
  1. 对直流/交流逆变器,重点分析了PWM型逆变器的控制原理、谐波分析以及微机控制的实现方法等。

    An Analysis of a New Type Inverter with 3-Phase Double-bridge It is emphasis for the DC / AC converter that the control principle of PWM converter , harmonic wave analysis and control method by using microcomputer .

  2. 单相交流逆变器的设计研究

    Study on the Single - phase Converter Design

  3. 本产品为直流-交流逆变器,适用于各种类型的灯管冷阴极荧光灯的液晶显示模块。

    This DC-AC Inverter was developed for CCFL lamps of LCD back lighting system .

  4. 文中叙述了直流直流变换器或直流交流逆变器输入电流中纹波电流的二种测量方法。

    The paper gives two kinds of approaches to measure the ripple current in input current of DC-DC converter or DC-AC inverter .

  5. 目前国内外对磁轴承的研究多为直流式磁轴承,而直流开关功率放大器相对于交流逆变器来说其体积大、功耗大及成本高。

    Because of the emphases research of magnetic bearing at home and abroad is DC active magnetic bearings ( AMBs ) at present , and the cost of DC power amplifiers is much higher than AC power converters .

  6. 基于交流斩波逆变器的交直交矩阵变换器研究H桥直流斩波变换器边界碰撞分岔和混沌研究

    Study of AC-DC-AC matrix converter based on AC chopper inverter Mechanism of Border-collision Bifurcations and Chaos in H-bridge Direct Current Chopper

  7. 双极性移相控制高频脉冲交流环节逆变器研究

    The Double Polarities Phase Shifting Controlled Inverters with High Frequency Pulse AC Link

  8. 城市轨道交通交流传动逆变器系统国产化方案

    Home Manufacture Scheme of AC Drive Inverter System in Beijing Urban Rail Traffic

  9. 提出并深入研究了高频脉冲交流环节逆变器电路拓扑族及其双极性移相控制策略。

    A circuit topology family of inverters with high frequency pulse AC link and a double polarities phase shifting control strategy are proposed and deeply investigated in this paper .

  10. 详细介绍了UPS电源交流旁路和逆变器之间的切换控制及其改进。

    The paper introduces the exchange control between the bypass of uninterruptible power supply ( UPS ) and inverter and describes its improvement in detail .

  11. 交流电动机用逆变器变频驱动时的几个问题

    Some problems of variable frequency adjustable AC drives using Inverters

  12. 交流伺服系统逆变器死区效应分析及其补偿策略

    Analysis and Compensation of AC Servo System Based on Inverter Dead Time Effects

  13. 全桥全桥式高频脉冲交流环节DC/AC逆变器的研究

    Research on High-Fequency AC Pulse Link DC / AC Inverters with Full Bridge - Full Bridge Style

  14. 目前电力电子应用领域中,绝大多数的交流电动机驱动逆变器前级都采用了二极管整流器或晶闸管相控整流器。

    At present , in the field of power electronics applications , most of the drive systems of AC motors use diode rectifiers and phase-control thyristor rectifiers .

  15. 逆变电源在众多的领域得到广泛的应用,用于将直流电源转换成交流电源的逆变器在电力设备系统是一个十分重要的部分。

    Inverter power supply has been widely used in many fields . Inverter is a very important part of the electric power system which is used to convert DC to AV power .

  16. 就交流电力机车逆变器并联运行过程中电流(负载)平衡分配存在的问题以及解决的方法进行了研究,分析了产生逆变器电流不平衡的原因,并提出了一个控制逆变器电流平衡的数学模型。

    Study is made regarding the current distribution balance problem during the AC electric locomotive converter parallel operation , and the way to solve it . The reason to cause the current unbalance of the converter is analysed and a mathmatical model is proposed to control the converter current balance .

  17. 焊铝合金用IGBT交流矩形波弧焊逆变器

    IGBT AC Square Wave Arc Inverte for Aluminium Alloy Welding

  18. 提出了一种新型静止单/三相变流器,即由单相交流电源和单相逆变器构成的V型供电电源。

    A novel static single phase to three phase converter is presented , which is a V type power supply composed of single phase AC mains and single phase inverter .

  19. 无交流电压传感器并网逆变器的控制策略及其改进

    Control strategy of grid-connected converter without AC voltage sensor and its improvement

  20. 交流[直流]发电机基于交流斩波逆变器的交直交矩阵变换器研究

    An alternating [ a direct ] current dynamo Study of AC-DC-AC matrix converter based on AC chopper inverter

  21. 把交流变为直流的器件。基于交流斩波逆变器的交直交矩阵变换器研究

    A device for converting alternating into direct current . Study of AC-DC-AC matrix converter based on AC chopper inverter

  22. 本文提出了交流MIG焊接电弧控制法,详细介绍了作者研制成的方波交流MIG焊接电源,主要是方波交流逆变器。

    The control method for AC MIG process and the power source for realizing it , mainly a square wave invertor . are described .