
shēn wū rǎn
  • arsenic pollution
  1. 土壤中砷污染的危害和防治对策研究

    On the Harm of Arsenic Pollution in Soil and its Countermeasures

  2. 土壤环境中砷污染的危害及其研究进展

    Detriment of Arsenic Pollution of Soil Environment and Its Research Progress

  3. 燃煤砷污染对人体血细胞DNA合成、DNA损伤及修复的影响

    The situation of DNA synthesis 、 DNA damage and DNA repair in arsenism patients blood cells caused by coal-burning

  4. 印度Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra平原及周围地区与孟加拉国地下水砷污染及其对健康影响的19年研究

    Groundwater arsenic contamination and its health effects in Ganga-Meghna-Brahmaputra plain and its surroundings : nineteen years study report

  5. 本试验采用311-A最优混合设计,研究钙、镁、铁组合配比降低土壤砷污染的效果及促进小白菜生长的效应。

    " 311 - A " optimum compound design was used to study on prevention and control of arsenic toxicity by calcium , magnesium and iron .

  6. 砷污染对植物和人体健康的影响及防治对策

    Effects of Arsenic Pollution on Plants and Human Health and Countermeasures

  7. 诸如饮水砷污染等特殊问题;

    Special problems , such as arsenic contamination of drinking water ;

  8. 燃煤砷污染和抑制研究进展

    Inhibition advance of pollution and retention of arsenic in coal combustion

  9. 近年来,由于人为因素引起的砷污染事件频繁出现。

    Recently , arsenic pollution incident occurs frequently due to human-factors .

  10. 河流砷污染事件的应急监测响应与思考

    Response and Analysis of Emergency Monitoring of River Arsenic Pollution Case

  11. 中国土壤砷污染现状及修复治理技术研究进展

    Soil Arsenic Contamination Status in China and Progress of Remediation Technology

  12. 环境砷污染对人体健康影响的研究进展

    Advance in Research on Environmental Arsenic Pollution to Human Health

  13. 土壤-水稻系统中砷污染表征与相关性校验

    Characterization of Arsenic Pollution in Soil-Rice System and Correlation Calibration

  14. 活性氧化铝吸附在水体砷污染应急处置中的应用

    Application of Activated Alumina Adsorption for Emergency Treatment of Water Arsenic Pollution

  15. 根据这个理论,人类活动恶化了砷污染问题。

    By this theory , human activity is aggravating the arsenic problem .

  16. 某矿区周边农村砷污染对村民健康的影响分析

    Effect of Mining Area Surrounding Arsenic Contamination on Rural Residents ' Health

  17. 土壤砷污染是当今全球十分严重的环境与健康问题之一。

    Arsenic contamination in soil has become a concern worldwide .

  18. 土壤砷污染及其对作物的毒害研究进展

    Research Progress on Arsenic Contamination in Soils and Arsenic Toxicity in Crops

  19. 燃煤砷污染区人群血、尿生化指标检测分析

    Blood and urine biochemical tests in people exposed to coal-burning arsenic pollution

  20. 金华西湖塘及其灌区砷污染现状研究

    Study on the Arsenic Pollution in Jinhua Xiwu Pond and Its Irrigation Areas

  21. 矿区农田土壤砷污染的可见-近红外反射光谱分析研究

    Analysis of Visible and Near-Infrared Spectra of As-Contaminated Soil in Croplands Beside Mines

  22. 京杭运河(杭州段三堡船闸至塘栖大桥)有砷污染,污染源为杭州硫酸厂。

    Arsenic pollutes the Jimghang Canal which comes from Hangzhou sulfuric acid factory .

  23. 砷污染防治与含砷木材防腐剂的开发应用

    Prevention of arsenic pollution and development and application of wood antiseptic containing arsenic

  24. 矿区砷污染对土壤线虫群落结构特征的影响

    Effects of Arsenic Contamination on Structure of Soil Nematode Community in Mining Area

  25. 我国环境中镉、铅、砷污染及其对暴露人群健康影响的研究进展

    Environmental Cadmium , Lead and Arsenic Pollution and Health Impact-Research Progress in China

  26. 广州市一自来水厂水源砷污染调查

    The Investigation on Arsenic Pollution of the Source of a Waterwork in Guangzhou

  27. 应用灰色关联度法评价砷污染土壤修复效果

    Application of Grey Relevant Analysis in Remediation Effect Evaluation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils

  28. 钙、镁、铁对土壤砷污染的治理研究

    Study on Prevention and Control of Arsenic Toxicity by Calcium , Magnesium and Iron

  29. 为了避免社会动荡,它还拒绝教育村民砷污染的危险。

    It also resisted educating villagers about the risks , to avoid social unrest .

  30. 近年来,水体砷污染事件在世界各地频发,水体中砷的脱除已经引起了全世界的广泛关注。

    In recent years , contamination accidents of arsenic occurred frequently around the world .