
zì rán zhé xué
  • natural philosophy
  1. 心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。

    Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy

  2. 因此,牛顿的物理学也被称为是自然哲学。

    On this ground the Newtonian physics was called Natural Philosophy .

  3. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  4. 它将抽象思维从感性思维里分离和独立出来,否定了古希腊自然哲学的直观性;

    Abstract thinking had been separated from emotional thinking and independent .

  5. 刘徽的自然哲学思想及其现代价值

    Liu Hui 's Philosophical Thought of Nature and Its Modern Values

  6. 论古希腊自然哲学的原理体系

    On Ancient Greek Philosophy of Nature in Its System of Principles

  7. 试论斯密经济学自然哲学的研究方式

    Study on the Way of the Natural Philosophy in Smith Economics

  8. 邵雍自然哲学中的科学精神

    On the Scientific Spirit of Shao Yong 's Philosophy of Nature

  9. 学问和知识的复兴既是全面的,也是有重点的,即自然哲学。

    The intellectual renaissance was comprehensive with a focus on natural philosophy .

  10. 中医学是医学科学,不是自然哲学;

    Chinese medicine is medicine , not natural philosophy .

  11. 道家自然哲学对现代人类生存的启示

    Inspiration from Taoist Natural Philosophy upon Mankind 's Survival

  12. 自然哲学与近代物理学之辨

    The Debate over Philosophy of Nature and Modern Physics

  13. 相似理论所反映的自然哲学规律

    A Nature Philosophy Law Reflected by the Similar Theory

  14. 中医学的发展急务是向中国自然哲学辨证回归

    Urgent Task of TCM Development-return to the Nature of Dialectics of Chinese Philosophy

  15. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士在相信自己是犰狳时才写出了《自然哲学的数学原理》。

    Sir Isaac Newton wrote his Principia while convinced he was an armadillo .

  16. 他们共同建构了中国古代自然哲学的总体格局。

    They construct the whole skeleton of the ancient natural philosophy of china .

  17. 同一哲学之作为一个体系,包含自然哲学和先验哲学两个部分。

    The system of identity philosophy includes the philosophy of nature and transcendental philosophy .

  18. 古希腊人的自然哲学与其说是一门科学不如说是一个梦想。

    The natural philosophy of the ancient Greeks was rather a dream than science .

  19. 摘要中医理论是自然哲学性质的医学。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural-philosophized medicine .

  20. 论中医理论的自然哲学性质

    On Natural Philosophy Nature of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  21. 论恩格斯的自然哲学观

    On Engles 's Viewpoint of Philosophy of Nature

  22. 诗意居住:当代建造观的自然哲学解读

    Poetic Living : Interpretation of the Contemporary Construction Concept from the Aspect of Natural Philosophy

  23. 贺拉斯的专业是当时被称为“自然哲学”的科学。

    Horatio studies science – what they called in those days " natural philosophy " .

  24. 1799年伯克贝克任格拉斯哥一所学校的自然哲学教授。

    In 1799 Birkbeck was appointed professor of natural philosophy in a school in Glasgow .

  25. 论数学观念在古希腊自然哲学原理体系中的地位

    On Position of Mathematical Idea in the Principle System of Natural Philosophy of Ancient Greece

  26. 论近代自然哲学的生成

    The Generation of Modern Natural Philosophy

  27. 植物形态的自然哲学

    The Natural Philosophy of Plant Form

  28. 文艺复兴时期的自然哲学

    Philosophy of nature in the Renaissance

  29. 再次是传统文化精神的影响,天人合一的自然哲学和诗意的文化精神全面渗透到后花园意象中;

    The influence of traditional culture ;

  30. 五行学说缘起与中国古代自然哲学之探讨

    A study on the origin of the five phase theory and the ancient Chinese natural philosophy