
  1. 经“康乾盛世”时期的休养生息,人口迅速增长。

    By the " Spirit Kangxi and Qianlong " period of recuperation , rapid population growth .

  2. 康乾盛世,在华夏五千年文明史上留下了最浓墨重彩的一笔。同样,康熙与乾隆这两位赫赫有名的清朝皇帝也留下了无数足以让后人惊叹的御用瑰宝。

    The prosperous periods of KangXi and QianLong have profound influence in China 's 5000-year history of Civilization .

  3. 贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。

    The declination and its reasons of the Jia 's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong .

  4. 世纪之交的新康乾盛世&对三部电视剧的传播/文化解读(下)

    The New Renaissance of " Kong and Qian Eras " At the Eve of This Century-A Cultural Reading Of the Impacts of Three TV . Series ( 2 )

  5. 而同一时期的中国正处在康乾盛世之中,清朝统治者不断加强对海外贸易的限制。

    At the same period China was in the Golden Age of Kangxi and Qianlong . The rulers of Ch ' ing Dynasty continued to strengthen the restrictions on overseas trade .

  6. 康熙帝雄才大略,立身治世赫赫于史,开创了中国封建社会最后一个盛世&康乾盛世。

    Emperor Kangxi , talented and far-sighted , sets up the last flourishing age of the feudal society in the history of China & Kang and Qian times of peace and prosperity .

  7. 由于与「康乾盛世」与「同治中兴」两个观念的紧密联系,使「四王吴恽」在晚清获得了新的意义。

    With close Connection with the two ideas of " the Kangxi-Qinglong Great Ages " and " the Tung-chih Restoration ", the " Four Wangs " was endowed with some fresh significances .

  8. 然后结合大量史料,从康乾盛世传播控制的实施机构、控制措施和处罚手段三方面分析传播控制政策的具体实施过程。

    Then with a large number of historical data , the article analyzes the communication controlling policy implementation process through the implementing agencies , control measures and penalties of communication controlling in The flourishing age of Kang Qian .

  9. 华喦是清代康乾盛世享有很高声誉的扬州八怪之一,他工画,善书,能诗,时称三绝。

    Hua Yan is " in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity " enjoyed a high reputation of the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " one of , he is painting , good book , can the poem , called " sanjue " .

  10. 文章在继承前人研究的基础上,对康乾盛世时期的四口通商进行梳理,说明四口的腹地及其相互影响,进而说明当时社会经济发展概况及其特点。

    The thesis , based on the prior researches , focus on the " Four Ports " and Its Hinterland as well as their interrelation in " Kangxi and Qianlong Flourishing Age ", to illustrate economical development and its features of society at that time .

  11. 清朝自建立以来,曾经历了康乾盛世的繁荣发展时期,但是中后期的闭关锁国外加西方资本主义的入侵,使清王朝的统治不可避免的走向穷途末路。

    Since the establishment of the Qing dynasty , who had undergone the " Kang xi and Qianlong " boom , but intrusion in the latter part of the closed-door lock plus western capitalism , so the rule of the Qing dynasty inevitable to end of the line .

  12. 朱熹理学思想影响深远,其司法思想主要包括以严为本而以宽济之;明谨用刑而不留狱两方面,并对清朝法制产生了重大影响,促进了康乾盛世的形成。

    Far fetching are Zhu Xi 's philosophical thoughts , among which , his judicial thought , mainly including " be strict but forgiving , cautious and efficient ", exerted great influences on the legal system of the Qing Dynasty , and helped the formation of Kang Qian Powerful Age .