
  • 网络Alan Yu
  1. 不同于朦胧诗人对彼岸世界的追求,第三代诗人意在此岸的日常生活里找到生命存在的意义和身体参与的价值。

    The Third-generation write poet of everyday life in this side to find the meaning of life and physical existence of the value of participation .

  2. 然而,在第三代诗歌建立起迥异于朦胧诗的话语方式的同时,并不意味着它具有了后现代性的基本特征。

    However , the author points out , that the Third Generation Poem does not mean it has any basic characteristics of postmodernism even though there has been established discursive style totally different from that of Obscure Poem .

  3. 从当代诗歌的进程来看,他们继承和发展了萌芽于朦胧诗的人的自觉化和文学的自觉化进程。

    Viewed from the process of the contemporary poems , they have carried forward and developed the process that germinated out of that of the change into self-consciousness on the part of obscure avant-garde poets as well as culture .

  4. 在这一点上,爱丁顿的观点是主观的,而不是精确的,但他似乎很沉醉于这种朦胧感。

    At this point his argument becamesuggestive in character , rather than precise - and Eddington didtend to revel in the obscurity of the new theories .

  5. 都沉浸于一片朦胧的光影里:既没有日光

    In a dim light : neither daylight