品制造者的认证技术标准

    Criterion Of Authentication About The Foodstuff Manufacturer In Organic Agricultural Products Process

  21. 但电脑制造者正在突破电脑重量和能力的极限。

    But computer makers are pushing the limits of weight and power .

  22. 你判断出那个天使制造者如何选定被害人的了吗

    Have you determined how this Angel Maker is choosing his victims ?

  23. 我们是最大的专业制造者在中国为镀锡铁产品。

    All of our tin products are of good quality .

  24. 谁开发突破性新产品及服务是使用者还是制造者?

    Who develops breakthrough new products and services-users or manufacturers ?

  25. 芝加哥是最大的工业制造者。

    Manufacturing is one of the biggest industries in chicago .

  26. 282.制造者把一项多产的技术成果引进到生产中。

    282 . The producer introduced a productive technological product into production .

  27. HOEFLER&处于技术领先地位的高精齿轮磨床的制造者

    HOEFLER & A Leading manufacturer of high precision gear grinders

  28. 质膜上的活性氧制造者&NOX家族

    NOX family : the ROS producer in plasma membrane

  29. 适用于精密仪器制造者,工程师,表店,珠宝店等。

    Suitable for precision engineers , instrument makers , watch repairers , jewellers etc.

  30. 恩年有限公司是7年纸板显示的一个主导制造者和出口商。

    LTD is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Cardboard Displays for7 years .