
shǐ yònɡ shuō mínɡ shū
  • operation instructions;instruction manual;user's manual;tutorial
  1. 请您在使用前仔细阅读该使用说明书,并正确使用。

    Please read the user 's manual carefully in advance to ensure proper operation .

  2. 药物作用20h后,按试剂盒使用说明书进行MTT法细胞增殖检测。

    After drug action for 20 hours , the proliferation of cells was measured using MTT according to the manufacturer 's instructions .

  3. 有使用说明书和必要的电路图和原理图。用ProtelSchematic99SE设计原理图的注意事项

    The instrument must be accompanied by instructions manual with the necessary schematics and drawings . Operative Skills of Schematic Circuit Diagram Design Using Protel Schematic 99 SE

  4. 论文首先对该领域的相关术语逐一做出解释并指明了论文的具体研究对象,对当前国内外在EST及英文设备使用说明书的文体风格的研究现状进行了总结。

    First of all , this thesis focuses on some definitions in EST in detail and points out the research target . Current research status about stylistic features of English instruction for instruments at home and abroad is reviewed in the first chapter .

  5. 40种化学治疗药物使用说明书的分析及临床指导

    Analysis on Directions of 40 Chemotherapeutic Drugs and Its Clinical Guidance

  6. 对于商品的专业描述说明书其中应包括使用说明书。

    Technical description of the goods including the conditions of usage ;

  7. 说明:“前请仔细阅读使用说明书。”

    Instruction : " Read the instructions carefully before use . "

  8. 人家不看使用说明书,我又有什麽办法呢?

    Can I help it if people don 't read the instructions ?

  9. 浅谈住宅使用说明书的编制

    Talking about the Compilation of the House Usage Instruction Manual

  10. 电子版使用说明书在农机产品中的应用

    The Electronic Specification in the Application of Agricultural Machinery Products

  11. 确认型号和参考相应的使用说明书。

    Confirm the model number and refer to the appropriate instruction manual .

  12. 具体的编辑功能请参照机器使用说明书。

    Please refer to your device manual regarding the specific editing function .

  13. 请参照您手头的机器使用说明书,或者咨询生产厂家。

    Please refer to your device manual or ask your device manufacturer .

  14. 你是按照包装上的使用说明书做的吗?

    Did you follow the instructions on the package ?

  15. 请在操作之前阅读使用说明书。

    Review this manual before operating this vacuum system .

  16. 我现在寄去软件和使用说明书。

    I am sending the software and documentation .

  17. 给我看这只表的使用说明书。

    Show me the instructions for this watch .

  18. 日语工业产品使用说明书的特点与翻译

    The Characteristic and Translation of the Japanese Manuals

  19. 它附带使用说明书吗?

    Does it come with an instruction sheet ?

  20. 请妥善保管使用说明书。

    Please keep properly the operation instruction .

  21. 釉浆泵的维护和检修参照釉浆泵使用说明书。

    Maintenance and examine and repair of slurry pump refer to glaze pump operation instruction .

  22. 这产品有附使用说明书吗?

    Does this product come with instructions ?

  23. 搞好设备的文件及相关的使用说明书的管理工作。

    Management the equipment document and specification .

  24. 所以,我需要的产品信息目录,通常使用说明书,价格,保修。

    So I need information of product as catalog , usual manual , price , warranty .

  25. 他查阅了使用说明书。

    He consulted the manual .

  26. 浅谈汽车使用说明书翻译的特点

    Feature of Translating Automobile Manuals

  27. 高压熔断器的更换请严格按照随机提供的环网高压开关柜使用说明书进行。

    Replacing HV fuse should refer to the operation instruction of HV switchgear delivered with the product .

  28. 最后提出了在消费品使用说明书写作和翻译应遵循的总体原则。

    Finally , it puts forward some basic principles for writing and translating product manuals for consumer goods .

  29. 组变内各电器元件的操作请严格按随产品提供的安装使用说明书进行检查和操作。

    Operating and checking elements of AS should accord strictly with the operation instruction delivered with the Product .

  30. 电脑的使用说明书应当是容易使用的,但我一个字也看不懂。

    The computer manual is supposed to be user-friendly , but I cannot understand a word of it .