
ɡānɡ máo
  • bristle;seta
刚毛 [gāng máo]
  • [bristle] 长在人或动物身上的硬毛,如猪鬃

  1. 叶片正面气孔数目、刚毛数与品种抗病性不相关。

    The results showed that stoma and bristle number on upper leaves surface is not related with resistance .

  2. 结果:可根据体壁细胞的纹理、毛窝的形态、大小及刚毛的特征进行区别。

    Result : The texture of integumentary cells , the shape and size of hair socket and bristle were important characters for species identification .

  3. 除蒙古绣线菊外,其它两物种(刚毛忍冬和凹叶瑞香)花及果实数量在OTC和CP内差异不显著。

    No significant differences in number of flowers and fruits for others between OTC and CP were found except Spiraea mongolica .

  4. 以干旱胁迫下的刚毛柽柳根部组织cDNA为tester,正常生长的刚毛柽柳根部组织cDNA为driver,利用抑制性消减杂交技术(SSH)构建了干旱胁迫下刚毛柽柳根部组织的消减文库。

    Using cDNA from Tamarix hispida roots treated with drought stress as tester and cDNA from Tamarix hispida roots in normal growth as driver , suppression subtractive hybridization ( SSH ) was employed to construct cDNA subtracted library .

  5. 对含有刚毛(setae)的动物药材进行显微研究,记录图片与文字资料。

    Researches mainly including : 1 . Microscopic identification of animal drugs possessed setae were conducted and pictures , characters were recorded .

  6. 甜瓜茎蔓无刚毛与光滑无毛性状的遗传关系分析

    Genetic analysis between hairless and glabrous stem and foliage in melon

  7. 给出了适合制造刚毛材料的聚合物选择准则。

    The polymer properties suitable for fabrication of setae are identified .

  8. 壁虎脚底刚毛的生物组织结构及其体外培养

    Histological Structure and Culture of Seta in Vitro of Gecko Foot

  9. 在长刚毛的长穗里生有橙色到带有红色谷粒的粟。

    Millet having orange to reddish grains in long bristly spikes .

  10. 每只后脚上有形似梳子的刚毛蜘蛛。

    Spider having a comb-like row of bristles on each hind foot .

  11. 北美东部的龙胆,有丛生的、有刚毛的蓝色花。

    Gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers .

  12. 树突集合体从管孔穿入化感刚毛腔,轴突与外鞭神经连接。

    The collection of axons extends centrally to join the antennular nerve .

  13. 美洲热带小型树种,被刚毛心形果实,带酸味。

    Small tropical American tree bearing a bristly heart-shaped acid tropical fruit .

  14. 尾巴上有一丛大的珠状刚毛的豪猪。

    Porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail .

  15. 刚毛柽柳群落特征及其生态、生理适应性

    Characters of Tamarix hispida Willd Communities and Its Ecological & Physiological Adaptation

  16. 价格为综合性的刚毛没有整这些数年多改变。

    Prices for synthetic bristles haven 't changed much all these years .

  17. 几乎所有温带地区都很常见的有刚毛的杂草。

    Common weedy and bristly grass found in nearly all temperate areas .

  18. 倾斜仿生刚毛的设计、制备及黏附性能研究

    Design , Fabrication and Adhesion Test of Lean Bio-inspired Seta

  19. 美洲西部的一个具刚毛的草本或亚灌木属,缺乏刺一样的绒毛。

    Genus of bristly herbs or subshrubs of western America lacking stinging hairs .

  20. 这些结果为仿壁虎刚毛材料的选择提供了实验依据。

    These results provide experimental evidences for the fabricating of synthetic gecko hairs .

  21. 太平洋沿岸高大的落叶树,叶深裂,具刚毛尖头。

    Large deciduous tree of the Pacific coast having deeply parted bristle-tipped leaves .

  22. 壁虎的脚趾上面有着被称为刚毛的成千上万小毛发状结构。

    Geckos " toes are covered in thousands of tiny hairs called setae .

  23. 仿壁虎刚毛与粗糙表面黏着力的建模仿真分析

    The Simulation and Analyses on Biomimetic Gecko Seta

  24. 刚毛的由刚毛组成的或与之相似的。

    Consisting of or similar to bristles .

  25. 有时为攀援植物具有刚毛的科;产于美洲非洲和南阿拉伯半岛。

    Family of bristly hairy sometimes climbing plants ; America and Africa and southern Arabia .

  26. 北美中部和东部的一种具有刚毛的草本植物,果实黑色、皮可药用。

    Bristly herb of eastern and central North America having black fruit and medicinal bark .

  27. 俄勒冈南部和加利福尼亚的一种矮生灌木,有刚毛和匍匐根茎,通常为伞房花序。

    Low-growing bristly shrub of southern Oregon and California with creeping rootstocks and usually corymbose flowers .

  28. 体壁的附属物主要包括鳃、疣足、刚毛和肾管等结构。

    The appurtenances of the body wall consisted of gill , parapodia , chaetae and metanephridium .

  29. 水分胁迫对刚毛柽柳可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量变化的影响

    Effects of Water Stress on Soluble Protein , Soluble Sugar and Proline Content in Tamarix hispida

  30. 一个具绵毛的多年生小型草本属,具小白色盘状花的头状花序,有棒状刚毛形成的冠毛。

    Small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles .