
  • 网络soil resource evaluation
  1. 土壤资源评价的机助制图方法研究

    Study on CAC methods for soil resource evaluation

  2. 评述了在土壤分类研究基础上发展起来的土壤资源评价方法和现状,指出了未来干旱区土壤资源评价研究趋势。

    Meanwhile , it summarizes the method and development of soil resource evaluation evolved on the basis of soil classification and points out its trend in arid zone .

  3. 郑州市蔬菜基地的土壤资源评价

    Evaluation of Soil Resource of Vegetable Production Base in Zhengzhou

  4. 贵州省土壤资源评价方法的初步研究

    Primary studies on the evaluation method of soil resources in Guizhou Province

  5. 崇明岛土壤资源评价初探

    Pring Research the Soil Resoure Evaluation on Chongming Island

  6. 安徽省淮北平原土壤资源评价

    Evaluation of Soil Resources of Huaibei Plain in Anhui

  7. 土壤资源评价首先必须建立相应的数据库。

    It is necessary to create a database for the evaluation of soil resources .

  8. 长江上游川江流域林业土壤资源评价

    An Evaluation on the Forestry Soil Resources in Sichuan Region of the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River

  9. 通过土壤资源评价,植被恢复之前矿渣废弃地的土壤肥力综合指数为8,对照有林地的为12。

    Before the re-vegetation , the soil fertility composite index of slag wasteland is 8 and the contrasting area is 12 by assessment on the soil resource .

  10. 阿克苏河流域土壤资源定量评价方法及评价结果

    Quantitative evaluation of soil resources in Aksu River Valley and gotten results

  11. 区域土壤水资源评价及其研究进展

    Evaluation of regional soil water resources and its research development

  12. 关于土壤水资源评价方法的商榷

    A Discussion on the Evaluation Methods of Soil Water Resources

  13. 农田土壤水资源评价中降雨量的修正

    Rainfall correction concerning assessment on cropland soil water resources

  14. 土壤水资源评价的理论与方法研究

    Study on Theory and Method of Soil Water Resources

  15. 基层土壤资源综合评价方法的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Method of Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Resource in Basic Level

  16. 判别分析在土壤资源质量评价中的应用&以怀远县为例

    The Application of Discriminant Analysis in Quality Evaluation of Soil Resource & work of Huai-yuan county as an example

  17. 芦荟GAP基地土壤和气候资源评价

    Evaluation on Soil and Climate Resources of GAP Base of Aloe

  18. 浙江富硒土壤资源调查与评价

    Selenium : abundant soil survey and assessment in Zhejiang

  19. 干旱山区土壤资源适宜性评价实用方法的研究沧州地区土壤资源适宜性评价

    Studies on practical method of soil resources suitability appraise for droughty mountainous area

  20. 城市化过程中耕地土壤资源质量损失评价与分析

    Assessment and analysis of soil resource quality losses on cultivated land in the process of urbanization

  21. 东北土壤资源的农业水文评价

    An Assessment of Agricultural Hydrology of Soil Resources in Northeast China

  22. 河北省土壤水资源分区及评价方法

    Division and Evaluation Method for Soil-water Resources in Hebei Province

  23. 兴隆山土壤资源质量的数值评价

    Numerical Evaluation of Soil Quality on Xinglong Mountain

  24. 黄土高原地区土壤养分资源分区及其评价

    The Divide Region and Evaluation of Soil Nutrient Resources in the Loess Plateau Region

  25. 一种土壤水资源分析与评价方法

    Soil Water Resource Analysis and Its Methodology

  26. 通过土壤资源的适宜性评价与土壤利用现状比较,指出土壤资源利用不合理是导致土壤侵蚀退化的根本原因。

    Meanwhile , it shows that the reason of soil degenerated by erosion is the unreasonable use of land by comparing present situation of land utilization and its adaptability .

  27. 然后细介绍了模糊综合评判法对河北省太行山山麓平原区土壤水资源承载力评价的具体过程,并给出用模糊综合评判法计算框图。

    Then fine introduces fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of Hebei Taihang mountain piedmont plain soil water resources carrying capacity , and the specific process evaluation with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are calculated diagram . 4 .

  28. 本文从土壤水的特性及其对植物的有效性出发进行探讨,提出了土壤水资源的评价系数(C),希望有助于讨论的深入开展。

    Based on the evaporation of atmosphere , the evaluation coefficient for soil water resource was suggested .

  29. 1998年土壤养分调查结果揭示了甘肃省不同地域的主要耕种土类及耕地类型的土壤氮磷钾养分变化特征,为今后土壤养分资源的综合评价和科学施肥管理提供了基础资料。

    Hence , the investigation in 1998 presented the characteristics of N , P and K nutrients in different types of arable soils . This provides a base for soil resource managment and fertilization .