
  • 网络Psychological endurance;resilience;mental bearing ability
  1. 大学生心理承受力词汇内隐观的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Implicit Verbal Theory of College Students ' Mental Resilience

  2. 心理训练与课程模式有机结合,强调心理健康教育应秉持“心理建设优于心理预防”的原则,经过系统的训练,使学生掌握心理调控技能,提高心理承受力。

    It should uphold the principle of mental construction bettering mental prevention to combine mental training with the model of curriculum organically and to stress mental health education , and make the students grasp mental regulation and control skill so as to enhance mental bearing ability after systematical training .

  3. 该比赛项目既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验。

    This event tests both physical and mental endurance .

  4. 在一些欧盟(eu)成员国,情况已经超出了人们的心理承受力。

    In several European Union Member States , the threshold has already been breached .

  5. 中国人社会心理承受力的研究

    A Research for the Sociol Psychological Endurance of the Chinese People

  6. 护士应加强自身心理承受力的锻炼,增强应对能力。

    Nurses should exercise themselves mentally to strengthen their ability to cope .

  7. 节奏策略与极限负荷下的心理承受力训练

    " Pacing Strategy " and psychological endurance in high - intensity training

  8. 深化国有企业改革应进一步关注下岗职工的心理承受力

    Take Care of the Spiritual Sustainability of Laid-off Workers in Reform of SOEs

  9. 部队里经常要求士兵态度积极从而提高心理承受力。

    The Army teaches it in order to increase mental toughness in soldiers .

  10. 提高心理承受力,形成稳定、良好的心理素质;

    To raise the psychological endurance to form a steady and fine psychological quality ;

  11. 心理承受力差的学生很容易产生各种心理问题。

    The students with poor psychological endurance were easy to suffer from various psychological problems .

  12. 使(自己、自己的心理承受力等)坚强起来去应付某事

    Make ( oneself , one 's heart , etc ) hard or strong in preparation for sth

  13. 三是要提高学生的心理承受力和心理健康水平,成为社会的有用人才。

    Third , to improve student 's mentality capability and mentality health , become society 's useful talented person .

  14. 他有很强的心理承受力,克服了家庭、社会包括警察局给他造成的压力。

    He has a strong psychological endurance to overcome stress from the family and community including the police station .

  15. 通过挫折教育,提高心理承受力和挫折耐力,培养学生健全的人格、健康的心理。

    Through frustration education , improve psychological enduring ability and frustration endurance , cultivate students ' healthy personality and mind .

  16. 阐述了在极限负荷条件下运动员对疼痛与疲劳的忍受性作为一种心理承受力对大强度体能训练的重要性,并对疲劳与疼痛的控制方法进行了介绍与说明。

    This paper illustrated the importance of psychological endurance on high-intensity training and introduced the methods of pain and fatigue control .

  17. 通过在表演中对心理承受力的培养,形成了后来让我生活中处处受益的良好的心理素质。

    Through the psychological drains of performance , I developed internal resources that have served me in every aspect of my life .

  18. 突发公共危机事件指的是突然发生的、影响面广泛的、出乎民众和社会正常心理承受力之外的事件。

    Emergent public crisis refers to the sudden happened , broad-influenced events that beyond the normal psychological endurance of the public and society .

  19. 我们知道他们在身体对抗和心理承受力上都很强大,他们是拥有能改变比赛的阵容的球队。

    We knew they were strong both physically and psychologically , and that they have a large squad that could bring changes to the game .

  20. 为使不同层次的学生英语学习都有实实在在的提高和收获,要时机选择慎重,考虑学生的心理承受力,英语分层教学值得提倡。

    In order to make students of different levels improve their English , the teaching of English according to different levels should be carried out .

  21. 在你和队员面临困难的危急关头,是心理承受力最弱的时候,也是最容易发生情绪失控的时候。

    In your team and the difficulties we are facing critical juncture , the time is psychological endurance weakest and the most vulnerable to uncontrolled emotional time .

  22. 良好的决策能力、公关谈判能力、组织管理能力、心理承受力、预见应变能力是后勒干部应有的素质要求。

    Service cadre in universities should have the quality of a good decisive a - bility , a negotiation ability , a management ability and emergency ability .

  23. 因此,怎样使大学生客观地面对就业难的现状,获得更多的社会支持,提高就业压力的心理承受力,是一个十分紧迫的问题。

    Therefore , how to encourage the students to deal with the problems of employment effectively , obtain more social supports , and enhance the employment pressure tolerance , is a very urgent problem .

  24. 男女学生的人际关系紧张敏感、心理承受力差、适应性差、情绪失调、焦虑、抑郁、偏执等这些指标的平均值均高于2分。

    The average scores of interpersonal sensitivity , bad psychological endurance , bad adaptation , emotional disturbance , anxiety , depression and paranoid ideation were all higher than 2 points in both male and female students .

  25. 球场观众暴力属于一种集群行为,它是社会环境、文化背景、时代根源以及个体的社会心理承受力等一系列因素的综合效应。

    Court audience violence is a group behavior , which is a comprehensive effect of a series of factors such as social environment , cultural background , root of times , and social mental bearing capacity of individuals .

  26. 如果您手中仍有个别公司的股票,不是心理承受力特强的话,那就是从年初市场动荡的时候开始就一门心思死扛了。

    If you are still holding stocks and shares in individual companies you 're either a hardy soul or have been burying your head in the sand as the markets have been jittery since the start of the year .

  27. 审美化教学课前的美学施工,包括教师对受教者审美经验和心理承受力的深切把握,从审美角度对教材的深研与领悟,以及对教态美的精心设计。

    " the aesthetic designing " before class includes the teachers ' deep understanding of the students ' aesthetical experiences and psychological bearing , the thorough study of textbooks as well as the careful designing of the beauty of teaching postures from the aesthetic angle .

  28. 相对贫困导致外来人口犯罪的客观原因包括经济因素、控制机制因素、地缘因素、就业因素和社会消极因素;主现原因包括心理承受力和心态、受教育程度。

    The objective reasons why relative poverty results in crimes committed by the exotic population include such factors as the economy , control mechanism , geography , employment and social passives , while the subjective reasons include psychological endurance , state of mind and the level of education accepted .

  29. 论高职学生心理挫折承受力的培养

    On the Train of Higher Vocational Students ' Endurance of Psychological Frustration

  30. 心理医生说,图片与心理承受力有关,你的心理承受力越强,图片转动越快。心理承受力越强,图片转动越快。

    Pychologist say , the picutre have a relationship with your stress , the higher your stress level , the faster the picture spins .