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gāng liè
  • staunch with moral integrity;be fiery and forthright
刚烈 [gāng liè]
  • [be fiery and forthright] 刚强、贞烈

  • 禀性刚烈

刚烈[gāng liè]
  1. 我想那才是他们最强烈的动机,其刚烈超过对方的主体思想。

    I think that that is the strongest motivator , stronger than Juche ideology .

  2. 在他的戏剧中,奥斯特洛夫斯基描绘了一种刚烈及不了解的社会摧毁的敏感精神,

    In his play , Ostrovsky portrays a sensitive spirit destroyed by a rigid and uncomprehending society ,

  3. 我识得一山东女孩,她相貌,言语和个性都很阳光刚烈。

    I know one pretty Shandong girl who is very tough and strong in appearance , words and personality etc.

  4. 尤三姐是贾珍之妻尤氏的妹妹,她花容月貌,性格刚烈。

    Third Sister You , a very pretty and strong character , was the sister of jia Zhen 's wife .

  5. 只有刚烈的个性方能承受历史,懦弱的则消失其中。

    " Only strong personalities can endure history , the weak ones are extinguished by it . " & Friedrich Nietzsche .

  6. 爸爸成长为一个性格刚烈的人,在世上闯出了自己的路,他从不向任何人借一文钱。

    Dad had grown up quick and tough , making his own way in the world , never asking a penny from anyone .

  7. 辛弃疾为人刚烈,执念唯一,处事果断,这种鲜明的人格特征,在他的词作中若隐若现。稼轩之词是其理想追求与现实困境之间矛盾冲突的产物。

    Xin Qiji 's personality traits appear indistinctly in his poems which are the products of the contradiction between his pursuit and the real difficult position .

  8. 不论是否喜欢,在每一个男人心中都有一些刚烈的东西。

    Every man needs to know that he is powerful * Like it or not , there is something fierce in the heart of every man .

  9. 刚烈壮美的长篇世界&试论红柯《西去的骑手》中涉及的文化系统及人物描写

    A Novelistic World of Upright , Unyielding and Magnificent : Discussion on the Cultural System and Portraiture of " The Westing Rider ", a Novel written by Hong Ke

  10. 范滂是东汉时代的一个读书人,为人很刚烈,又有气节,对当时的政治府财,十分痛恨,因此常常发表批评的言论。

    Fan Pang was a scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty . A very strong-willed man with resolute determination , he deplored the political corruption of that time and often criticised it .

  11. 小说的立意即在于通过西北地域文化中刚烈、壮美的“血性”精神,来恢复中原文化中固有的刚强精神。

    The aim of the novel is rescuing the original unyielding spirit of the central plains through the upright , unyielding and magnificent spirit of " courage and uprightness " of the northwest culture .

  12. 暗恋一私的心,就像是瓶中守候发芽的种子,永远不能确定另能否是秀丽的,但却真心而坚毅刚烈的守候着。

    To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up , though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful , still waiting it earnestly and eagerly .

  13. 一个是无家孤女,刚烈率真,疾恶如仇,向往平等,从不献媚于主子,到死都没有改变问罪于天的姿态;

    The former was an orphan who was upright , outspoken , hated evil like an enemy and longed for individual equality , and especially never trig to ingratiate herself with her master , then died tragically .