
  • 网络PORT;Port number;portnumber;Port ID
  1. 根据IP地址和端口号创建一个套接字地址。

    Creates a socket address from an IP address and a port number .

  2. 因此,该方法需要编校服务器的IP地址和端口号。

    Therefore the method requires the IP address and port number of the redaction server .

  3. 确保对ApplicationServer使用正确的端口号。

    Make sure to use the correct port number for your Application Server .

  4. 与您的管理员确认WebSphereApplicationServer的端口号是9060。

    Confirm with your WebSphere Application Server administrator that the port number is9060 .

  5. Port:一个有效的、唯一的端口号。

    Port : A valid , unique port number .

  6. 输入数据库主机名称、端口号和数据库名称,然后单击Testconnection。

    Enter the database host name , the port number , and the database name , and then click Test connection .

  7. 典型情况下,Windows中默认DB2安装的端口号是50000。

    Typically a default DB2 installation on Windows has a port number of50000 .

  8. 对于DB2,还要指定数据库名称和端口号。

    For DB2 , also specify the Database name and Port number .

  9. 在Port字段中,输入LDAP服务器端口号。

    In the Port field , enter the LDAP server port number .

  10. 选择一个端口号并单击OK。

    Choose a port number and click OK .

  11. 这是通过为每个TCP连接分配一个端口号实现的。

    This is done by assigning a port number to every TCP connection .

  12. 每个TCP会话在TCP报头中有一目的端口号。

    Each TCP session has a destination port number in the TCP header .

  13. Listen=tcp后面的值是HAController的侦听器端口号。

    The value following Listen = tcp is the listener port number of the HA Controller .

  14. 您还会注意到紧跟在Start按钮右边的URL和端口号。

    You will also notice a URL and port number right next to the start button .

  15. 指定后台MDMServer的主机名和端口号。

    Specify the host name and port number of the back-end MDM Server .

  16. 编辑端口号,将其设置为2444,单击OK保存到配置。

    Edit the port number and set it to2444 and click OK and save the configuration .

  17. 您已经指定了IP地址(也可以使用主机名)和端口号。

    You 've specified the IP address ( or you could use a hostname ) and the port number .

  18. RADIUS服务器的端口号

    Port number of the RADIUS server

  19. 改变端口号匹配您WebSphereProcessServer测试环境的HTTP端口(默认是8080)。

    Change the port number to match your WebSphere Process Server test environment 's HTTP port ( the default is8080 ) .

  20. 示例有两个命令行参数:运行BusinessEvents的主机的名称和应用程序端口号。

    The sample takes two command line parameters : the host name of the machine Business Events is running on and the application port number .

  21. 端口号通常出现在IP地址之后的冒号后面,例如:。

    A port number comes at the end of an IP address after a colon , like this : .

  22. 确保ExtendedInsight客户端与控制器服务器使用的是相同的端口号。

    Ensure that the Extended Insight client is using the same port number for the controller server .

  23. 如果您省略了port值,就会使用默认的WebSphereMQ端口号1414。

    If you omit the port value the default WebSphere MQ port number of1414 is used .

  24. 因此,要么将端口号更改为大于1024并启动服务器,要么作为root用户启动该实例。

    So , either change the port number to > 1024 and start it , or start the instance as a root user .

  25. 宿主机可以是一个主机名或者一个数字IP地址;端口号必须是十进制数字。

    The host may be either a host name or a numeric IP address ; port must be a decimal number .

  26. 使用正确的数据库名、用户ID和密码、主机名以及端口号。

    Use your correct database name , user ID and password , hostname , and port number .

  27. 要实现这一点,您需要更新ApplicationServer的虚拟主机列表,使其包含正确的主机名称和端口号,并重新生成插件结构。

    To do that , you need to update the virtual host list for Application Server to include the correct hostname and port number , and regenerate the plug-in configuration .

  28. ‘remote’后面紧跟服务器的ip/hostname地址,而‘server’关键字后面紧跟实例名或端口号。

    ' remote ' followed by ip / hostname address of the server and ' server ' keyword followed by instance name or port number .

  29. 在SOAP连结端口号,确认输入先前提到的值。

    In SOAP connecter port number , make sure to enter the value , as noted previously .

  30. $$的功能同往常一样:pid,也作为监视用户的端口号。

    Has the same meaning as always : the pid that is also the port number for the monitoring user .