
  • 网络traffic accident rate
  1. 城市道路条件与交通事故率的关系

    Relation between Urban Road Conditions and Traffic Accident Rate

  2. 随着道路交通事故率的增加,有关道路交通事故侵权损害纠纷案件也随之攀升。

    With the increase of road traffic accident rate , the road traffic accident tort disputes also rose .

  3. 为了降低交通事故率,道路交通标志识别系统TSR(TrafficSignsRecognition)应运而生。

    In order to reduce the rate of traffic accidents , Traffic Signs Recognition System emerges .

  4. 1988~1990年上海市9个郊县道路交通事故率、死亡率及伤死率均高于12个市区(P<0.01),其中死亡率及伤死率分别是后者的1.85及1.81倍。

    During 1988 1990 period , the traffic accident mortality and case fatality rates in 9 rural counties were found to be 1.85 and 1.81 times higher than those in 12 urban districts respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 哈大一期高速公路交通事故率模型

    Traffic Accident Model of Hada Expressway

  6. 双车道公路交通事故率高,其中不安全的超车行为是引发事故的主要因素。

    The unsafely of passing behaviors is the main factor leading to high accident rate in two-lane highways .

  7. 原有农用运输车管理体制存在的问题,导致了近年来农用运输车交通事故率大幅度上升的情况。

    The original problems existing in agricultural transportation vehicle management system caused increasing traffic accidents in recent years .

  8. 大量数据分析表明,这种路网体系与我国的城市交通事故率偏高有着密切关系。

    Data analysis shows that the frequent occurrence of traffic accident is closely correlated with the status of road network .

  9. 实施道路安全评价,可有效地降低道路交通事故率,获得显著的社会和经济效益。

    Implementing of the evaluation of road safety may reduce the number of the accidents , and obtain the outstanding social and economic benefits .

  10. 与此同时,高速公路交通事故率也随之增加,由环境雾引起的高速公路交通事故率呈明显上升趋势。

    Meanwhile , the rate of accidents occuning on expressway has also increased , while this caused by ambient fog obviously tend to ascent .

  11. 随着全国高速公路通车里程的不断增长,交通事故率随之增加,交通安全问题日益突出。

    As the increasing of countrywide freeway traffic mileage , the ratio of traffic accidents increases and the problems of traffic safety stand out day by day .

  12. 我国交通事故率长期居高不下,严重威胁着人民的生命财产安全。

    The rate of traffic accident has been increasing for a long time in China and it is a serious threat to life and property security of people .

  13. 夜间的交通事故率及其危害性都远高于白天,一个重要原因是夜间停车视距不足。

    The traffic accident rate and its harm in nighttime is more than those in daytime , one important reason is the shortage of night stopping sight distance .

  14. 一般来说,设计标准高的道路,交通事故率低,设计标准低的道路,交通事故率高。

    In general , the road with high design standard has a low traffic accident rate , and the road with low design standard has a high traffic accident rate .

  15. 特别是随着气候条件、路面状况变化而引起的轮胎性能变化而导致的交通事故率呈明显上升趋势。

    Especially when the rate of traffic accidents was obviously on the rise , which are brought about by the changes in the tire performance along with changes in the weather conditions and roads conditions .

  16. 对国外高速公路的事故率与运行车速进行综合分析,阐述高速公路上基于运行车速的预测交通事故率的前期研究方法;

    By analyzing the traffic accident rate and operating speed on foreign expressways , this article tells the prophase method that we do research about forecasting the traffic accident rate based on operating speed of vehicles .

  17. 虽然代价是商家们少赚钱,但最终还是要像阿兰格这样的人来为糟糕的基础设施买单甚至常常付出生命,这个国家的道路交通事故率是英国的40倍。

    While that may cost business money , ultimately it is people such as Mr alange who pay the price for bad infrastructure - often with their lives , in a country whose road accident rate is 40 times that of the UK .

  18. 随着公路建设的快速发展和汽车保有量的增长,高速公路交通事故率随之增加,其中因浓雾引发的车辆追尾事故引起了交通部门和新闻界的高度重视。

    Along with fast development of the expressway construction and the growth of the automobile amount , the rate of accidents occurring on expressway has also increased . The accidents caused by fog along on the expressways have already received great attention from Chinese ministry of communications and press circles .

  19. 近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  20. 2003年由Stanford和JohnsHopkins大学学者进行的研究分析了21年间的数据,发现在夏时制结束的那个周日,交通事故发生率高于平时。

    A2003 study by researchers at Stanford and Johns Hopkins universities analyzed a21-year period and found a significant spike in traffic accidents on the Sunday that ended daylight savings time .

  21. 作为新型的汽车主动安全装置之一的防抱死制动系统(ABS),其主要功能是在汽车紧急制动时防止车轮发生抱死现象,从而可以有效提高汽车的制动稳定性,减少交通事故发生率。

    Anti-lock Braking System ( ABS ), as one of the new active safety equipments in vehicles , just has the function to prevent the wheel lock during vehicle hard braking , so that it can braking stability of the automotive and reduce the risk of accidents .

  22. 论降低我国道路交通事故致死率的措施

    Measures to Reduce the Fatality in Traffic Accidents

  23. 然而,与之相伴的是交通事故发生率的逐年递增以及因此导致的事故损害赔偿案件的大幅上升。

    Consequently , the compensation case of accident damages rises by a wide margin , too .

  24. 2009年数据显示,随着该规划的实施,系统运行地区的交通事故发生率降低了90%。

    The program has also decreased accident rates by90 percent in corridors where the system operates , according to2009 data .

  25. 这些因素使得道路交通事故发生率居高不下、死伤人数逐年增长。

    These factors make the high incidence of road traffic accidents , and the number of casualties growing year by year .

  26. 长坡路段重特大交通事故发生率高,面临着严峻的交通安全形势。

    Long slope sections have witnessed high traffic accidents rate , and traffic safety situation is more severe than any other areas .

  27. 软件工程师塞巴斯蒂•安史朗称,谷歌公司希望这种汽车的应用可以帮助减少交通事故发生率和死亡人数。

    Software engineer Sebastian Thrun said that Google hopes the cars can eventually help reduce road traffic and cut the number of accidents .

  28. 北京交警说道,由于天气原因,今天(周五)早上高峰期交通事故发生率比昨天增高了30%。

    Beijing traffic police said traffic accidents on Friday morning rush hours increased by 30 percent compared with the day before due to the weather conditions .

  29. 病例对照研究结果发现中学生年交通事故发生率约为0.91%,低于基线调查(2.28%)。

    The case-control study showed the incidence rate of RTA was 0.91 % per year for middle school students , much lower than baseline study ( 2.28 % ) .

  30. 目前,我国的交通事故发生率极高,繁重的交通事故处理工作一直困扰着国家的交通部门。

    At present , the incidence of traffic accidents in our country is very high . And the taxing works in handling the traffic accidents have been puzzling the national traffic department .