
  • 网络ARMENIA;Armenian;arm;Yerevan
  1. 立陶宛和亚美尼亚在维尔纽斯签订条约,承认彼此为独立主权国家。

    Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states

  2. 我认为亚美尼亚局势非常严峻的消息一旦披露,全世界都将作出反应。

    Once the news gets out that Armenia is in a very critical situation , I think the world will respond .

  3. 战争榨干了原本繁荣的亚美尼亚经济。

    The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry .

  4. 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是阿塞拜疆境内亚美尼亚人聚居的一块飞地。

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan .

  5. 只有22%的美国八年级学生给出了正确回答B,落后于巴勒斯坦人、土耳其人和亚美尼亚人。

    Only 22 percent of American eighth-graders correctly answered B , below Palestinians , Turks and Armenians .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的估计数字显示,按人均GDP衡量,中国2008年的排名在亚美尼亚之后。

    Measured by per-capita gross domestic product , International Monetary Fund estimates put China behind Armenia in 2008 .

  7. 打兰(货币代码是AMD)是亚美尼亚的货币单位。

    The Dram ( currency code AMD ) is the monetary unit of Armenia .

  8. 今年,土耳其以善意的姿态修复了东部范省(Van)极为珍贵的亚美尼亚教堂。

    In a gesture of goodwill , Turkey this year restored a much-prized Armenian church in the eastern province of Van .

  9. 根据国际货币基金组织(imf)的数据,2008年,中国的排名位于佛得角和亚美尼亚之后,仅在伊拉克和刚果共和国之前。

    According to the International Monetary Fund , China ranked behind Cape Verde and Armenia in 2008 , and only just ahead of Iraq and the Republic of Congo .

  10. 与过去的敌人缔结和平协议是一回事美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在土耳其与亚美尼亚签署协议中发挥了关键的作用。

    Making peace with old enemies is one thing Hillary Clinton , the US Secretary of state , played a pivotal role in the deal with Armenia .

  11. 前苏联亚美尼亚共和国一直是WM-80式MRL的唯一使用者。

    The former Soviet republic of Armenia remain the only user of the WM-80 MRL .

  12. 亚美尼亚也已经成功地削减了通货膨胀,稳定了其货币(thedram),并且完成了大多数小型和中型的企业的私有化。

    Armenia has also managed to slash inflation , stabilize the local currency ( the DRAM ) , and privatize most small - and medium-sized enterprises .

  13. 其他地区的族群包括波斯人(Persians)、Lurs、亚美尼亚人(Armenians)(可能是古老美索不达米亚(Mesopotamian)文化的后裔)。

    Other distinct groups are Persians , Lurs , Armenians ( possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture ) .

  14. 事实上,本勃格的画作描绘的乃是1925年在耶路撒冷亚美尼亚人区一座12世纪教堂里艺术家亲身经历的场景:主教将香膏涂抹在耶路撒冷宗主教(PatriarchofJerusalem)的脚上。

    In fact , Bomberg'spainting captures an actual scene the artist witnessed first-hand in a12th-Century church in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem in 1925 : the Bishopanointing the feet of the Patriarch of Jerusalem .

  15. 由于在六月乌兹别克斯坦进入,CSTO现在包括所有的除亚美尼亚和白俄罗斯外的SCO成员。

    With the entry of Uzbekistan in June , the CSTO now includes all other SCO members , as well as Armenia and Belarus .

  16. 亚美尼亚的天主教堂以位于黎巴嫩的Bzoummar,作为总部。

    The Armenian Catholic Church is headquartered in Bzoummar , Lebanon .

  17. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。

    We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral , and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia .

  18. 这些妇女都是千千万万离散的亚美尼亚人其中之一,她们从世界各地云集于埃里温(Yerevan),以表达对那些在种族屠杀中死者的敬意。

    These women are among thousands of diaspora Armenians who travel from all corners of the globe to pay tribute to their dead at the genocide memorial in Yerevan .

  19. 在20世纪九十年代早中期亚美尼亚遭受到慢性能源短缺的影响,通过在Metsamor在进行原子能开发计划得到了缓解。

    The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in the early and mid-1990s have been offset by the energy supplied by one of its nuclear power plants at Metsamor .

  20. 虽然其缺乏足够的生产能力来取代在外国压力下关闭的Metsamor,亚美尼亚现在仍然是个能源净出口国。

    Armenia is now a net energy exporter , although it does not have sufficient generating capacity to replace Metsamor , which is under international pressure to close .

  21. 纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)自治共和国(位于阿塞拜疆国家外的领土)在北面和东面和亚美尼亚接壤,伊朗位于它的南面和西面,土耳其则在它的西北面。

    The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic ( an exclave of Azerbaijan ) borders Armenia to the north and east , Iran to the south and west , and Turkey to the northwest .

  22. 今年五月份,今年五月份,一个亚美尼亚航空公司的A-320客机在从埃里温飞往俄罗斯旅游胜地索契的途中坠毁,造成113人死亡,其中包括部分俄罗斯人。

    In May113 people , including Russians , died when an Airbus A-320 belonging to Armenian airline Armavia crashed on its way from Yerevan to the Russian resort of Sochi .

  23. 很多快乐的亚美尼亚人在一个叫做Nagorno-Karabakh区边吃边喝,虽然这个区域有自己的政府,虽然只被亚美尼亚承认。

    A group of happy Armenian men sit down to a meal and drinks in the area known as Nagorno-Karabakh , although this region has its own government administration it is not recognised by any government other than Armenia .

  24. 亚美尼亚在2004年的雅典奥运会上没有获得奖牌。

    It did not win any medal in the2004 Athens Olympics .

  25. 我有两个故乡,而亚美尼亚是那第一个。

    I have two homelands and Armenia is the first one .

  26. 这个传闻本身就是亚美尼亚人有意虚构的谎报。

    The story itself was a canard deliberately invented by the Armenians .

  27. 他完成了在印度的传教工作后,到了哥伦比亚的亚美尼亚。

    After missionary work in India he travelled to armenia , colombia .

  28. 他说,亚美尼亚足球队无论如何都会胜利。

    He says his team will win in any case .

  29. 亚美尼亚拥有属于他们自己的极为与众不同的字母和语言。

    Armenians have their own highly distinctive alphabet and language .

  30. 而此地由亚美尼亚人控制了近四分之一世纪。

    an area controlled for almost a quarter century by ethnic Armenians .