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xínɡ shēnɡ zì
  • Pictophonetic character;phonogram;phonetic compound;semantic-plus-phonetic characters
  1. 外国学生识别形声字错误类型小析

    An Analysis of the Types of Error in Processing Phonogram Characters by Foreign Students

  2. 本文研究外国学生在识别形声字时产生的错误。

    This article researches the types of error that occur when foreign students process the phonogram characters .

  3. 形声字的拆分及在汉字教学中的实践

    Dismantling of Phono-based Characters and Practice in Chinese Character Teaching

  4. 构成形声字偏旁字符的复杂网络

    The complex networks of the parts word in Phonograms structure

  5. 汉语形声字语音加工的前词汇通路

    The Pre-lexical Route in the Phonological Processing of Chinese Phonograms

  6. 形声字意符与传统类属观念

    On the Pictographic Symbols of Chinese Phonograms and the Traditional Concept of Category

  7. 第二种,形声字表达了声符的引申义;

    Secondly , picto phonetic character expresses the extended meaning of phonetic sign .

  8. 部分形声字声符具有揭示汉语语源的重要功能。

    Some pictophmetic characters s phonetic sign can indicate the origins of words .

  9. 形声字构造的逻辑特点分析

    Logic characteristic analysis of the ideophone words ' construction

  10. 古代汉语的声母曾经影响了现代汉语的语音、语汇和汉字形声字。

    Ancient initial consonants have influence on modern pronunciation , vocabulary and Chinese characters .

  11. 假借字不仅是构成商代汉字体系的重要成分,而且是形声字产生的重要物质基础。

    Chinese character of borrowing can be divided into special and general character of borrowing .

  12. 《段注》对大徐本《说文》形声字作了大量的分类考订工作,形声字改动订正最为详尽可靠。

    Duan Zhu makes great effort to classify and verify Shuo Wen of Daxu edition .

  13. 本文的研究方法主要集中表现在对形声字的判定上。

    The study method of this article concentrates on the determinant of the Picto-phonetic characters .

  14. 小学科学课教学中学生问题意识培养的研究面向中小学生和留学生的形声字教学研究

    Research on the Cultivation of Students ' Question Consciousness in Science Teaching in Primary School

  15. 第五种,形声字与声符在意义上没有关系。

    Fifthly , the meaning of pictophonetic character and that of phonetic sign have no relation .

  16. 实验一采用命名作业考察了规则性对汉字形声字语音加工的影响,发现在中、低频字中存在规则性效应;

    In experiment 1 , the regularity effect was found in medium frequency and low frequency characters ;

  17. 根据双通道模型,在形声字的加工中,存在语音信息的激活。

    According to dual route model , there exists a phonetic activation on processing of Chinese phonograms .

  18. 对小学低年级学生对陌生形声字的语音提取进行了研究。

    Using a naming test , the phonological activation of unfamiliar pictophonetic characters of lower-grade pupils was investigated .

  19. 形声字声符的示源功能是汉字研究的重要内容,也是系联同源关系的主要线索。

    There are five categories of relations between the meaning of pictophonetic character and that of phonetic sign .

  20. 作为表意文字的汉字,形声字占常用字的90%以上。

    As a kind of ideographic writing , phonetic characters account for more than 90 % of sight words .

  21. 本文利用两个行为实验研究了汉语形声字语音加工的前词汇通路。

    Two character naming experiments were conducted to investigated the pre-lexical route in the phonological processing of Chinese phonograms .

  22. 提出了对外汉字教学中有关形声字教学的若干建议。

    Accordingly , some suggestions on pictophonetic characters teaching are made to improve teaching of Chinese as a foreign language .

  23. 再将这四段形声字的属性进行对比分析,总结属性的变化,把形声字的发展演变过程列出图表。

    The first which drew the Phonetic properties analyzed on property changes , the evolution of the Phonetic chart listed .

  24. 不同形符的表义功能存在着大小、强弱的差异,因而其所确定的形声字的表义范畴也有大小之别。

    The functions of shape-symbols vary in size and extent ; therefore , phonograms'token categories determined by shape-symbols also differ .

  25. 从产生时间、途径看形声字音符、意符的作用

    The Function And Limitation of the Note And the Ideogram Linking the Time When the Phonogram Came Into Being And the Approaches

  26. 正确认识形这些对于理解形声字的形成和形义关系大有裨益。

    A correct understanding of them is of important significance to understand the phonogram 's formation and the relation of its form and meaning .

  27. 中亚留学生初学者对于汉字的读音掌握比意义好,特别是形声字;

    Central Asia beginner students to master the pronunciation of Chinese characters than the sense , especially for the sound of the word form ;

  28. 统计结果表明:形声字“声符”的功能是“邻近示音”,而不是“准确表音”。

    The result of statistics shows that a phonotactic symbol prompts near pronunciation of a pictophonetic gram instead of indicating exact pronunciation of the pictophonetic gram .

  29. 教学设计主要运用了汉字部件教学法,讲授了汉字的结构、汉字部件、独体字与合体字,其中重点介绍了表义部件、形声字与会意字。

    This design mainly uses the didactics of Chinese character parts to introduce the structures and parts of Chinese character , single characters and compound characters .

  30. 大量形声字是在原字上加注意符而形成的,加注意符是为了分化原字的记词职能,提高汉字表义的区别度。

    A large number of phonograms are made of original Character with sentimental symbol for differentiating original Character 's sense and improving distinction of Character 's meaning .