
lì shǐ jué dìnɡ lùn
  • historicism;historical determinism
  1. 历史决定论是马克思主义理论的重大课题。

    The historical determinism is a major topic in exploration of Marxist theory .

  2. 历史决定论作为一种重要的历史观受到来自各个方面的批判。

    As an important view , historical determinism is criticized by various schools .

  3. 马克思主义历史决定论之探析对半个多世纪以来的价值工程/价值管理(ValueEngineering/ValueManagement,VE/VM)的实践发展作了概要性回顾。

    In this paper a brief review on the Value Engineering / Value Management ( VE / VM ), practice over the past half century is carried out , this review shows that there exerts an inevitability of the emergence of VE / VM theory .

  4. 从《莱茵报》到《1844年经济学哲学手稿》时期,是马克思的人性历史决定论的形成和发展时期。

    The period of the formation and development of humanistic historical determinism ;

  5. 从波普尔对历史决定论的批判重新审视马克思主义历史决定论

    Re-examining the Marxism History Determinism from Popper 's Criticism of History Determinism

  6. 这可能意味着对历史决定论前后矛盾的指责。

    This may seem to imply the charge that historicism is inconsistent .

  7. 我已努力提供支持历史决定论的理由。

    I have tried hard to make a case in favour of historicism .

  8. 这样,他们就倾向于采取某种历史决定论的道德学说。

    Thus they are apt to adopt some kind of historicist moral theory .

  9. 在那以后,我成功地对历史决定论给予反驳。

    Since then , I have succeeded in giving a refutation of historicism .

  10. 托尔斯泰的历史决定论是对一种写历史的方法的抗议。

    Tolstoy 's historicism is a reaction against a method of writing history .

  11. 我试图把历史决定论描述为一种考虑周到而结构严谨的哲学。

    I have tried to present historicism as a well-considered and close-knit philosophy .

  12. 历史决定论一直是一个颇有争议的哲学问题。

    As a philosophic problem , historical determinism has always been very much disputed .

  13. 第二部分指出历史决定论潜在的道德伦理其实是一种反文明的未来道德主义。

    The second part points that the potential morality that historicism carried is anti-civilization .

  14. 这个例子也许会提醒我们,在历史决定论中有着一些合理因素。

    This example may remind us that there are some sound elements in historicism .

  15. 历史决定论者争辩说,实验的方法不能应用于社会科学。

    The historicist contends that the experimental method cannot be applied to the social sciences .

  16. 历史决定论是极其古老的思想倾向。

    Historicism is a very old movement .

  17. 正如前面表明的,历史决定论并不是与能动主义相对立的。

    As has been shown before , historicism is not opposed to ' activism ' .

  18. 波普尔反历史决定论思想的辩证解读

    Popper 's Anti-historicism of Dialectical Thought Reading

  19. 历史决定论性质初探

    On the Nature of the historical determinism

  20. 法学中的历史决定论批判

    Animadvert on History Determinism in the Law

  21. 他对历史决定论的批判以事实、价值的分野和科学分类为基础;

    Based on dividing the fact and the value , scientific classification , he criticized historicism ;

  22. 马克思主义历史决定论不是从一开始就有的,它也是逐渐发展起来的。

    Marxist historical determinism does not exist at the beginning time , it is also developing gradually .

  23. 按照历史决定论看来,这也适用于社会,因为社会也有经验。

    The same , according to historicism , holds true of society , since society too experiences .

  24. 仅就历史决定论是一种技术而论,它的方法不是渐进的,而是“整体主义的”。

    In so far as historicism is technological , its approach is not piecemeal , but'holistic ' .

  25. 历史决定论往往强调预测作为科学任务之一的重要性。

    Historicism is inclined to stress the importance of prediction as one of the tasks of science .

  26. 本文对马克思恩格斯历史决定论思想的发展演变进行了探讨。

    This thesis will discuss the evolution of the historical determinism come up by Marx and Engels .

  27. 这就是历史决定论者认为唯一真正的社会学规律是历史规律的本意。

    This is what historicists mean by saying that the only real laws of sociology are historical laws .

  28. 历史决定论者声称,除了这个决定性的批判之外,还有其他理由抨击技术社会学。

    The historicist will claim that besides this decisive criticism there are other reasons for rejecting technological sociologies .

  29. 波普尔,其一生主要的精力都放在批判马克思主义的唯物史观特别是他的历史决定论上。

    Popper gives critical remarks on Marxs view of history in his book titled the poverty of historicism .

  30. 历史决定论是自然主义制造的一个理论神话,应将其从法学中彻底清除出去。

    History determinism is a theoretic fable made by naturalism , we should clean it out from law .