
  • 网络power plant;Solar Power Plant;solar plant
  1. 他透露,上述电网的规模将是目前最大的加州太阳能发电厂的3倍。

    He disclosed that the network would be three times the size of the current largest solar power plant in California .

  2. 如今,该国即将在阿布扎比沙漠建设一家发电能力为100兆瓦的集中式太阳能发电厂,为该地区规模最大的可再生能源项目。

    Today , the UAE is about to launch a 100MW concentrated solar power plant in the Abu Dhabi desert , the largest renewable energy project in the region .

  3. 此轮融资来自谷歌(Google),将帮助完成位于莫哈韦沙漠中的一家太阳能发电厂的建设。

    This particular round came from Google ( GOOG ) , to help complete construction on a solar power tower plant in the Mojave desert .

  4. 第一家公司是AbengoaSolar,这家公司同意在美国建成世界上最大的太阳能发电厂。

    The first is Abengoa Solar , a company that has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world right here in the United States .

  5. 埃及还参与了一个建议的、由清洁技术基金共同资助的地区性方案,目的是在中东和北非地区(MENA)推广集中的太阳能发电厂。

    Egypt is also a participant in a proposed CTF co-financed regional program to scale up concentrating solar power plants in the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) .

  6. 在混合动力的太阳能发电厂领域,不同的战略已经制定。

    Different strategies have been developed in the field of hybrid solar power plants .

  7. 他说,两家公司将创建太阳能发电厂和先进的太阳能板。

    He said the companies will construct a solar power generating plant and advanced solar panels .

  8. 建成后,将能为14万家庭提供电力,并成为世界上最大的太阳能发电厂。

    And once completed , it will power up to140,000 homes , making it the largest such plant in the world .

  9. 许多业内人士相信,锂离子电池可以用于公用设施,来存储风力发电厂和太阳能发电厂生产的电力。

    Many in the industry believe that they will be used by utilities to store electricity generated by wind and solar farms .

  10. 亚利桑那州最大的公司将成为美国第一个能够储存所生产能量的大规模太阳能发电厂。

    The biggest in Arizona will be the first large-scale solar plant in the US capable of storing the energy it generates .

  11. 这些项目包括四千亿欧元的沙漠科技计划,其中包括光伏太阳能发电厂,集中太阳能发电厂和风力发电场。

    Those projects include the400 billion euro Desertec scheme , which consists of photovoltaic solar power , concentrating solar power and wind farms .

  12. 该国官员在三年前宣称,他们计划大量建造太阳能发电厂,以期能够出口太阳能电力。

    Officials declared three years ago that they had plans to build so many solar plants they would be able to export solar electricity .

  13. 太阳能发电厂的成本较高,尤其是在天然气价格暴跌、从而令天然气发电厂的成本相比之下较为低廉之际。

    Electricity from solar plants is expensive , especially at a time when natural-gas prices have plunged , making gas-generated electricity cheap by comparison .

  14. 良多传统的太阳能发电厂操作阳光来加热水,然后发生蒸汽来驱动发电机。

    Most traditional solar plants use the sun 's rays to heat up water , which then generates steam to power an electricity generator .

  15. 美国西南部沙漠地区即将迎来新事物:无论是否有阳光普照都能发电的太阳能发电厂。

    Something new is headed for the Southwest desert : solar power plants that can make electricity whether or not the sun is shining .

  16. 近日,一座占地22亩、和米老鼠头形状一样的太阳能发电厂在佛罗里达州奥兰多的迪斯尼乐园首度亮相。

    A 22-acre solar farm in the shape of Mickey Mouse 's head has been unveiled at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando , Florida .

  17. 摩洛哥预计截至2020年兴建5座成本估计为90亿元总产能力达2000兆瓦的新太阳能发电厂。

    Morocco expects to build five new solar plants by 2020 with a combined production capacity of 2000 megawatts at an estimated cost of 9 billion .

