
  • 网络baotou;Baotou City
  1. 包头市近视患者LASIK手术原因及术后满意度研究

    Study on the Reasons on for Myopic Lasik Surgery and Its Satisfaction in Baotou

  2. 筛选建立包头市Rh阴性血型队伍的研究

    The Study of Negative Rh Rare Blood Type Troops that Was Sifted , Established and Used of Baotou

  3. 包头市郊区土地资源动态监测中的GPS应用

    Application of GPS in dynamic monitoring land resources at a suburb of Baotou

  4. 2002~2004年包头市食品从业人员HBsAg携带情况调查

    Investigation on HBsAg Carrying Situation of Staff from Catering Enterprises in Baotou from 2002 to 2004

  5. 基于SD模型的干旱区城市水资源承载力模拟与预测&以包头市为例

    Simulation and Predication of Arid Area Urban Water Resources Bearing Capacity Based on SD Model : a Case Study of Baotou City

  6. 介绍了包头市无线数字电视网络实施原则、系统架构和应用状况,详细阐述了SDH数字微波传输、数字电视平台、数字MMDS的建设方式,以及各部分的具体组成。

    And it studies in detail the construction of SDH digital microwave transmission , digital television platform and the digital MMDS as well as the concrete configuration of each part .

  7. 包头市历史文化遗产在城市建设中的作用

    Study on the Effection of Cultural Heritage in the City Construction

  8. 包头市体育场灯塔工程灯杆焊接变形控制

    Lighting pole welding deformation control in beacon engineering at Baotou Stadium

  9. 包头市水资源-环境-经济综合管理模型的研究

    Comprehensive Management Model of Water Resources Environment Economy for Baotou City

  10. 包头市蒙古族小学学生自我意识的研究

    Study on Self-Concept among Mongolian Students in Primary School in Baotou

  11. 基于生态足迹模型的包头市生态承载力分析

    Analysis of Bio-capacity in Baotou City Based on Ecological Footprint Model

  12. 包头市水资源-经济多目标规划研究

    Research on Water Resources and Economy Multitargets Plan in Baotou City

  13. 包头市蝗虫常见种类与综合控制措施

    Baotou City 's Familiar Locusts Species and General Prevention and Cure

  14. 包头市售牛乳卫生质量调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Quality of Cow Milk Sold in Baotou City

  15. 包头市九原区土地利用现状与可持续发展研究

    Land Use and Sustainable Development Research in Jiuyuan District of Baotou

  16. 包头市经济发展与人才资源对策研究

    BaoTou Economic Development and the Talented Person 's Resources Counterplan Research

  17. 包头市新时代商务区城市设计浅析

    On the Urban Design of New Times Business Quarter in Baotou

  18. 包头市高职院校大学生体育生活方式特征与身体素质状况研究

    Baotou Vocational College Sports Features and Physical Conditions of Life Research

  19. 包头市大气环境污染现状及其治理研究

    Present Situation of Are Pollution and Environment Protection in Baotou City

  20. 包头市学龄前儿童呼吸道疾病调查

    A Survey of Respiratory Tract Diseases among Preschool Children in Baotou

  21. 包头市土地退化与复垦研究

    Study on the land degradation and recultivation in Baotou City

  22. 包头市水资源系统经济效益分析

    Economic benefit analysis of water resources system in Baotou City

  23. 包头市废旧雷弹的爆破销毁

    Destruction of discarded mines and shells by blasting method at Baotou City

  24. 包头市城市生态景观规划研究

    A Study of Baotou City 's Urban Ecosystem Landscape Planning

  25. 黄河是包头市的主要水源。

    The Yellow River is main water source for Baotou .

  26. 包头市旅游资源及其空间结构评价

    Evaluation of Tourism Resources and Its Spatial Structure in Baotou

  27. 包头市万水泉生态城区建设规划研究

    Study on Bao Tou Wan Shui Quan Eco-City Program Construction

  28. 包头市沙尘暴与人群急性健康效应关系的初步研究

    Relationship Between Dust Storms and Acute Impacts in Baotou City

  29. 包头市中小学生态校园建设问题的研究

    Baotou City Campus Construction of Primary and Secondary Ecological Research

  30. 包头市固阳秦长城旅游区景观规划研究

    Plan of Tourism Area Landscape of Qin Great Wall at Guyang County