
  • 网络Kola;Kola Peninsula
  1. 流浪在斯堪的那维亚北部和科拉半岛的拉普人的语言。

    The language of the nomadic Lapp people in N Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula .

  2. 拉普兰欧洲最北部的一地区,包括挪威北部、瑞典和芬兰以及苏联西北部的科拉半岛。这个地区大部分在北极圈之内。

    A region of extreme northern Europe including northern norway , sweden , and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Northwest U.S.S.R.It is largely within the Arctic circle .

  3. 地震学在科拉半岛的应用:监测巴伦支海地区的地震和爆破

    Seismology on Kola : monitoring earthquakes and explosions in the Barents region

  4. 在俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖伊万诺夫的护卫下,普京接着登上了“彼得大帝”号巡洋舰,观看位于科拉半岛附近的俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡核潜艇发射导弹,导弹冲出水面,消失在灰色的天空中。

    Then , putin , flanked by Defense Minister Sergei ivanov , stood on board of the Pyotr Veliky cruiser to watch the sineva missile blast out of the water and vanish into the gray sky after being launched by the submerged nuclear submarine Yekaterinburg near the Kola peninsula .