
  • 网络sun sign
  1. 说明的是,应该去看看你的上升星座&上升星座与太阳星座同等重要。

    I will add that you must always read for your rising sign , for the rising sign is equal in importance to the Sun sign .

  2. 第一个要素就是太阳星座,也即你出生当日星群中太阳的位置(请注意吠陀占星与西方占星有所区别)。

    The first indicator is the Sun sign & that is , the star group that the Sun was in on the day of your birth ( remember that Vedic is different than western astrology ) .

  3. 绝不要把太阳星座和固定星座等同起来。

    One must never equate Sun signs with fixed star constellations .

  4. 这恐怕是他的太阳星座-水瓶座略带成熟、理想

    This young man in a hurry is an Aquarius

  5. 出生在2月的双鱼座,刚刚经历木星同太阳星座的对齐。

    Pisces who were born in February just had Jupiter aligned with their natal Sun .

  6. 占星学家唯一感兴趣的是基于季节基础上的太阳星座。

    The astrologer is only interested in the sun signs , based on the seasons .

  7. 这可以或许是由于这两个太阳星座共有的相似的世界观。

    This could be because of the similar view of life that both these sun signs have .

  8. 对你们来说幸运的是,我们不会根据她们的太阳星座来给她们归类!

    Fortunately for you , we are not going to break them down according to their sun signs !

  9. 恒星星座的构型是在天空中能够看得见的,而太阳星座却不能。

    Fixed star constellations are configurations of stars visible in the sky , sun signs however cannot be seen in the sky .

  10. 这些太阳星座认为都不需要聚光灯下的烘托,因此他们可以大放异彩的在一块。

    Neither of these sun-signs feels the need to hog the spotlight and so they make a great couple that shine brilliantly together .

  11. 坦白的表达他们的观点(你要小心射手座来势凶猛的坦诚的观点),这两个太阳星座都是很友好的并且有时候他们带有一些乐观主义。

    Frank with their opinions ( you should try to watch out for a Sagittarian 's barrage of honest opinions ), both these sun signs are friendly and sometimes have a strange optimism about them .

  12. 这个月大部分的行星会在和你的太阳星座完美结合的火象星座和风向星座上,所以,亲爱的水瓶,这是看看世界能给与你什么了的时候了。

    Most of the planets this month will be in fire and air signs that will blend beautifully with your Sun sign , so , dear Aquarius , it 's time to see what the world has to offer .

  13. 正是这些太阳穿过的星座&白羊座、双子座、金牛座等,才导致占星术上日历年的划分。鸿渐等意外地在车梢占有好座位。

    Tourist car [ coach ] It is the constellations traversed by the sun in its wanderings Aries , Gemini , Taurus , and so on that give rise to the astrological divisions of the calendar year .

  14. 开普勒号发现了1235个在天鹅座,太阳系以外的星座,但是他们都属于银河系。

    Kepler 's scans have found 1,235 extrasolar planets in the Cygnus constellation of our own galaxy , the Milky Way .