
  • 网络CLi;command line interface;Shell;Command-Line Interface;command line
  1. 此表说明OptimDevelopmentStudio中的GUI支持的功能,以及命令行界面支持的功能。

    This table indicates which features are supported by the GUI in Optim Development Studio and which features are supported by the command line interface .

  2. 成功地登录进入并获得MySQL命令行界面提示符后,可以开始创建数据库,如下

    After sucessfully logging in and getting the MySQL command line interface prompt , you can start creating your database as follows

  3. 可以以两种方式启用它们&通过Web或命令行界面。

    You can enable them in two ways & via Web or command-line interface .

  4. 要获得类似于BASH的命令行界面,请按下C。

    To get to a BASH-like command-line interface , press C.

  5. 通过提供基于Web的图形开发界面,对比于传统的命令行界面开发模式,极大的提高了开发效率。

    Through the development of Web-based graphical interface , as compared to the traditional command line interface mode , it greatly improves the development efficiency .

  6. 您必须能够通过API或命令行界面访问和操作所有配置设置。

    You must be able to access and manipulate all configuration settings by APIs or a command-line interface .

  7. 可以通过MetadataWorkbenchWeb界面或命令行界面导入和删除扩展映射文档。

    You can import and delete extension mapping documents through the Metadata Workbench Web interface or from the command-line interface .

  8. ODFValidator有两种用户界面,命令行界面和Web界面。

    The ODF Validator has two user interfaces , the command-line interface and the Web interface .

  9. 这只需要向服务器发送一个HTTP请求,或者使用命令行界面即可完成。

    This can be done by simply sending an HTTP request to the server , or by using the command line interface .

  10. 本文将介绍PMD的命令行界面。

    This article explores PMD 's command-line interface .

  11. 使用CDR命令行界面,将复制表设为alter模式。

    Using the CDR command line interface , set the replication table to alter mode .

  12. 要设置或取消表的alter模式,可以使用CDR命令行界面。

    To set or unset the alter mode on a table , use the CDR command-line interface .

  13. 但是请记住,定制模式可以也使用WebSphereCloudBurst命令行界面创建。

    Remember , though , that customized patterns can be created using the WebSphere CloudBurst command line interface as well .

  14. 测试团队使用WebSphereCloudBurst命令行界面自动化他们的云资源的增长和收缩。

    The test team automated the growth and contraction of their cloud resources using the WebSphere CloudBurst command line interface .

  15. 它通过保留强大的命令行界面(CLI)来实现这一目标。

    And it has done it by keeping a strong command-line interface ( CLI ) .

  16. 新的命令行界面(CLI)

    New command line interface ( CLI )

  17. DOH为其命令行界面还使用了Rhino,一个用Java™代码编写的开源JavaScript引擎。

    The DOH uses Rhino , an open-source JavaScript engine written in Java ™ code , for its command-line interface .

  18. 在KVM主机命令行界面上,运行以下命令来确保SNMP已启用。

    On the KVM host command line interface , run the following commands to ensure SNMP is available .

  19. keytool是Java开发工具包(JDK)所附带的,它提供一个命令行界面。

    Keytool is shipped with the Java Development Kit ( JDK ) and provides a command line interface .

  20. MS-DOS是带有命令行界面的单任务处理、单用户操作系统。

    MS-DOS is a single-tasking , single-user operating system with a command-line interface .

  21. 软件发布过程还可以在Tivoli中用软件发布的命令行界面进行。

    The software distribution process can also be done using the command line interface for software distribution in Tivoli .

  22. 比如,使用相同业务逻辑的面向Web应用程序、移动应用程序甚至是一个CLI(命令行界面)的银行应用程序。

    For example , consider banking applications that use the same business logic for a web application , a mobile application , and maybe a CLI ( command-line interface ) .

  23. 如果您确实需要一个命令行界面,Aptana也能够轻松为您实现。

    If you really want a command-line interface , Aptana makes this easy as well .

  24. 命令行界面为VIOS分区使用一个交互式控制台或Telnet会话。

    The command line interface uses an interactive console , or a Telnet session , with the VIOS partition .

  25. 除非你已经很熟悉你的IDE,否则从使用简单的命令行界面开始可能更容易些。

    Unless you are already familiar with using your compiler 's IDE , it can be easier to start by using the simpler , command-line interface .

  26. 使用GRUB,如果配置文件配置错误,则只是默认转到GRUB命令行界面。

    With GRUB , if the configuration file is configured incorrectly , it will simply default to the GRUB command-line interface .

  27. 当我在本专栏文章中发布第一个项目XM(XSLTMake)时,我无法包括正确的用户界面(它只有命令行界面)。

    When I released the first project in this column , XM ( XSLT Make ), I failed to include a proper user interface ( it only has a command-line interface ) .

  28. 前面提到过,DOH既提供命令行界面,又提供了基于浏览器的界面。

    As previously mentioned , the DOH provides a command-line interface as well as a browser-based interface .

  29. 运行时映像激活(RIA)是一个原型命令行界面,它允许让您综合运用网络技术,从而确保克隆的虚拟机配置是正确的。

    Runtime Image Activation ( RIA ) is a prototype command-line interface that lets you orchestrate networking techniques to make sure your cloned VMs are appropriately configured .

  30. 通过命令行界面(CLI)重复打开和关闭Ambulant每次会破坏错误缓冲。

    Repeated opening and closing of Ambulant from the command-line interface ( CLI ) destroys the error buffer each time .