
  • 网络the Ming Great Wall
  1. 秦皇岛明长城券门雕刻艺术特色及现状调查

    The Features and Investigation Status of Vaulted Door Carving Art of Ming Great Wall in Qinhuangdao

  2. 问:我注意到你这本书的核心是在明长城上。

    Q. I note that the heart of your book centers on the Ming Great Wall .

  3. Loken说:很多的国外游者和中国游者沿着明长城从嘉峪关到达终点,即河北省山海关现存明城墙遗址。他是第一个沿着明朝古地图路线-很多的城石都磨上几个世纪之久的痕迹-到达湖山。

    While about a dozen foreigners and even more Chinese have followed the Ming Wall from Jiayuguan to the end of the existing bulwark in Hebei province 's Shanhaiguan , Loken was the first to continue on to retrace the Ming-era maps ' original route - the stone of which centuries have mostly ground away - to Hushan .

  4. 明长城居庸关研究

    The Research of Ju Yong Guanin in the GreatWall of Ming Dynasty

  5. 明长城的修筑是为了抵御北方游牧民族的入侵。

    It was built to ward off the invasion of nomads from the north .

  6. 辽宁明长城测量项目长度测量工作的开展与质量控制

    The Current Status and Quality Control for Length Measurement of Great Wall on Ming Dynasty

  7. 但相对来说,其保存状况是迄今为止明长城中最为完整的。

    But relatively speaking , the preservation condition is by far the most complete the bright Great Wall .

  8. 八达岭长城是明长城中保存最好的一段,也是最具代表性的一段。

    Badaling Great Wall of Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the best preserved section is the section of the most representative .

  9. 明长城军堡与明、清村堡的比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Military Fortresses along the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty and the Village Fortresses of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  10. 龙翔凤翥&榆林地区明长城军事堡寨研究

    Soaring Dragon And Dancing Phoenix & Research on the Military Fortresses along the Great Wall ( Ming Dynasty ) in Yulin District

  11. 中国现存的长城大多数都是明长城,明长城总长度超过了8800公里。

    China 's existing Great Wall sections mostly date from the Ming era , with the Ming wall measuring over 8800 kilometers .

  12. 明长城遗迹、嘉峪关以及被积雪覆盖的祁连山都值得一看。

    The relics of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty , the Jiayuguan Pass , and the snow-capped Qilian Mountains are worth seeing .

  13. 山海关以东筑入渤海的长城名为老龙头,是明长城东部起点。

    The section east of Shanhaiguan that dips into Bohai Sea is called laolongtou , which is the east start of the great wall .

  14. 然后如果减去8851公里,即明长城的长度,那么明以前历代所建长城的长度就是12345公里。

    And then if we subtract 8851 , the length of Ming wall , we get 12345 as the length of the pre-Ming walls .

  15. 来中国的大部分人看到的都是明长城,典型的是那条在北京北部的山岭间蜿蜒盘旋的砖石“巨龙”。

    Most people who come to China see the Ming wall , typically the brick-and-stone " dragon " snaking through the mountains north of Beijing .

  16. 文章首先了解了该地区军事地理环境,介绍明长城及大同镇的设立背景。

    The article first to understand the military geography of the region , the Great Wall and the Ming Datong described the establishment of the background .

  17. 以历史发展为纲叙述明长城军事聚落兴筑较为集中的三个阶段,探寻九边重镇军事聚落的总体空间分布规律。

    Military fortress along the Great Wall in Ming dynasty is described in three periods and space-time distributing regulation of military fortress in nine defense areas is explored .

  18. 这些聚落不仅拥挤,而且很古老。榆林地区明长城军事堡寨聚落研究

    Not only are they congested , they are aged . The Research of the Settlements for Defensive " Bao Zhai " Along the Great Wall on Ming Dynasty in Yulin Area

  19. 几年前,中国宣布勘测了明长城,就是大部分游客来中国旅行时会游览的一段长城。

    A few years ago , the state announced that they had surveyed the Ming wall , which is the wall most tourists see a segment of on their trips to China .

  20. 据官媒报道,中国的明长城大约有30%随着时间的推移已经消失,这是由于不利的自然条件和不计后果的人类活动(包括偷长城上的砖盖房子)侵蚀了这座由联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产。

    Around 30 percent of China 's Ming-era Great Wall has disappeared over time as adverse natural conditions and reckless human activities -- including stealing the bricks to build houses -- erode the UNESCO World Heritage site , state media reported 。

  21. 事实很简单,国家先勘测了明长城,然后又勘测了明以前历代所建的长城,两次勘测结果加起来得到今天中国所有可见的长城遗迹的总长度。

    It 's simply that the state looked at the Ming wall first , they looked at the pre-Ming wall second , and the two added together gives you the total length of all visible remains of the Great Wall in China today .