
  • 网络soil profile
  1. 增施氮肥,增加土壤剖面NO3-N和NH4-N含量。

    Higher nitrogen fertilizer can increase NO_3-N and NH_4-N content of soil profile .

  2. 地形和土地利用类型交互作用对土壤剖面有机碳含量影响达极显著水平(P0.01)。

    The interaction between topography and land uses very significantly ( P0.01 ) influenced soil profile organic carbon content in hilly-gully region on the Loess Plateau .

  3. 黄土性土壤剖面中N2O排放的研究初报

    In-situ measurement of n_2o emissions from profile of loess soil

  4. 本文以砖窑沟流域为例研究和分析了土壤剖面CO2浓度的分布变化规律及其影响因子;

    The distribution and change pattern of soil CO2 concentration in soil profile data are analyzed as well as its effect factors .

  5. 在69个土壤剖面中,由A层到C层矿物种类和含量变化较小,土壤矿物组成明显受基岩影响和控制。

    The mineral species and contents in soil layer A to layer C at 69 sections vary little and the mineral composition of soils is apparently affected and controlled by bedrocks .

  6. 土壤剖面颜色呈黑-黄-红变化的次生黄红壤的黄色土层(B1)粘粒只含针铁矿,红土层(B2)含有针铁矿和赤铁矿。

    Both goethite and hematite were pre-sent in the clay of red B_2 horizon in the secondary yellow-red soil with black-yellow-red color profile but only goethite in the clay of yellow B_1 horizon .

  7. 本文初步研究了该地区碳迁移的若干特征:(1)土壤剖面中CO2浓度变化。

    Some features of soil carbon transfer in this area were focused : ( 1 ) Change of CO 2 content in the soil section .

  8. 土壤剖面(A层、B1层和B2层)养分性质统计分析表明:坡面土壤剖面上的大部分养分指标含量表现出梯度规律性分布特征,即随土壤剖面深度的增加而降低。

    The analysis of the gradient characters of chemical properties of profile soil shows that , most of the content of nutrients represents characteristics of regular distribution , declining as the profile depth increases .

  9. 土壤剖面层次中Cd含量呈从上到下逐渐降低趋势,Cd大部分富集在土壤表层,即耕作层,给农业生产带来了极大的风险。

    The concentration of Cd in the soil sections reduced from the top down , Cd was enriched in the surface , which increased the risk of agricultural produce .

  10. 该制图方法可顺次分为以下几步:①用GPS定位观察土壤剖面,划分土层;

    The framework of the method can be divided into four steps : ( I ) positioning of observation points with Global Positioning System ( GPS ), observing soil profiles and classifying soil horizon ;

  11. 多次浇灌CrCl3溶液后,土壤剖面20cm以下采样点约99%的Cr被土壤吸持;

    After irrigation with CrCl 3 solution several times , about 99 % of the Cr in the soil below 20 cm was adsorbed by the soil .

  12. 随着幼苗的季节生长,与环境CO2浓度比较,CO2倍增将导致土壤剖面上CO2浓度最大区域由表面向壤土和沙土边界层的转移。

    Compared with the ambient CO 2 , elevated CO 2 led to the peak of CO 2 concentration distribution shifted from soil surface layer to the boundary layer as seasonally growing of seedling roots .

  13. 在纵向剖面上,As、Cr、Zn等元素在土壤剖面中上下含量变化差异较小,Hg表现为表层富集,Mn在土壤剖面近地下水层处富集。

    There were little difference in the contents of As , Cr and Zn in vertical profile , while Hg was accumulated in topsoil , and Mn was accumulated in the near ground water zone .

  14. 人工林土壤剖面上层SOC储量相对较低,导致了人工林土壤整体有机碳储量比较低。

    Lower soil organic carbon storage in upper ( 0 ~ 25 cm ) soil profile contribute to lower soil organic carbon storage in the soil of forest plantation compared with nature forest .

  15. 对沿岸土壤剖面重金属总量和形态的分析表明,Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu等均存在不同程度的污染.其中,以Cd污染最为严重,Pb、Zn也达到中度污染至强污染。

    It is shown that Pb , Zn , Cd and Cu have contaminated the soil , the Cd contamination was more severe , and the contaminated level of Pb , Zn reached moderately to strongly polluted .

  16. 23年肥料定位试验0~100cm土壤剖面中各形态磷之间的关系研究

    Relationship Among Phosphorus Forms in 0 ~ 100cm Soil Profiles After 23 Year Application of Fertilizers

  17. 但在水稻生长季节土壤剖面中表层土壤的NO3N含量低于底层的NO3N的含量,出现明显的淋溶现象。

    But during the rice growth season , the nitrate content of the surface soil layer in soil profiles was lower than that of bottom soil layer . It was leaching phenomenon of nitrate .

  18. 苜蓿连作土壤剖面Kos的变化显示:随土层深度的增加,氧化稳定性也逐渐增加。

    The soil oxidation stability in profile increased with the depth of soil layers on continuous alfalfa cropping .

  19. 不同排水处理中,土壤剖面NH4+-N浓度呈现随深度增加逐渐降低的趋势,NO3&N浓度在地面以下100cm内随深度增加逐渐升高,超过100cm之后逐渐降低;

    The concentration of NH ~ + _4-N in different treatment soil profile tends to decrease with the depth ;

  20. 在土壤剖面上,土壤有效态Cd含量和土壤Cd的活化率均以表层为高,表明土壤Cd的环境风险主要集中在表层20cm。

    Overall , in soil the available content and available rate of Cd is higher in the upper layer , indicating that the environmental risk of Cd exists mainly in the upper 20 cm layer of soil .

  21. 比较单个组分含量在土壤剖面中的变化,在犁底层以下,Bap的含量基本上低于检测限,而Nap的含量在整个土壤剖面中均高于Bap。

    Most of Bap concentration was found lower than the limit of detection below the plough layer , while Nap concentration is higher than Bap concentration through the soil profile .

  22. 经过初步研究得到了一下几点结论:(1)Mg、Ca、Sr元素在土壤剖面中明显的淋溶和淀积作用反映了土壤剖面在淀积层(B层)基本没有受到外界的影响。

    Then , we come up with the following conclusions : ( 1 ) The leaching and deposition of Mg , Ca , Sr in the soil profile clearly reflected that the deposition layer ( B layer ) has not been influenced on the whole .

  23. 结果表明在官方禁用20多年后,HCH和DDT在黄淮海地区0~100cm土壤剖面的含量在绝大部分地点已经降至安全水平。

    The results indicated that HCH and DDT residues in 0 ~ 100 cm soil profiles had declined down to safety level in most sites 20 years after the official ban .

  24. 0~80cm土壤剖面中残留的肥料氮低于总施用量的10%。

    The remains of N in soil profile 0-80 cm were below 10 % of application rate of urea .

  25. δ13C在土壤剖面中随深度变化,能够反映作物残体输入和土壤累积特征,有助于鉴定原始埋藏土壤表层。

    The change in δ ~ ( 13 ) C with depth in soil profile reflected input of plant residue and accumulation of eroded soil , which helps to identify buried soil surfaces .

  26. 已从采集自全国各地的不同土壤剖面的铁锰结核样品中分离纯化出44株锰氧化细菌,在观察其形态特征的基础上,对其中8个分离菌株进行了16Srdna鉴定。

    Firstly , 44 manganese-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from the iron-manganese nodules samples collected from different soil profile throughout the country . Secondly , eight isolates were identified through 16S rDNA sequencing analysis after observing their morphological characteristics .

  27. 兰州市土壤剖面汞含量的差异较大,表层汞含量高,最高峰值0.117mg·kg-1,向下逐渐减少到土壤背景值;

    Mercury content in soil profile layers in Lanzhou varied considerably , was the highest in topsoil with a peak value of 0.117 mg · kg-1 , and decreased to the background value as the depth increased .

  28. 同一污染元素在不同剖面中变化特征都不同,整体来看,Cr、Pb含量在复垦土壤剖面变化较大,其次是Cd、As,含量变化较小的是Hg和Cu。

    The change characteristic of the same pollution element in different profile is all different , in the whole , the content of Cr , Pb in reclaimed soil profile change greatest , the next is Cd , As . The content of Hg , Cu is smaller .

  29. 结果表明,不同海拔土壤剖面有机质δ13C深度特征受控于剖面发育进程,与有机质组成及其分解过程密切相关。

    The results showed that the vertical differentiation of SOM δ 13 C at different altitudes was controlled by the development of soil profile , and closely correlated with the composition of SOM and its turnover processes .

  30. 根据我国江西九江地区4个土壤剖面的土壤有机质及其δ13C值的分析结果,认为末次冰期旋回内生态转型是由于季风效应和CO2共同作用的表现;

    The results of soil organic matter content and δ 13 C from four soil profiles in Jiujiang Prefecture , Jiangxi Province indicate that the ecological shift in last glacial cycle was drived by the monsoonal effect and the change of CO 2 concentration .