  18. 太阳能发电厂需要有水来保持其清洁并且冷却涡轮机,这可能影响当地的居民,因为稀缺的供水会分布得更加稀疏。

    Solar plants require water to keep them clean and cool the turbines , which could hurt local populations as scarce water supplies are spread more thinly .

  19. 或900个“托帕石”大小的太阳能发电厂,“托帕石”是世界上最大的太阳能发电厂之一,当然也是加州最大的。

    or 900 solar farms the size of Topaz , which is one of the biggest solar farms in the world , and certainly our biggest in California .

  20. 亚利桑那公共事业公司希望到2015年其10%的电力产自可再生能源,预计这其中有三分之一的电力都来自阿文戈亚投资的索拉纳太阳能发电厂。

    ' By2015 , Arizona Public Service wants to get10 % of its electricity from renewable sources , and Abengoa 's plant is expected to contribute a third of that .

  21. 这座五兆瓦的迪斯尼太阳能发电厂由杜克能源公司耗时五个月修建完成,它将能产生足够1000户使用的电力。

    The five-megawatt Walt Disney World Solar Farm , built by Duke Energy over the course of five months , will produce enough electricity to be able to power 1000 homes .

  22. 周一,谷歌披露其对初创公司BrightSourceEnergy在加州莫哈维沙漠的太阳能发电厂项目投资了1.68亿美元。

    Google ( GOOG ) on Monday disclosed that it has invested $ 168 million in a solar energy power plant being developed in the Mojave Desert by the startup BrightSource Energy .

  23. 近期的研究已证实这种太阳能发电厂概念在技术上是可行的,并且它可以利用传统的技术、设备与材料,因此也具有潜在的经济生存力。

    Presently study has confirmed that the technique of the concept is viable , which can use conventional technology , equipment and materials . So the solar power plant has potential economic viability .

  24. 这个世界上最热,阳光永远普照的地方不久将拥有世界上最大的太阳能发电厂,帮助这个盛产石油的酋长国实现其可再生能源目标。

    One of the world 's hottest , sunniest spots will soon be home to the world 's largest concentrated solar power plant , helping an oil-rich emirate achieve its renewable energy goals .

  25. 而太阳能发电厂及风力涡轮机等可再生能源在降低有害排放方面刚刚起步,而更为安全基于聚变的核电站则被认为还要再等上几十年。

    Renewable sources , such as solar plants and wind turbines , have just started making inroads in lowering harmful emissions , while safer fusion-based nuclear plants are believed to be many decades off .

  26. 约旦将把海水温室、太阳能发电厂和其他绿色技术结合起来,从而把它的沙漠变成农作物、淡水和电力的生产厂。

    Seawater greenhouses , solar power plants and other new green technologies will be brought together in Jordan in an attempt to turn its desert into a producer of crops , fresh water and electricity .

  27. 根据News6网站报道,该太阳能发电厂大到能从太空看到。该工程是迪斯尼与杜克公司签署的一份15年合约的一部分,该合约允许杜克能源公司负责运营发电厂,作为交换,杜克要为公园供电。

    Large enough to be seen from space , the project is part of a 15-year agreement that allows Duke Energy to run the farm in exchange for powering the theme park , News6 reported .

  28. 比如,不可能以商业规模到处建立风电场或太阳能发电厂,因为美国有些地区风力不足,日照不够,无法生产足够的电力。

    For example , it is not possible to install wind or solar plants on a commercial scale everywhere because some areas of the country are just not windy or sunny enough to yield enough power .

  29. 集中式的太阳能发电厂使用太阳的热制造出驱动涡轮机发电的蒸汽,它将为温室提供能源,反过来又被温室的水冷却。

    The concentrated solar power plant , which uses the sun 's heat to create steam that drives a turbine to produce electricity , would power the greenhouse and in turn be cooled by greenhouse water .

  30. 京瓷公司已相当流行,为建设太阳能发电厂,如果一人承担,然后我们会受到诱惑,认为这应该是德国,必须有一个植物,这类规模庞大的。

    Kyocera has been pretty popular for building solar power plants , and if one were to assume then we would be tempted to think that it should be Germany that must be having a plant of this magnitude .