
  1. 这是一个另千万人垂涎三尺的时刻,中国小姐于文霞在故土中国东北鄂尔多斯举行的世界小姐决赛上折桂2012世界小姐桂冠。

    It 's a much coveted moment , the crowning glory of being named Miss World and 2012 's title goes to Miss China , who triumphed on home soil in northern China 's mining city of Ordos .

  2. 文章一方面提到选美比赛日益盛行(中国的于文霞在上周末世界小姐选美大赛中夺冠),一方面认为这次奶牛选美搞得太过火。

    While noting that the popularity of beauty contests has been rising ( China 's Yu Wenxia won the Miss World pageant over the weekend ) , the editorial argues that in this case things seem to have gone a bit too far . '