
  • 网络house ruler;lord of a house
  1. 当12宫的宫主星跟命主星跟其他行星有好的行为,这也暗示着会有少到几乎没有的或者他的敌人对他没有害。

    When the lord of the12th and the lord of the ASC are in mutual good aspect with each other , it signifies little or no harm from enemies .

  2. 这时候,金星掌管爱的行星同时也是你第5宫真爱宫的宫主星将接触到木星。

    That 's when Venus , planet of love and natural ruler of your fifth house of true love-new love , will reach out to Jupiter .

  3. 在第十一宫的行星表明通过友谊解释的状况、但是宫主星是友谊和手足情谊的表达的关键。

    Planets in the eleventh indicate conditions that are interpreted through friendship , but the ruler is the key to the expression of friendship and brotherhood .