
  1. 词的使动用法的新动向

    An Investigation on the New Trend of the Factitive Use of Chinese Words

  2. 壮语西阳话形容词的使动用法

    Causative Usage of Adjectives in Xiyang Speech Zhuang Language

  3. 使动用法的句子在理论上说必须有宾语,有时宾语不出现,但是可以补出。

    Causative sentences must have objects theoretically , and sometimes objects may disappear , but can be added up .

  4. 作为汉语中一种重要的语法现象,目前汉语语法学界对使动用法有了较为深入的分析和研究。

    As an important grammar phenomenon of Chinese , there are pretty detailed analysis and study on causative usage in academic field of Chinese grammar .

  5. 我们这里所说的使动用法,不包括明确出现了使字的情况。

    Here the making use of law We are talking about , does not include the situation where a clear emergence of the word " make " .

  6. 所谓使动用法,是指主语并不施行谓语动词所表示的动作,而是使宾语施行这个动作。

    The use of so-called causative verb is referred to the subject not implementing the action that the predict expresses , but making the object implement the action .

  7. 古代汉语中形容词的使动用法和意动用法一般都采用主谓宾结构式,两者的区别在于句式的变换不同,动宾结构所表示的语义关系不同。

    The causative and conative usage of adjectives in classic Chinese are both found in the SVO structures , while the difference between the two lies in their alternative patterns of different semantic meanings .

  8. 讨论了具有使动、意动用法的词各自的特点,并讨论了相关用例中的宾语、主语的特点及其他一些问题。

    We discuss characteristics of words , which are used causative , conation , and discuss characteristics of object , subject in some instances , and other problems .