
  • 网络moral ideal
  1. 论D·H·劳伦斯的道德理想与社会的冲突

    The Conflict between D · H · Lawrence 's Moral Ideal and the Social Realities

  2. 社会公正是人类社会的道德理想和价值原则。

    Social justice is human social moral ideal and value principle .

  3. 道德理想主义与伦理中心主义:儒家伦理的双旋结构

    Moral Idealism and Ethical Centralism ; Joint Structure of Confucian Ethics

  4. 文学艺术在道德理想重建中的作用及其表现方式

    On the functions and expressions of literature in the moral reconstructions

  5. 总之,前者是伦理中心主义,后者是道德理想主义。

    The former was ethics-centered while the latter was morally idealistic .

  6. 市场经济与道德理想的价值

    Market Economy and the Value of the Morality and Ideal

  7. 《儿子与情人》的伦理思想与道德理想

    The Ethical Thoughts and Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers

  8. 道德理想主义则试图改造人们,成为至善至美之人。

    Moral idealism is always trying to transform people to be perfect .

  9. 主权:政治现实、道德理想与法治桥梁

    Sovereignty : Political Reality , Moral Ideal , and Law as a Bridge

  10. 官德修养上的道德理想主义,造成实际道德的虚无;

    The morality idealism leads to the morality nihility ;

  11. 当代中国社会道德理想境遇的反思

    Reflection on Circumstance of Contemporary Chinese Social Moral Ideal

  12. 无望的回归&论庄子的道德理想

    A Hopeless Regression & On Zhuang-zi 's moral ideal

  13. 教师道德理想人格是内在美与外在美的统一。

    The ideal morality is the agreement between the inner and outer beauty .

  14. 浅谈教师道德理想人格组成的三要素

    Three Main Factors of The Ideal Quality of Teachers

  15. 将审美观念与道德理想相融合,塑造完美的道德人格。

    Integration of esthetics and moral ideals and cultivation of perfect moral personality .

  16. 儒家伦理是道德理想主义与伦理中心主义的结合体。

    Confucian ethics united moral idealism and ethical centralism .

  17. 先秦礼乐文明与孔孟道德理想主义

    The Ritual and Music Culture of the Pre-Qin Period and the Confucian Moral Idealism

  18. 孟子的道德理想人格之修养

    Mencius'Way of Cultivation of Moral Ideal in Personality

  19. 庄子以“自然无为”为理念建立了自己的道德理想。

    Zhuangzi has established his moral ideal with the idea of nature and inaction .

  20. 孔子所提倡的道德理想,对于我们今天正在进行的公民道德建设具有十分重要的意义。

    The moral ideal advocated by Confucius is of great importance to the construction of citizens'morality .

  21. 经济理想与道德理想

    Economic Ideal and Moral Ideal

  22. 梁漱溟的道德理想主义

    Liang Shuming 's Moral Idealism

  23. 在具有鲜明乐生情怀的道德理想的烛照下,整个文化都呈现出一种乐的色调。

    With the view of traditional moral ideal , whole ancient culture presents a brightly glad hue .

  24. 这是你的职责:谦逊地把持自己并坚守你的道德理想。

    It is your job to comport yourself humbly and to consistently hew to your moral ideals .

  25. 论孔子的道德理想

    On Confucian Moral Ideal

  26. 《凯蒂琳》的三个意象与易卜生的原罪意识和道德理想

    The Relationship between Three Images of Catiline and the Sense of Ibsen 's Original Sin and Moral Ideals

  27. 蕺山批评此超越的区分,其道德理想性是否因而丧失而流为下堕的学问?

    Does Ji Shan 's criticism on the transcendent division become declining study because of losing the idealism ?

  28. 挖掘苦难这一主题在张炜长篇小说中的特殊意义,以及张炜围绕这一主题所生发的思考,从而解释张炜道德理想主义产生的缘由。

    The kind of significance and his thinking about the theme explain the origin of his moral idealism .

  29. 不过我还是劝你千万努力,尽可能不要放弃了道德理想。

    But I do entreat you to endeavour to keep as much as possible in touch with moral ideals .

  30. 这体现了罗尔斯退出道德理想,返回政治事实的品格。

    This reflects the Rolls withdraw from the moral ideals , returning to the political character of the facts .