
Model on Water-Salt Movement and Application in Field of Arid Land
Analysis on salt movement in soil under the different crops
Effects of straw mulch on soil water and salt moving
The numerical simulation of water-salt movement in son with vegetation
Salt-water dynamics in soil profiles of different texture under groundwater evaporation condition
Numerical simulation of salt solute movement in soil under evaporation
Temporal-spatial modelling of soil water and salt movement
Numerical simulation of MOISTURE-SALT transport in cotton field soil in the oases , arid areas
Study on mechanical model of water-salt movement in soil of dasis cropland in Tarim Basin
The Experimental Studies of Soil Water and Salt Movement under the Condition of Straw Mulch in Different Locations
A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the regular pattern of salt and water movement of seashore saline soil along with its influential factors in Shandong Province .
The experiment studied the effects of residue used as surface mulch , mix with soil and a separate horizon in soil profile on soil water and salt movement .
The study is mainly about the irrigating of Song Nen plain region and its water-salt sport environment condition and artificial factor etc. ( g ) Saltific eolian sandy soils ;
It was also found that within 1-2m variation range of groundwater table , the influence of interbedded clay layer on groundwater evaporation was greater than that of groundwater depth , and two salt peaks occurred in soil profiles .
According to the character of underground water and the water-salt transport , the general distribution model of water content and the total salt forecasting model were built respectively on the theoretical basis of mass transport and conservation of water .
First researched on the redistribution rule of water-salt and the simulation of water-salt transfer to the the subsoiling saline-alkaline soil , filled the gap in the theory of the water-salt motion rule of subsoiling land , provided the reference for the similar research .
The quantificational study on water and salt motion in saline-alkali soil is the foundation to control the soil secondary saline-alkalization in region , and moisture diffusivity of saline-alkali soil is one of the essential parameters to study quantificationally water and salt motion in saline-alkali soil .
Application of Finite Volume Method in Soil Water-salt Flow Numerical Simulation
A Numerical Model for Coupling Movement of Water Heat and Salt in Soil Under the Conditions of Frozen , Unfrozen , Saturated and Unsaturated
Based on the numerical model , the numerical simulation for a lab infiltration testing result is done . It shows by comparison between measured and simulated results that numerical method for simulating soil water-salt movement in unsaturated soil is reliable and available .
One-Dimensional Water and Salt Transport Induced by Temperature Gradient
Advances in Simulating Studies on Water , Heat , and Salt Movement in Soils with Straw Mulch
Soil hydraulic conductivity is closely related to the movement of water and salts in soil profiles and is highly affected by solution salt concentration and its composition .
The experimental results of the soil moisture and salt content with temperature gradient at different initial soil moisture levels were analyzed in this paper in order to illustrate water and salt transport characteristics with temperature gradients .
Based on regular monitoring to get dependable data of water and salt dynamic change in the irrigation area , master movement law of water and salt in soil , to evaluate development status of water-saving agriculture of the irrigation area .
Water-salt transfer rule research in soil secondary salinization
A Analysis of Water-Salt Transfer and Measurement of Combined Diffusion Coefficient D_sh (θ) in Non-Saturated Soil for Horizontal infiltration
The influence of application frequency of mulched drip irrigation on soil salt regime and cotton growth are experimentally study in field .
A numerical model for water heat and salt movement in frozen or unfrozen , saturated or unsaturated soils was developed .
Under certain soil texture , bulk density and water content of soil , moving time and distance of soil solute were regarded as the main parameters on soil solute transport .