
  • 网络land unit;geo-cell;land facet
  1. 通过对有关数据进行分析、整理,充分吸纳相关专家知识后,运用GIS技术建立浦江县土壤单元图、气候分区图和土地单元图。

    Soil unit map , climate zones and land unit map of Pujiang were produced using GIS technology and expert knowledge , based the data collected .

  2. 运用目标取向法,以浦江县现状农地资源利用为基础,GIS为工具,建立11个土地单元和23个土地利用类型;

    Eleven land units and 23 land use types were set up based on the cropland resources of Pujiang county and GIS as a tool using the goal-oriented approach .

  3. 三峡库区土地单元间农林复合结构对土壤水分分布的影响

    Impact of Agroforestry Structure Consisted by Different Land Units on Distribution of Soil Moisture in Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  4. 结果表明:由相同土地单元组成的农林复合结构模式,因土地单元的配置结构不同,土壤水分的动态变化存在着显著差异,土壤涵养水源的能力相异。

    The result shows that the models of agroforestry configuration consisted of same land units but different topological structures have remarkable difference in dynamic change of soil moisture and capability of resistance water .

  5. 然后利用GIS技术,管理、分析相关空间数据并确定了土地评价单元。

    , at the same time , using GIS technologies to generate and manage the related spatial data in the study area and form the final evaluation units by the spatial analysis .

  6. 人文要素数据与土地利用单元匹配方法&以北京丰台区为例

    The Matching Method of Human Factor Data and Land Use Units : A Study Case of Fengtai District in Beijing

  7. 每个土地利用单元的下垫面覆被特征采用独立的土地利用参数表征。

    The underlying surface features of each land use type were characterized by a set of land use related parameters .

  8. 自然过程中的自然因素主要依据分析对象的时空尺度定义,通过自然单元获取,如流域、土地利用单元、景观等。

    Natural factors included in physical processes are mainly defined by their spatial and temporal scales , and are collected through natural units .

  9. 不同土壤侵蚀系统分布格局及土地利用单元上土壤侵蚀强度的差异是造成两流域土壤侵蚀预报结果差异的重要原因。

    The different soil erosion patterns for the two watersheds clearly show the impact of the landuse type and distribution on the soil erosion .

  10. 包括复垦土地评价单元的划分、评价因素及评价指标体系的选择和确定以及适宜性评价。

    More importance was put on dividing the evaluation units , selecting evaluation factors , choosing and determining the evaluation index system and the evaluation results .

  11. 然后,将指数加权综合得各土地评价单元的综合指数,按综合指数的大小划分土地质量等级。

    Finally , by making the index and weight complex , the complex index of every unit of land evaluation is obtained , on the basis of which land is classified qualitatively .

  12. 每个等高带内有至多六个土地利用单元,分别为耕地、林地、草地、水域、居民地及未利用土地单元。

    There were at most six land use units in each equal elevation band , i.e. cultivated land , forestland , grassland , paddy field , residential area and unused land units .

  13. 根据浙江省及庆元县山地灾害的发生特点,以地形和土壤因素叠置生成的土地类型单元,作为山地环境稳定性评价单元。

    Based on the specialty of mountain hazards in Zhejiang province and Qingyuan county , evaluation unit of mountain stability environment was created by overlay the terrain elevation coverage , slope coverage , aspect of slope coverage , and soil type coverage .

  14. 对农村地籍的测绘模式进行研究,内容主要有农村地籍的内涵和农村地区分类;农村土地权属单元的划分与所需的精度指标;农村地籍的测绘方式。

    It includes the content of the rural area cadastre and the characters of the rural land utility , the division of the landed estate unit and its accuracy indication , as well as the scheme of the cadastral surveying and mapping .

  15. 着重研究了为数字农业服务的土地评价单元的划分、指标体系的建立以及土地质量综合评价和单因素丰度诊断的过程和方法。

    The emphasis of this thesis is put on dividing land units of the land evaluation for digital agriculture , establishing the evaluation norm system , and the process and methods for both integrated evaluation of land quality and the richness diagnosis of any single factor .

  16. 流域数据建库时以土地资源单元作为流域数据集成的地理单元,将土地资源单元图与各个评价因子的单要素图层分别进行叠置分析,通过对各生成图层的属性文件进行操作来获取属性数据。

    When database was built , taking land resource unit as geographical unit for watershed data integration , we analyzed in piles land resource unit map and single element map layer of every evaluation factor , acquired attribute data through manipulation on attribution file of produced map layer .

  17. 基于GIS的土地资源评价单元确定与属性数据获取方法初探

    A New Method for Determining Evaluation Units and Obtaining Evaluation Data in GIS-Based Land Resource Evaluation

  18. 露天煤矿待复垦土地适宜性评价单元类型划分

    Classification of Reclaimed Land Unit for Suitability Valuation in Open-pit Coal Mine

  19. 大型露天矿区未来空间待复垦土地适宜性评价单元类型的划分。

    Classification the unit of land suitability evaluation for reclaimed land in following years in large scale opencast coal mine .

  20. 探讨了基于GIS的土地适宜性评价中确定土地评价单元的方法,DTM在土地适宜性评价中应用的几个问题和基于线性四叉树编码的空间叠置分析方法。

    This paper explores the method of determining land cell for evaluation and several problems about the application of DTM to evaluate land suitability supported by GIS , and the method of overlaying analysis based on linear quadtree coding .

  21. 以毕节老街村喀斯特石漠化土地利用为个案,利用研究区土地类型单元图,采用实地访查获取研究数据。

    Take as the case of land utilization on the Karst rocky desertification mountain area in the Laojie village of Bijie .

  22. 定义了浦江县主要的24种土地利用类型,并对各土地利用类型在11个土地单元的适宜性进行了评估;

    24 main land use type were identified and defined for Pujiang County , and then the land suitability for each land use type was evaluated .

  23. 在土地类型图、土地利用现状图、坡度图和土壤类型图制作的基础上,首次利用GIS技术进行图件叠加,生成了土地生态经济单元图。

    After they being created , land type diagram , the actual land using condition diagram , slope diagram and the soil type diagram were added by GIS to get the land eco-economy diagram .