
jiāo hù
  • interactive;alternately;mutual;each other
交互 [jiāo hù]
  • [each other] 互相;彼此

  • 交互校订译文

  • [alternately] 交替地

  • 交互使用两种方法

交互[jiāo hù]
  1. 通过前、后台的交互操作,即可实现B2C电子商务运营。

    Through frontend and backend operate each other , it comes to B2C electronic commerce operate as a result .

  2. 本文介绍一种利用VBA实现Powerpoint与MATLAB数据交换的方法,从而可以快速制作具有实时交互计算能力的Powerpoint演示文稿。

    This paper introduces a kind of way of data exchange between Powerpoint and MATLAB by using VBA , so we can quickly make Powerpoint show-draft with ability to hand over with each other timely .

  3. 这些术语的使用常常不够精确,而且常常交互使用。

    These terms are often used imprecisely and interchangeably .

  4. 我们的经济处于工资和物价交互上涨的循环中。

    Our economy is in an inflationary spiral of wage and price increases .

  5. 数以百万计的人们想要新的简化方式实现人机交互。

    Millions of people want new , simplified ways of interacting with a computer

  6. 两种方法可交互使用。

    The two methods can be used alternately .

  7. 机器人的外观影响其与人类成功交互的能力,这就是为什么RIKEN-TRI人机交互研究合作中心决定开发一个外表像大泰迪熊的机器人护士的原因。

    A robot 's appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans , which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse that looks like a huge teddy bear .

  8. 这种会话式机器人伴侣的眼睛里有摄像头,可以跟踪患者,并在交互中使用适当的面部表情和肢体语言。

    This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes , which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions .

  9. 这叫做“交互记忆”。

    This is called " transactive memory " .

  10. 目前,在使用打印机之前,大多数配料必须先弄成糊状,而且打印过程相当耗时,因为配料之间的交互方式非常复杂。

    Currently , most ingredients must be changed to a paste before a printer can use them , and the printing process is quite time-consuming , because ingredients interact with each other in very complex ways .

  11. 相反,计算机用户正在发展更为强大的交互记忆;也就是说,人们正在学习如何组织大量的信息,以便以后能够访问这些信息。

    Instead , computer users are developing stronger transactive memories ; that is , people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date .

  12. 组织的所有制和行业性质存在交互作用

    The reciprocation lies in the ownership and professional systems .

  13. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用

    Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  14. 冲刷和腐蚀间的交互作用是引起材料发生泥浆型冲蚀破坏的主要因素。

    The synergism between erosion and corrosion is main factor resulting in slurry erosion depredation of materials .

  15. 所以说呼气流量率峰值,我把这个值输入交互软件模型中。

    So that peak expiratory flow rate , I 've entered it up into the interactive software model .

  16. “被误会的招手”指你跟你认识的人招手时,另外一个人误以为你是在跟他招手,就好像这人被你们的交互招手给误伤了。

    Whoopsie wave describes the situation when you wave to someone you know and another person intercepts of your wave . For example :

  17. 在今天的观众中,我有一个志愿者朱莉,朱莉的所有数据都被事先输入进我的交互软件模型中。

    And I have a volunteer subject in the audience today , Julie . And all of Julie 's data has been pre-entered into my interactive software model .

  18. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  19. GIS环境下融合实时交通数据的交互系统

    An Inter_operable System for the Integration of Real_time Traffic Data within GIS

  20. 拨打电话号码,IP地址或通过交互菜单。

    Dial by phone number , IP address or through the interactive menu .

  21. 3D交互输入新技术&手势识别

    3D interactive input technology & gesture recognition

  22. 这类设备的实现中,PC与专用卡等外部设备的数据通信、信息交互技术是技术研究与应用的热点。

    The data communication and information exchange is the hotspot of research and application .

  23. 交互不总是需要复杂的Flash动画或操纵杆。

    Interaction doesn 't always involve complicated Flash animations or a joystick .

  24. 应用分类树模型筛选logistic回归中的交互因素

    Apply Classification Tree to Automatically Screen Some Potential Interaction Factors in Logistic Regression

  25. MgO对烧结矿质量的影响及MgO与B2O3的交互作用

    Effect of MgO on Sinter Quality and Interaction of MgO and B _2O_3

  26. 用户界面Agent负责完成与用户的交互,接受用户的指令以及将处理结果提交给用户;

    The user interface Agent is responsible for interacting with user , receiving user 's command and reporting the result to user .

  27. 用户通过Internet直接对体育馆进行全方位的浏览,赛前对体育馆的各种设施方位有一个了解,用户还可以与系统进行交互购票。

    Users can use Internet to browse gymnasium , be familiar with establishment in advance , and interact with the system to buy tickets .

  28. 交互渠道限制包含自动和手动的UI接口。

    Communication channel constraints including automatic and manual ( UI ) interfaces .

  29. 这个端到端XML体系结构包含三层&数据层、UniversalServices层和用户交互层

    The end-to-end XML architecture contains three layers & the data layer , the Universal Services layer , and the user interaction layer

  30. 提出了一种基于Internet的C/S模式的人机交互的足球机器人系统。

    This paper presents a new robot soccer system architecture , which realizes human-robot interactive games over the Internet based on C / S mode .